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 楼主| 发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层


夜叉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ashura_Twitch",1)

分则能成 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sidewinder_Divided",1)

海格力斯 3maxGame.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Hercules_Prototype",1)

八星铳 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Zhuo_Eight_Star",1)

我去 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Boris",1)

我去(幻影) Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Boris_Hologram",1)

切萨皮克 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Amazon",1)

原型:信玄V型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Shingen_Prototype",1)

应龙 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Dian_Yinglong",1)

犯罪克星 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kappa_George",1)

万象灵 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chao_VooDoo",1)

源二郎 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Yukimura_Kiji",1)

四季宝 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Yukimura_Skippy",1)

四季宝(可上墙) Game.AddToInventory("Items.mq007_skippy",1)

河童X-MOD2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kappa_Legendary",1)

罗刹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Rasetsu_Prototype",1)

罗刹加强版 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Sniper_Nest_Version_Tech_Sniper_Rifle",1)

突破 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_Breakthrough",1)

猎狐犬 Game.AddToInventory('Items.Preset_Nekomata_Amazon',1)

寡妇制造者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Nash",1)

阿喀琉斯X-MOD2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Collectible",1)

命令 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Satara_Brick",1)

雷兽 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Senkoh_Prototype",1)

同志的铁锤 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Burya_Comrade",1)

莱卡 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Burya_AirDrop",1)

巫毒符 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Quasar_Baron",1)

丽姿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Omaha_Suzie",1)

幽影 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_Frank",1)

混乱 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_Royce",1)

雄心 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_Spy",1)

弃子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ticon_Reed",1)

烧灼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ticon_Gwent",1)

豹纹犬 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grit_Amazon",1)

NDI鱼鹰 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Osprey_Prototype",1)

守望 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grad_Panam",1)

零五 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grad_Buck",1)

电火花 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grad_Scav",1)

波索 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grad_AirDrop",1)

吹毛求疵 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kolac_Tiny_Mike",1)

飞鹰 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Myers",1)

九尾X-MDO2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Legendary",1)

奇努克 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Amazon", 1)

比特 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Amazon", 1)

你要战便来战 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Moron",1)

偏见 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Rogue",1)

诗篇 11:6 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Copperhead_Genesis",1)

卡门 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Umbra_Bebe",1)

本影X-MDO2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Umbra_Collectible",1)

家伙事 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Dodger",1)

罩得住 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Dante",1)

大天使 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Kerry",1)

大赦 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Cassidy",1)

真探 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_River",1)

死亡苹果 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nova_Hitman",1)

大木大木 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nova_Doom_Doom",1)

白头鹰 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Metel_Kurt",1)

泰岗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Metel_AirDrop",1)

主权 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Igla_Sovereign",1)

逃兵 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Testera_Nicolas",1)

炙土X-MOD2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pozhar_Legendary",1)

阿拉拜 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pozhar_AirDrop",1)

斗牛㹴(红骨) Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Crusher_Amazon",1)

血腥玛利亚 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tactician_Dino",1)

刽子手 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tactician_Headsman",1)

莫克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Carnage_Mox",1)

铁胆 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Carnage_Edgerunners",1)

电锯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pulsar_Buzzsaw",1)

芬里尔 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Maelstrom",1)

力大砖飞 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Raffen",1)

厄瑞玻斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Borg4a_HauntedGun",1)

断头台X-MOD2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Guillotine_Collectible",1)

野狗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Defender_Kurt",1)

MA70 HB X-MOD2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_MA70_Collectible",1)

马洛里安武器公司 3516 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Silverhand_3516",1)

女王陛下 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Unity_Agent",1)

惊魂孤岛 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Rook",1)

莱克星顿X-MDO2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Shooting_Competition",1)

赌一把 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Bree",1)

猎豹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Unity_Angelica",1)

傲慢 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Rogue",1)

傲慢 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Rogue_Stash",1)

终夜 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Wilson",1)

退路 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Dex",1)

金刚 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Yorinobu",1)

炽天使 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Padre",1)

金色狠婆娘 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Jackie",1)

死亡和税收 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Maiko",1)

镀金棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Denny",1)

老古板 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Malina",1)

棒球棍X-MOD2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Legendary",1)

撬棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Crowbar_Bunker",1)

墨菲定律 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baton_Murphy",1)

小叮当 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baton_Tinker_Bell",1)

水蝮蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Cane_Fingers",1)

藤津伪器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Dildo_Stout",1)

BFC 9000 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Dildo_SexShop",1)

黑独角兽 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_GoG",1)

鸡尾酒棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Cocktail",1)

尽忠丸 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Takemura",1)


手术刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Surgeon",1)

爪磨 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Hiromi",1)

白虎 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Wakako",1)

补牢 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_E3",1)

白狼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sword_Witcher",1)

觉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Saburo",1)

要人命X-MOD2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chainsword_Legendary",1)

猎狼犬 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Borg_AirDrop",1)

野人王的大锤 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_melee_boss_hammer",1)

看门人的铲子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Shovel_Caretaker",1)

雨魂灵 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_VB_Axe",1)

魔爪X-MOD2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Fanged_Axe_Collectible",1)

屠夫的切肉刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Butchers_Knife_Iconic",1)

毒刺 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Knife_Stinger",1)

青牙 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Neurotoxin_Knife_Iconic",1)

猎头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Punk_Knife_Iconic",1)

涅槃 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tanto_Saburo_Retrofix",1)

獠牙 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Knife_Kurtz_1",1)

获取装备武器的附件 IDAreas = {{ s = 'Weapon', n = 3 }}; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); MS = SSC:Get('ItemModificationSystem'); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; attachmentsFound = false; print(' \n') for _, area in ipairs(Areas) do for index=1,area.n do itID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(area.s, index - 1) if itID.id.hash ~= 0 then weaponID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itID.id); weaponName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itID.id..'.displayName'))); itData = TS:GetItemData(P, itID) if itData ~= nil then print('\t[ '..area.s..' Slot '..index..' ]\t'..weaponName..'\t( "'..weaponID..'" )') for _, part in ipairs(itData:GetItemParts()) do itPartID = part:GetItemID(part); itPartTDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(TweakDBID.new(itPartID.id)); itPartName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itPartTDBID..'.displayName')); if itPartName == '' then itPartName = ''; end print('\tPart Found\t->\t'..itPartName..'\t( "'..itPartTDBID..'" )') end end end print(' \n') end end

获取墙上所有武器 msg = "STASH WALL WEAPONS ADDED !"; W1 = {"mq007_skippy", "w_melee_boss_hammer" }; W2 = { "Ajax_Moron_Legendary", "Burya_Comrade_Legendary", "Butchers_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Carnage_Mox_Legendary", "Copperhead_Genesis_Legendary", "Dian_Yinglong", "Grad_Panam_Legendary", "Igla_Sovereign_Legendary", "Katana_Saburo_Legendary", "Katana_Takemura_Legendary", "Katana_Wakako_Legendary", "Lexington_Shooting_Competition", "Lexington_Wilson_Legendary", "Liberty_Dex_Legendary", "Liberty_Padre_Legendary", "Nekomata_Breakthrough_Legendary", "Neurotoxin_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Nue_Jackie_Legendary", "Overture_Kerry_Legendary", "Overture_River_Legendary", "Pulsar_Buzzsaw_Legendary", "Punk_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Silverhand_3516", "Tactician_Dino_Legendary","Tactician_Headsman_Legendary", "Tanto_Saburo", "Katana_E3", "Zhuo_Eight_Star" }; for i, weap in next, W1 do Game.AddToInventory("Items."..weap, 1) end for i, weap in next, W2 do Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_"..weap, 1) end PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 8.0)

获取所有手雷 for i, v in next, { "GrenadeOzobsNose", "GrenadeBiohazardLegendaryPlus", "CuttingGrenadeLegendaryPlus", "GrenadeEMPLegendaryPlus", "GrenadeFlashLegendaryPlus", "GrenadeFragLegendaryPlus", "GrenadeIncendiaryLegendaryPlus", "GrenadeReconLegendaryPlus", "GrenadeSmokeLegendaryPlus" } do Game.AddToInventory("Items."..v, 1) end

A-22B超式(黑墙版) Game.AddToInventory("Items.BlackwallForce",1)

徒手 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_melee_004__fists_a",1)

猫又(幻影) Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_Boris_Hologram",1)

自动屠宰机 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Base_Slaughtomatic",1)

强尼的左轮手枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Arasaka3D_Gun",1)

尖桩 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Kolac",1)

尖桩 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kolac_Default",1)

榴弹发射器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Authority_Default",1)

厄瑞玻斯(隐藏款) Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Borg4a_Legendary",1)

黄金指虎 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Knuckles_Golden",1)

指虎 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Knuckles_Default",1)

M-179 阿喀琉斯(改装) Game.AddToInventory("Items.q115_corpo_rifle",1)

野人王的大锤 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Hammer_Sasquatch",1)

AR光线枪至尊9000 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Toygun_Left_Hand", 1)

MA70 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_MA70_Legendary",1)

MA70 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_MA70_Default",1)

MA70 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_MA70_Military",1)

MA70 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_MA70_Neon",1)

MA70 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_MA70_Pimp",1)

MA70 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_MA70",1)

暴风雪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Metel_Legendary",1)

暴风雪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Metel_Default",1)

暴风雪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Metel_Military",1)

暴风雪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Metel_Neon",1)

暴风雪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Metel_Pimp",1)

线香 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Senkoh_Default",1)

线香 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Senkoh_Military",1)

线香 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Senkoh_Neon",1)

线香 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Senkoh_Pimp",1)

线香 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Senkoh_Legendary",1)

HA-4硬骨头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grit_Krausser",1)

HA-4硬骨头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grit_Default",1)

HA-4硬骨头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grit_Legendary",1)

HA-4硬骨头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grit_Military",1)

HA-4硬骨头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grit_Neon",1)

HA-4硬骨头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grit_Pimp",1)

HA-4硬骨头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grit_Prevention",1)

九尾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Krausser",1)

九尾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Default",1)

九尾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Military",1)

九尾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Neon",1)

九尾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Nusa",1)

九尾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Pimp",1)

九尾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kyubi_Prevention",1)

守护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Krausser",1)

守护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Default",1)

守护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Legendary",1)

守护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Military",1)

守护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Neon",1)

守护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Warden_Pimp",1)

A-22B 超式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chao_Default",1)

A-22B 超式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chao_Military",1)

A-22B 超式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chao_Neon",1)

A-22B 超式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chao_Pimp",1)

D5 铜斑蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Copperhead_Default",1)

D5 铜斑蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Copperhead_Military",1)

D5 铜斑蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Copperhead_Neon",1)

D5 铜斑蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Copperhead_Pimp",1)

D5 铜斑蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Copperhead_Krausser",1)

D5 响尾蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sidewinder_Default",1)

D5 响尾蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sidewinder_Military",1)

D5 响尾蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sidewinder_Neon",1)

D5 响尾蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sidewinder_Pimp",1)

DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Satara_Default",1)

DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Satara_Military",1)

DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Satara_Neon",1)

DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Satara_Pimp",1)

DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("FunctionalTests.Preset_Satara_FunctionalTest",1)

DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Satara",1)

DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Proficiency_Craftable_Uncommon_Satara",1)

DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("TEST.ItemPass_Satara",1)

DB-2 手锯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Testera_Default",1)

DB-2 手锯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Testera_Military",1)

DB-2 手锯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Testera_Neon",1)

DB-2 手锯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Testera_Pimp",1)

DB-4 铁棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Palica_Default",1)

DB-4 铁棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Palica_Military",1)

DB-4 铁棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Palica_Neon",1)

DB-4 铁棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Palica_Pimp",1)

DB-4 针式导弹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Igla_Default",1)

DB-4 针式导弹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Igla_Military",1)

DB-4 针式导弹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Igla_Neon",1)

DB-4 针式导弹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Igla_Pimp",1)

DR12 类星体 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Quasar_Default",1)

DR12 类星体 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Quasar_Military",1)

DR12 类星体 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Quasar_Neon",1)

DR12 类星体 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Quasar_Pimp",1)

DR5 新星 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_MQ008_Nova",1)

DR5 新星 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nova_Default",1)

DR5 新星 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nova_Military",1)

DR5 新星 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nova_Neon",1)

DR5 新星 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nova_Pimp",1)

DR5 新星 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nova_Q000_Nomad",1)

DS1 脉冲 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pulsar_Default",1)

DS1 脉冲 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pulsar_Military",1)

DS1 脉冲 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pulsar_Neon",1)

DS1 脉冲 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pulsar_Pimp",1)

G-58 典式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Dian_Default",1)

G-58 典式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Dian_Military",1)

G-58 典式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Dian_Neon",1)

G-58 典式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Dian_Pimp",1)

G-58 典式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Dian_Trauma",1)

HJKE-11 幸村 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Yukimura_Default",1)

HJKE-11 幸村 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Yukimura_Military",1)

HJKE-11 幸村 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Yukimura_Neon",1)

HJKE-11 幸村 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Yukimura_Pimp",1)

HJSH-18 正宗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Base_Masamune",1)

HJSH-18 正宗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Default",1)

HJSH-18 正宗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Flashlight",1)

HJSH-18 正宗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Military",1)

HJSH-18 正宗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Neon",1)

HJSH-18 正宗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Pimp",1)

HJSH-18 正宗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Trauma",1)

JKE-X2 谦信 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_Default",1)

JKE-X2 谦信 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_Military",1)

JKE-X2 谦信 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_MQ041",1)

JKE-X2 谦信 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_Neon",1)

JKE-X2 谦信 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_Pimp",1)

JKE-X2 谦信 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kenshin_Takemura",1)

L-69 卓式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Zhuo_Default",1)

L-69 卓式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Zhuo_Military",1)

L-69 卓式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Zhuo_Neon",1)

L-69 卓式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Zhuo_Pimp",1)

L-69 卓式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Zhuo_Trauma",1)

M-10AF 莱克星顿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Base_Lexington",1)

M-10AF 莱克星顿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Default",1)

M-10AF 莱克星顿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Military",1)

M-10AF 莱克星顿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Neon",1)

M-10AF 莱克星顿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Pimp",1)

M-10AF 莱克星顿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Toygun",1)

M-10AF 莱克星顿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Lexington_Krausser",1)

M-179E 阿喀琉斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Default",1)

M-179E 阿喀琉斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Military",1)

M-179E 阿喀琉斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Neon",1)

M-179E 阿喀琉斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Pimp",1)

M-179E 阿喀琉斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Tiny_Mike",1)

M-179E 阿喀琉斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Nusa_Black",1)

M-179E 阿喀琉斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Achilles_Nusa_White",1)

M2038 战术家 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tactician_Default",1)

M2038 战术家 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tactician_Military",1)

M2038 战术家 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tactician_Neon",1)

M2038 战术家 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tactician_Pimp",1)

M2038 战术家 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tactician_Krausser",1)

M221 萨拉托加 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Default",1)

M221 萨拉托加 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Military",1)

M221 萨拉托加 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Neon",1)

M221 萨拉托加 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Pimp",1)

M221 萨拉托加 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Krausser",1)

M251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Default",1)

M251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Military",1)

M251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Neon",1)

M251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Pimp",1)

M251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Training",1)

M251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Military_MaxTac_2nd_wave",1)

M251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Scene",1)

M251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ajax_Krausser",1)

M-76E 奥马哈 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Omaha_Default",1)

M-76E 奥马哈 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Omaha_Military",1)

M-76E 奥马哈 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Omaha_Neon",1)

M-76E 奥马哈 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Omaha_Pimp",1)

M-76E 奥马哈 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Omaha_Krausser",1)

M-76E 奥马哈 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Omaha_Maelstrom",1)

M-76E 奥马哈 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Omaha_Military_MaxTac_2nd_wave", 1)

RT-46 风暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Burya_Default",1)

RT-46 风暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Burya_Military",1)

RT-46 风暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Burya_Neon",1)

RT-46 风暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Burya_Pimp",1)

SOR-22 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sor22_Default",1)

SOR-22 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sor22_Military",1)

SOR-22 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sor22_Neon",1)

SOR-22 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sor22_Pimp",1)

SOR-22 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sor22_Nusa_Black",1)

SOR-22 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Sor22_Nusa_White",1)

SPT32 冰暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grad_Default",1)

SPT32 冰暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grad_Military",1)

SPT32 冰暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grad_Neon",1)

SPT32 冰暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Grad_Pimp",1)

TKI-20 信玄 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Shingen_Default",1)

TKI-20 信玄 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Shingen_Military",1)

TKI-20 信玄 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Shingen_Neon",1)

TKI-20 信玄 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Shingen_Pimp",1)

阿修罗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ashura_Default",1)

阿修罗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ashura_Military",1)

阿修罗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ashura_Neon",1)

阿修罗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ashura_Pimp",1)

阿修罗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ashura_Prevention_MaxTac",1)

防御者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Defender_Default",1)

防御者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Defender_Military",1)

防御者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Defender_Neon",1)

防御者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Defender_Pimp",1)

防御者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Defender_MaxTac_2nd_wave", 1)

猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_Default",1)

猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_Military",1)

猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_Neon",1)

猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_Pimp",1)

猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_MaxTac",1)

猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_Prevention",1)

猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nekomata_Krausser",1)

碾碎者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Crusher_Default",1)

碾碎者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Crusher_Military",1)

碾碎者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Crusher_Neon",1)

碾碎者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Crusher_Pimp",1)

碾碎者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Crusher_Krausser",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Default_U",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Default_R",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Default_E",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Default_L",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Legendary",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Default",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Military",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Neon",1)

前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Overture_Pimp",1)

杀戮 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Carnage_Default",1)

杀戮 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Carnage_Military",1)

杀戮 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Carnage_Neon",1)

杀戮 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Carnage_Pimp",1)

统一 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Unity_Default",1)

统一 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Unity_Military",1)

统一 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Unity_Neon",1)

统一 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Unity_Pimp",1)

统一 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_V_Unity",1)

鵺 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Default",1)

鵺 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Military",1)

鵺 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Neon",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Borg_Default",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Borg_Military",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Borg_Pimp",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Borg_Neon",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_sts_std_rcr_05_late",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_sts_std_rcr_05_early",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_sts_std_rcr_05_mid",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_sts_std_rcr_05_end",1)

快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_sts_std_rcr_05",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Default",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Maelstrom",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Valentinos",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_nid_03_early",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_mq030_end",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_mq030_mid",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_mq030_late",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Machete_Kurt",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_nid_03_late",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_nid_03_mid",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_melee_002__machete_a",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_mq030_early",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_nid_03",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_mq030",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_nid_03_end",1)

砍刀 Game.AddToInventory("TEST.ItemPass_Machete",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Default",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Military",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Neon",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Neon_03",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Pimp",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Pimp_03",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Training",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Proficiency_Craftable_Legendary_Katana",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("TEST.ItemPass_Katana",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.q115_katana",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Arasaka3DEnemyKatana",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Katana",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Craftable_Common_Katana",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Arasaka_2020",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Katana_Arasaka_2077",1)

武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_melee_001__katana_a",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Default",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Neon",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Pimp",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Aldecados",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Mox",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_SixStreet",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_TygerClaws",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Valentinos",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baseball_Bat_Wraiths",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_melee_008__baseball_bat",1)

棒球棍 Game.AddToInventory("TEST.ItemPass_Baseball",1)

厨刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chefs_Knife_Default",1)

锤子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Hammer_Default",1)

锤子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_melee_hammer2h",1)

锤子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Hard_20_Body_Weapon2",1)

锤子 Game.AddToInventory("TEST.ItemPass_Hammer",1)

大锤 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Two_Hand_Hammer",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baton_Alpha",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_kab_08_end",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Stout_Censored",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_kab_08",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_melee_010__electric_baton",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_kab_08_early",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_kab_08_mid",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Psycho_ma_wat_kab_08_late",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Proficiency_Craftable_Uncommon_Baton_Alpha",1)

电警棍 ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("TEST.ItemPass_Baton",1)

电警棍 BETA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baton_Beta",1)

电警棍 GAMMA Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Baton_Gamma",1)

反曲刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kukri_Default",1)

反曲刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kukri_Voodoo",1)

双手钝器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Two_Hand_Blunt",1)

金棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kanabo_Default",1)

撬棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Crowbar_Default",1)

钢管 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Iron_Pipe_Default",1)

撬胎棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tire_Iron_Default",1)

撬胎棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pipe_Wrench_Default",1)

撬胎棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_melee_007__pipe_wrench",1)

时雨 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Arasaka_2020",1)

时雨 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Arasaka_2077",1)

时雨 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Saratoga_Arasaka_2077_Unbreakable",1)

小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Knife_Default",1)

小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Knife_Military",1)

小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Butchers_Knife_Default",1)

小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.StartingWeaponStreetKid",1)

小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Proficiency_Craftable_Rare_Knife",1)

小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Knife", 1)

小刀 Game.AddToInventory("TEST.ItemPass_Knife",1)

朋克刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Punk_Knife_Default",1)

朋克刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Punk_Knife_Military",1)

朋克刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Punk_Knife_Neon",1)

朋克刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Punk_Knife_Pimp",1)

神经毒素小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Neurotoxin_Knife_Default",1)

神经毒素小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Neurotoxin_Knife_Military",1)

神经毒素小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Neurotoxin_Knife_Neon",1)

神经毒素小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Neurotoxin_Knife_Pimp",1)

怀剑 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tanto_Default",1)

野分 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Arasaka_2020",1)

野分 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Arasaka_2077",1)

野分 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Arasaka3DEnemyWeapon",1)

玉响 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Arasaka_2020",1)

玉响 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Arasaka_2077",1)

玉响 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Arasaka_2020_Left_Hand1",1)

玉响 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Arasaka_2020_Retrofix",1)

玉响 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Nue_Arasaka_2020_Unbreakable",1)

战斧 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Tomahawk_Default",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Default",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Default_Retrofix",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Neon",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Neon_Retrofix",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Pimp",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Pimp_Retrofix",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Military",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Liberty_Military_Retrofix",1)

自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Liberty",1)

31型重机枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_HMG_Chopper",1)

31型重机枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_HMG_Default",1)

31型重机枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_HMG_Invisible",1)

31型重机枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_HMG_Military",1)

31型重机枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_HMG_Neon",1)

31型重机枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_HMG_Pimp",1)

31型重机枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_HMG_Sasquatch",1)

31型重机枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_HMG_turret_car_attach",1)

DA8本影 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Umbra_Legendary",1)

DA8本影 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Umbra_Default",1)

DA8本影 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Umbra_Neon",1)

DA8本影 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Umbra_Pimp",1)

DA8本影 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Umbra_Military",1)

魔爪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Fanged_Axe_Default",1)

魔爪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Fanged_Axe_Military",1)

魔爪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Fanged_Axe_Neon",1)

魔爪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.VHard_50_BodyCool_Weapon5",1)

魔爪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.VHard_50_BodyCool_Weapon6",1)

魔爪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.VHard_50_BodyCool_Weapon7",1)

要人命 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chainsword_Default",1)

要人命 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chainsword_Neon",1)

要人命 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chainsword_Military",1)

要人命 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Chainsword_Pimp",1)

要人命 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Hard_30_BodyTech_Weapon2",1)

vst-37炙土 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pozhar_Default",1)

vst-37炙土 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pozhar_Neon",1)

vst-37炙土 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pozhar_Pimp",1)

vst-37炙土 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pozhar_Military",1)

vst-37炙土 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Pozhar_Legendary",1)

军用科技帝康 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ticon_Default",1)

军用科技帝康 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ticon_Neon",1)

军用科技帝康 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ticon_Pimp",1)

军用科技帝康 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ticon_Military",1)

军用科技帝康 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Ticon_Legendary",1)

军用科技帝康 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Base_Ticon",1)

断头台 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Guillotine_Default",1)

断头台 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Guillotine_Military",1)

断头台 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Guillotine_Neon",1)

断头台 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Guillotine_Pimp",1)

河童 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kappa_Default",1)

河童 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kappa_Military",1)

河童 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kappa_Neon",1)

河童 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Kappa_Pimp",1)









 楼主| 发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层



最大化一切 maxEverything = function() local LvL = 60; local AttrLvL = 20; local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, lev in next, {'Level', 'StreetCred', 'CoolSkill', 'IntelligenceSkill', 'ReflexesSkill', 'StrengthSkill', 'TechnicalAbilitySkill'} do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[lev], LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end for i, attr in next, {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool'} do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[attr], AttrLvL) end print(' \n\tMAXED :\n\t- PLAYER LEVEL\n\t- STREET CRED LEVEL\n\t- ATTRIBUTES LEVEL\n\t- SKILLS LEVEL\n ') end maxEverything()

最大化一切(包括解锁所有技能) maxEverything_AllPerks = function() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(P):GetDevelopmentData(P); local Levels = {'Level', 'StreetCred', 'CoolSkill', 'IntelligenceSkill', 'ReflexesSkill', 'StrengthSkill', 'TechnicalAbilitySkill'}; local Attributes = {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool'}; local Stage_0 = {'Body_Central_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Central_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Central_Milestone_2'}; local Stage_1 = {'Body_Left_Milestone_2', 'Body_Right_Milestone_1', 'Body_Right_Milestone_2', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_2', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_1', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Right_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Right_Milestone_3'}; local Stage_2 = {'Body_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_4', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Cool_Right_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_1_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_1_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_1_2', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_1_1', 'Tech_Left_Perk_1_2', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_4'}; local Stage_3 = {'Body_Central_Milestone_3', 'Body_Right_Milestone_3', 'Body_Left_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Central_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Central_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Master_Perk_5'}; local Stage_4 = {'Body_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Body_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Inbetween_Left_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_4'}; local Stage_5 = {'Body_Master_Perk_5', 'Body_Master_Perk_2', 'Body_Master_Perk_3', 'Body_Master_Perk_1', 'Cool_Master_Perk_1', 'Cool_Master_Perk_2', 'Cool_Master_Perk_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_1', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_2', 'Reflexes_Right_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Master_Perk_3'}; local Stage_6 = {'Body_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Body_Inbetween_Right_3', 'Cool_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Cool_Inbetween_Right_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Intelligence_Inbetween_Left_2', 'Intelligence_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_01', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_4'}; local Stage_7 = {'Intelligence_Master_Perk_1', 'Intelligence_Master_Perk_3', 'Intelligence_Master_Perk_4', 'Reflexes_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_5', 'Tech_Master_Perk_2'}; local Stage_8 = {'Intelligence_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Tech_Inbetween_Left_3'}; local function setLevelsAndPoints() for i, lev in next, Levels do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[lev], 60, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end for i, att in next, Attributes do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[att], 20) end DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(222, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary) end local function buyPerkStage(perkStage) for i, perk in next, perkStage do DS:UnlockNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType[perk]) end for i, perk in next, perkStage do local perkMulti = DS:GetNewPerkMaxLevel(perk); if DS:CanNewPerkBeBought(gamedataNewPerkType[perk], false, false) then for i=1, perkMulti do DS:BuyNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType[perk], false) end end DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end local function buyAllPerkStages() for i, stage in next, {Stage_0, Stage_1, Stage_2, Stage_3, Stage_4, Stage_5, Stage_6, Stage_7, Stage_8} do buyPerkStage(stage) end end setLevelsAndPoints() buyAllPerkStages() print(' \n\tMAXED :\n\t- PLAYER LEVEL\n\t- STREET CRED LEVEL\n\t- ATTRIBUTES LEVEL\n\t- SKILLS LEVEL\n\t- ALL PERKS ADDED\n \n\t[ END ] Use "REMOVE ALL UNSPENT POINTS" to remove remaining points.\n ') end maxEverything_AllPerks()

满级等级与声望 LvL = 60; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {'Level', 'StreetCred'} do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[v], LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end print(" \n\tMAXED:\n\t- PLAYER LEVEL\n\t- STREET CRED LEVEL\n ")

设置所有属性等级 LvL = 20; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool'} do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[v], LvL) end print(" \n\tMAXED:\n\t- BODY LEVEL\n\t- REFLEXES LEVEL\n\t- TECHNICAL ABILITY LEVEL\n\t- INTELLIGENCE LEVEL\n\t- COOL LEVEL\n ")

设置所有技能成长等级 LvL = 60; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {'CoolSkill', 'IntelligenceSkill', 'ReflexesSkill', 'StrengthSkill', 'TechnicalAbilitySkill'} do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[v], LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end print(" \n\tMAXED:\n\t- HEADHUNTER LEVEL\n\t- NETRUNNER LEVEL\n\t- SHINOBI LEVEL\n\t- SOLO LEVEL\n\t- ENGINEER LEVEL\n ")

解锁所有的技能 maxAllPerks = function() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(P):GetDevelopmentData(P); local Attributes = {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool'}; local Stage_0 = {'Body_Central_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Central_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Central_Milestone_2'}; local Stage_1 = {'Body_Left_Milestone_2', 'Body_Right_Milestone_1', 'Body_Right_Milestone_2', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_2', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_1', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_1', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Right_Milestone_1', 'Tech_Right_Milestone_3'}; local Stage_2 = {'Body_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_4', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Body_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Body_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Cool_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Cool_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Cool_Right_Perk_1_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_1_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Cool_Right_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_1_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_1_2', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_1_4', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Tech_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_1_1', 'Tech_Left_Perk_1_2', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Right_Perk_3_4'}; local Stage_3 = {'Body_Central_Milestone_3', 'Body_Right_Milestone_3', 'Body_Left_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Central_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Left_Milestone_3', 'Cool_Right_Milestone_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_2', 'Intelligence_Right_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Central_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_2', 'Tech_Master_Perk_5'}; local Stage_4 = {'Body_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Body_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Body_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Body_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Inbetween_Left_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Cool_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Cool_Right_Perk_3_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_4', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Right_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_1', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_2_4', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_1', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Central_Perk_3_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_1', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_2', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Tech_Left_Perk_2_4'}; local Stage_5 = {'Body_Master_Perk_5', 'Body_Master_Perk_2', 'Body_Master_Perk_3', 'Body_Master_Perk_1', 'Cool_Master_Perk_1', 'Cool_Master_Perk_2', 'Cool_Master_Perk_4', 'Intelligence_Central_Milestone_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Central_Milestone_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_1', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_2', 'Reflexes_Right_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Left_Milestone_3', 'Tech_Master_Perk_3'}; local Stage_6 = {'Body_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Body_Inbetween_Right_3', 'Cool_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Cool_Inbetween_Right_3', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Intelligence_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Intelligence_Inbetween_Left_2', 'Intelligence_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_2_3', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_1', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Intelligence_Left_Perk_3_4', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_3_2', 'Reflexes_Central_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Inbetween_Right_2', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_2_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_1', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_3', 'Reflexes_Right_Perk_3_4', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_01', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_2', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_3', 'Tech_Left_Perk_3_4'}; local Stage_7 = {'Intelligence_Master_Perk_1', 'Intelligence_Master_Perk_3', 'Intelligence_Master_Perk_4', 'Reflexes_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_3', 'Reflexes_Master_Perk_5', 'Tech_Master_Perk_2'}; local Stage_8 = {'Intelligence_Inbetween_Left_3', 'Tech_Inbetween_Left_3'}; local function setAttrsAndPoints() for i, att in next, Attributes do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[att], 20) end DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(222, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary) end local function buyPerkStage(perkStage) for i, perk in next, perkStage do DS:UnlockNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType[perk]) end for i, perk in next, perkStage do local perkMulti = DS:GetNewPerkMaxLevel(perk); if DS:CanNewPerkBeBought(gamedataNewPerkType[perk], false, false) then for i=1, perkMulti do DS:BuyNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType[perk], false) end end DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end local function buyAllPerkStages() for i, stage in next, {Stage_0, Stage_1, Stage_2, Stage_3, Stage_4, Stage_5, Stage_6, Stage_7, Stage_8} do buyPerkStage(stage) end end setAttrsAndPoints() buyAllPerkStages() print(' \n\tACTIVATED :\n\t- ALL BODY PERKS\n\t- ALL REFLEXES PERKS\n\t- ALL TECHNICAL ABILITY PERKS\n\t- ALL INTELLIGENCE PERKS\n\t- ALL COOL PERKS\n \n\t[ END ] Use "REMOVE ALL UNSPENT POINTS" to remove remaining points.\n ') end maxAllPerks()

解锁Relic技能树 local check, tree = 'RelicDevelopmentData', 'ep1_tree_unlocked'; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); if QS:GetFactStr(check) == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SCRIPT ABORTED ] Game Version : '..gameGameVersion.Current.value..'\n ') print('\tApparently PHANTOM LIBERTY DLC does not appear to be installed.\n\tIf this is not true, please leave feedback on the mod page.\n ') return else if QS:GetFactStr(tree) == 0 then QS:SetFactStr(tree, 1) print(' \n\tRELIC SKILL TREE UNLOCKED.\n\tEXIT & RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES.\n ') else print(' \n\tRELIC SKILL TREE ALREADY UNLOCKED.\n ') end end

最大生命+100 for i=1,11 do Game.AddToInventory("Items.PermanentHealthFood", 1) end print(" - MAXIMUM HEALT CAPACITY: + 100")

最大负重+100 for i=1,50 do Game.AddToInventory("Items.AirdropPermaReward", 1) end print(" - MAXIMUM CARRYING CAPACITY: + 100")

义体容量+100 for i=1,10 do for i,bonus in next, {"Epic", "Legendary"} do Game.AddToInventory("Items.CWCapacityPermaReward_"..bonus, 1) end end print(" - MAXIMUM CYBERWARE CAPACITY: + 100")

将各项等级变为1 function resetAllProgress() local LvL = 1; local resetPoints = 0; local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {'Level', 'StreetCred', 'CoolSkill', 'IntelligenceSkill', 'ReflexesSkill', 'StrengthSkill', 'TechnicalAbilitySkill'} do DS:SetLevel(gamedataProficiencyType[v], LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay) end for i,v in next, {'Strength', 'Reflexes', 'TechnicalAbility', 'Intelligence', 'Cool' } do DS:SetAttribute(gamedataStatType[v], LvL) end DS:ClearAllDevPoints() for i,v in next, {'Attribute', 'Primary'} do DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(resetPoints, gamedataDevelopmentPointType[v]) end DS:ResetNewPerks() DS:RefreshPerkAreas() print(" \n\tRESETTED :\n\t- PLAYER LEVEL\n\t- STREET CRED LEVEL\n\t- ATTRIBUTES LEVEL\n\t- SKILLS LEVEL\n\t- ALL PERKS REMOVED\n ") end resetAllProgress() --also DS:RefreshDevelopmentSystem() but removes items & cw

重置技能点 resetPerks = function() DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:ResetNewPerks() DS:RefreshPerkAreas() end resetPerks() print(" \n\tREMOVED:\n\t- ALL BODY PERKS\n\t- ALL REFLEXES PERKS\n\t- ALL TECHNICAL ABILITY PERKS\n\t- ALL INTELLIGENCE PERKS\n\t- ALL COOL PERKS\n ") --records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataNewPerk_Record') do for _, record in ipairs(records) do ID = record:GetID() for i=1,5 do DS:ForceSellNewPerk(gamedataNewPerkType.ID) end end end


移除所有未使用的点数 DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); for i, v in next, {gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute, gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Espionage} do CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(v) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, v) end print(" \n\t- ALL UNSPENT POINTS REMOVED !\n ") --also DS:ClearAllDevPoints()

移除未使用的属性点 DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute; CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(PointType) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, PointType) print(" \n\t- ALL UNSPENT ATTRIBUTE POINTS REMOVED !\n ")

移除未使用的技能点 DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary; CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(PointType) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, PointType) print(" \n\t- ALL UNSPENT PERK POINTS REMOVED !\n ")

移除未使用的Relic点数 DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Espionage; CurrAttPoints = DS:GetDevPoints(PointType) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(-CurrAttPoints, PointType) print(" \n\t- ALL UNSPENT RELIC POINTS REMOVED !\n ")

等级+1 ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.Level DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); ExpAmount = DS:GetRemainingExpForLevelUp(ProfType); DS:AddExperience(ExpAmount, ProfType, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

声望+1 ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.StreetCred DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); ExpAmount = DS:GetRemainingExpForLevelUp(ProfType); DS:AddExperience(ExpAmount, ProfType, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置等级60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.Level; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置声望50 LvL = 50; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.StreetCred; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

技能点+1000 Points = 1000; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); attr,prim = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute,gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary; DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(Points, attr) DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(Points, prim)

属性点+10 AttPoints = 10; PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Attribute; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(AttPoints, PointType)

技能点+10 AttPoints = 10; PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Primary; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(AttPoints, PointType)

Relic点数+1 AttPoints = 1; PointType = gamedataDevelopmentPointType.Espionage; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:AddDevelopmentPoints(AttPoints, PointType)


设置肉体为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.Strength; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)

设置反应为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.Reflexes; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)

设置技术为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.TechnicalAbility; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)

设置智力为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.Intelligence; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)

设置镇定为20 LvL = 20; AttrType = gamedataStatType.Cool; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetAttribute(AttrType, LvL)


设置猎头为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.CoolSkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置黑客为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.IntelligenceSkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置忍者为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.ReflexesSkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置独狼为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.StrengthSkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)

设置工程为60 LvL = 60; ProfType = gamedataProficiencyType.TechnicalAbilitySkill; DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()); DS:SetLevel(ProfType, LvL, telemetryLevelGainReason.Gameplay)


技能芯片:独狼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.BodySkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

技能芯片:猎头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.CoolSkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

技能芯片:黑客 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IntelligenceSkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

技能芯片:忍者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ReflexesSkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

技能芯片:工程 Game.AddToInventory("Items.TechnicalAbilitySkill_Skillbook_Legendary",1)

专长芯片(技能点+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.PerkPointSkillbook",1)

成长芯片(技能点+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.IKPerkPointSkillbook",1)

属性芯片(属性点+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.AttributePointSkillbook",1)

Relic芯片(Relic点数+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.Espionage_Skillbook",1)

负重芯片(负重+1) Game.AddToInventory("Items.AirdropPermaReward",1)

义体容量芯片(义体容量+6) Game.AddToInventory("Items.CWCapacityPermaReward_Legendary",1)


血量永久增加9 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PermanentHealthFood",1)

RAM恢复速率永久增加2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PermanentMemoryRegenFood",1)

耐力恢复速率永久增加2 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PermanentStaminaRegenFood",1)


设置最大生命 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'Health'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大耐力 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'Stamina'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大氧气 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'Oxygen'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大负重 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'CarryCapacity'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置义体容量 StatValue = 450; StatType = 'Humanity'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改已使用的义体容量 StatValue = -300; StatType = 'HumanityAllocated'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

锁定最大义体容量(数值须与义体容量一致)(注意存档) StatValue = 500; StatType = 'HumanityTotalMaxValue'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置义体容量超出值(用来触发边缘行者)(使用前注意存档) StatValue = 80; StatType = 'HumanityOverallocated'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置边缘行者不降低生命值 StatValue = -0.01; StatType = 'EdgerunnerHealthReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改义体词条倍率(设多少便加减多少)(需重新读档) StatValue = 1.5; StatType = 'SecondaryModifiersAdditiveMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大护甲 StatValue = 500; StatType = 'Armor'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大RAM StatValue = 30; StatType = 'Memory'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大吸入器数量 StatValue = 9; StatType = 'HealingItemMaxCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大手雷数量 StatValue = 9; StatType = 'GrenadesMaxCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置手雷能否暴击(1为能0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanGrenadesCriticallyHit'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置手雷爆炸范围 StatValue = 2; StatType = 'GrenadeExplosionBonusRange'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置生命恢复速率 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'HealthInCombatRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置RAM恢复速率 StatValue = 2; StatType = 'MemoryRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置耐力恢复速率(上限为125%) StatValue = 125; StatType = 'StaminaRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置耐力消耗减免为100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanIgnoreStamina'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大入侵协议缓冲区数量 StatValue = 15; StatType = 'BufferSize'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置经验倍率 StatValue = 10; StatType = 'XPbonusMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置爆头倍率 StatValue = 3; StatType = 'HeadshotDamageMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置暴击几率 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'CritChanceBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置暴击伤害 StatValue = 300; StatType = 'CritDamageBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置充能倍率 StatValue = 3; StatType = 'ChargeMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置移动速度 StatValue = 5; StatType = 'MaxSpeed'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置近战武器攻速 StatValue = 2; StatType = 'AttackSpeed'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解上传时间减免99%(不要超过99%) StatValue = 0.99; StatType = 'QuickHackUploadTimeDecrease'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解能否暴击(1为能0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanQuickHackCriticallyHit'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解暴击几率 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'QuickHackCritChance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解RAM消耗降低30 StatValue = 30; StatType = 'MemoryCostReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置最大快速破解列队数量 StatValue = 4; StatType = 'QuickHackQueueSize'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解的散布几率为100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'OverclockSpreadChance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解的散布数量 StatValue = 20; StatType = 'QuickHackOverclockSpreadNumber'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置快速破解额外的散布距离 StatValue = 30; StatType = 'QuickHackSpreadDistanceIncrease'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置黑墙网关散布数量 StatValue = 5; StatType = 'QuickHackBlackWallSpreadNumber'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置连带传染的散布数量 StatValue = 6; StatType = 'QuickHackContagionSpreadNumber'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改控制类快速破解持续时间(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'DurationBonusControlQuickhack'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改隐蔽类快速破解持续时间(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'DurationBonusCovertQuickhack'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置使用快速破解时追踪进度的倍率(默认为1) StatValue = -1; StatType = 'PlayerOnRevealHackProgressMultiplier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置脱离黑客追踪状态的最大距离(默认为50) StatValue = 0.01; StatType = 'RevealPositionMaxDistance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置被追踪所需时间的倍率(不大于0则不被追踪)(默认为1) StatValue = 0; StatType = 'HackRevealPositionModifier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置物品制作消耗降低100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CraftingCostReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置武器升级消耗降低100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'UpgradingCostReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置处决临界血量为100% StatValue = 100; StatType = 'FinisherHealthThresholdIncrease'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置爆能射击的发射时间窗口 StatValue = 10; StatType = 'PerfectChargeTimeWindowIncrease'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置地裂天崩快速冷却 StatValue = 0.1; StatType = 'GroundSlamCooldownModifier'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置刀剑自动格挡(需解锁技能交兵相接)(默认为0) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'IsBlocking'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置是否可以抱人奔跑(1为是0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanSprintWhileCarryingBody'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置NPC能否攻击玩家(1为否0为能) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'IsIgnoredByEnemyNPC'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置车载导弹数量 StatValue = 9; StatType = 'VehicleMissileLauncherMaxCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置车载导弹每次发射数量 StatValue = 16; StatType = 'VehicleMissileLauncherProjectilesPerCharge'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置车载导弹发射器快速恢复 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'VehicleMissileLauncherChargesRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置能否看到跳弹轨迹(1为能0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanSeeRicochetVisuals'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置近战武器能否重击飞扑(1为能0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CanMeleeLeap'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改义体冷却减免(设多少便加减多少)(不能到100%) StatValue = 0.399; StatType = 'CyberwareCooldownReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end



设置脑机超频消耗速率 StatValue = 0; StatType = 'CyberdeckOverclockDecayRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置脑机超频持续时间 StatValue = 60; StatType = 'CyberdeckOverclockDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置脑机超频冷却时间 StatValue = 0; StatType = 'CyberdeckOverclockCooldown'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置斯安威斯坦持续时间 StatValue = 60; StatType = 'TimeDilationSandevistanDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改斯安威斯坦时间减缓程度(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = -0.15; StatType = 'TimeDilationSandevistanTimeScale'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改斯安威斯坦充能时间(设多少减多少)(不能减少到0) StatValue = -29; StatType = 'TimeDilationSandevistanRechargeDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置弹射发射系统弹药数量 StatValue = 5; StatType = 'ProjectileLauncherMaxCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置弹射发射系统装填速度加成为100%(秒装) StatValue = 100; StatType = 'ProjectileLauncherChargesRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改狂暴消耗速率(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = -7.5; StatType = 'BerserkChargesDecayRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置狂暴恢复速率 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'BerserkChargesRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置光学迷彩冷却时间为0.01(为0有bug) StatValue = -49.99; StatType = 'OpticalCamoRechargeDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置光学迷彩恢复速率 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'OpticalCamoChargesRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

克伦齐科夫冷却时间(设多少便加减多少)(不能减到0) StatValue = -5.5; StatType = 'KerenzikovCooldownDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

克伦齐科夫时缓持续时间(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = 6.5; StatType = 'TimeDilationKerenzikovDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

克伦齐科夫时缓程度(设多少便加减多少)(不能减到0) StatValue = -0.24; StatType = 'TimeDilationKerenzikovTimeScale'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

克伦齐科夫激活时玩家的时间流速(设多少便加减多少) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'TimeDilationKerenzikovPlayerTimeScale'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置是否已装备副心脏(1为是0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'HasSecondHeart'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置副心脏冷却时间 StatValue = -199; StatType = 'SecondHeartCooldownDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

卡米略RAM管理器冷却减少35(需重新读档) StatValue = 35; StatType = 'RamManagerCooldownReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

RAM配平冷却减少10(需重新读档) StatValue = 10; StatType = 'RamManagerCooldownReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置是否已装备强化肌腱(1为是0为否) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'HasDoubleJump'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置疼痛编辑器的伤害减免为100% StatValue = 0; StatType = 'PainEditorDamageReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置震慑通电的触发几率为100%(需重新读档) StatValue = 0.9; StatType = 'ElectroshockMechanismProcChance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置量子调谐双倍容量 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'TimeBankCharges'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置量子调谐双倍恢复速率 StatValue = 1; StatType = 'TimeBankRegenRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置火车王肌腱每秒衰减1%(默认为20%)(需重新读档) StatValue = -19; StatType = 'JenkinsHelperDecayPerSecond'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

设置行为特征脸板冷却(设多少重新加载后还是多少) StatValue = 1; StatType = 'CWMaskRechargeDuration'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end


修改瞄准速度 StatValue = 0.6; StatType = 'ADSSpeedPercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改武器操控 StatValue = 1; StatType = 'RecoilPercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改装弹速度(需小于100%) StatValue = 0.3; StatType = 'ReloadSpeedPercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改流血几率(仅修改胳臂的对应几率) StatValue = 50; StatType = 'BleedingApplicationRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end


修改中毒几率(仅修改胳臂的对应几率) StatValue = 50; StatType = 'PoisonedApplicationRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改电击几率(仅修改胳臂的对应几率) StatValue = 50; StatType = 'ElectrocutedApplicationRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改燃烧几率(仅修改胳臂的对应几率) StatValue = 50; StatType = 'BurningApplicationRate'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改爆炸伤害 StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'ExplosionDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改化学伤害 StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'ChemicalDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改电子伤害 StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'ElectricDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改热能伤害 StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'ThermalDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改近战伤害 StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'MeleeDamagePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改潜行伤害加成 StatValue = 100; StatType = 'StealthHitDamageBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改跳弹伤害加成 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'BonusRicochetDamage'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改快速破解伤害 StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'BonusQuickHackDamage'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改快速破解持续时间(最大提升2倍,即变为原来的3倍) StatValue = 2; StatType = 'DurationBonusQuickhack'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改持续性伤害 StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'DamageOverTimePercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改持续性伤害抗性 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'DamageOverTimeResistance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改爆炸伤害抗性 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'ExplosionResistance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改近战伤害抗性 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'MeleeResistance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对BOSS伤害加成100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'BonusDamageAgainstBosses'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对精英敌人伤害加成100% StatValue = 100; StatType = 'BonusDamageAgainstElites'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对机械敌人伤害加成100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'BonusDamageAgainstMechanicals'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对满血敌人伤害加成100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'BonusPercentDamageToEnemiesAtFullHealth'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对生命值不足一半敌人伤害加成100% StatValue = 1; StatType = 'BonusPercentDamageToEnemiesBelowHalfHealth'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对中毒的敌人减伤80% StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'PercentDamageReductionFromPoisonedEnemies'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对受到电击的敌人暴击率增加80% StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'BonusCritChanceVsElectrocutedEnemies'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改对燃烧的敌人伤害增加80% StatValue = 0.8; StatType = 'BonusPercentDamageVsBurningEnemies'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改闪躲/突进耐力消耗减免50% StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'DodgeStaminaCostReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改消灭敌人RAM恢复 StatValue = 5; StatType = 'RamOnKill'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改击杀流血敌人治疗 StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'HealOnKillingBleedingTarget'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改半伤几率 StatValue = 50; StatType = 'MitigationChance'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改半伤强度 StatValue = 80; StatType = 'MitigationStrength'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改生命值恢复加成60% StatValue = 0.6; StatType = 'HealthGeneralRegenRateMult'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改生命值物品效果(提高50%) StatValue = 0.5; StatType = 'HealingItemsEffectPercentBonus'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改生命值物品补充速度 StatValue = 10; StatType = 'HealingItemsChargesRegenMult'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改手雷补充速度 StatValue = 10; StatType = 'GrenadesChargesRegenMult'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end

修改敌人视野降低60%(不可使"对敌方可见度"小于0) StatValue = 0.6; StatType = 'VisibilityReduction'; PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); currValue = SS:GetStatValue(PID, StatType) print(" - Current [ "..StatType.. " ] value: "..string.format("%f", currValue)) if currValue == StatValue then print(" - "..StatType.." is already "..StatValue..", no need to edit. \n ") else statMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatType, 'Additive', StatValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(PID, StatType, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(PID, statMOD) print(" - [ "..StatType.." ] SETTED TO : "..string.format("%f", StatValue).." \n ") end









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设置为1阶 NewQuality = 0; Area = "WeaEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为2阶 NewQuality = 1; Area = "WeaEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为3阶 NewQuality = 2; Area = "WeaEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为4阶 NewQuality = 3; Area = "WeaEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为5阶 NewQuality = 4; Area = "WeaEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为5++ NewQuality = 4; Area = "WeaEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = true; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")


设置为1阶 NewQuality = 0; Area = "CWEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为2阶 NewQuality = 1; Area = "CWEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为3阶 NewQuality = 2; Area = "CWEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为4阶 NewQuality = 3; Area = "CWEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为5阶 NewQuality = 4; Area = "CWEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为5++ NewQuality = 4; Area = "CWEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = true; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")


设置为1阶 NewQuality = 0; Area = "CloEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为2阶 NewQuality = 1; Area = "CloEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为3阶 NewQuality = 2; Area = "CloEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为4阶 NewQuality = 3; Area = "CloEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")

设置为5阶 NewQuality = 4; Area = "CloEquipmentArea"; PlusPlusAdder = false; Slots = {}; Slots.ALLEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3, Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1, FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; Slots.CloEquipmentArea = { Head = 1, Face = 1, InnerChest = 1, OuterChest = 1, Feet = 1, Legs = 1, Outfit = 1 }; Slots.CWEquipmentArea = { FrontalCortexCW = 3, EyesCW = 1, CardiovascularSystemCW = 3, ImmuneSystemCW = 2, NervousSystemCW = 2, IntegumentarySystemCW = 3, SystemReplacementCW = 1, MusculoskeletalSystemCW = 2, HandsCW = 2, ArmsCW = 2, LegsCW = 3, PersonalLink = 1, Splinter = 1, Gadget = 1, AbilityCW = 8 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); end PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewQuality); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if Area ~= 'CloEquipmentArea' and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') or itemdata:HasTag('Cyberware') then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end end print(" - NOTE: EXIT / RE-ENTER THE MENU TO SEE THE CHANGES \n ")


1号位武器 WeaponSlot = 1; strPartIDs = {"ARSMGLMGMod1_", "ARSMGLMGMod2_", "ARSMGLMGMod3_", "BladeMod1_", "BladeMod2_", "BladeMod3_", "BluntMod1_", "BluntMod2_", "BluntMod3_", "ChimeraMeleeMod", "ChimeraPowerMod", "ChimeraSmartMod", "ChimeraTechMod", "GenericMod1_", "HGMod1_", "HGMod2_", "HGMod3_", "MeleeMod1_", "MeleeMod2_", "MeleeMod3_", "PowerMod1_", "PowerMod2_", "PowerMod3_", "PRSRMod1_", "PRSRMod2_", "PRSRMod3_", "RangedMod1_", "RangedMod2_", "RangedMod3_", "ShotgunMod1_", "ShotgunMod2_", "ShotgunMod3_", "SmartMod1_", "SmartMod2_", "SmartMod3_", "TechMod1_", "TechMod2_", "TechMod3_", "ThrowMod1_", "ThrowMod2_", "ThrowMod3_", "w_att_scope_", "w_handgun_silencer", "w_muzzle_brake_", "w_silencer_0"}; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); MS = SSC:Get('ItemModificationSystem'); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; attachmentsFound = false; wasSlotEmpty = false; itID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', WeaponSlot - 1) if itID.id.hash ~= 0 then itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itID.id..'.displayName'))); itData = TS:GetItemData(P, itID) print(' \n\t- WEAPON FOUND IN SLOT [ '..WeaponSlot..' ] -> '..itemName) if itData ~= nil then for _, part in ipairs(itData:GetItemParts()) do itPartID = part:GetItemID(part); itPartTDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(TweakDBID.new(itPartID.id)); itPartName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itPartTDBID..'.displayName')); if itPartName == '' then itPartName = ''; end for k, str in next, strPartIDs do if string.find(itPartTDBID, str) then attachmentsFound = true; MS:RemoveItemPart(P, itID, part:GetSlotID(part), true) TS:RemoveItem(P, itPartID, 1) print('\t\t. . . REMOVING PART\t->\t'..itPartName..' ( "'..itPartTDBID..'" )') Game.AddToInventory(itPartTDBID, 1) end end end end else print(' \n\t- WEAPON IN SLOT [ '..WeaponSlot..' ] NOT FOUND. \n ') wasSlotEmpty = true; end if attachmentsFound == true and wasSlotEmpty == false then print(' \n\t- [ END ] ALL PARTS UNEQUIPPED. \n ') elseif wasSlotEmpty == false then print(' \n\t- [ END ] NO PARTS FOUND. \n ') end

2号位武器 WeaponSlot = 2; strPartIDs = {"ARSMGLMGMod1_", "ARSMGLMGMod2_", "ARSMGLMGMod3_", "BladeMod1_", "BladeMod2_", "BladeMod3_", "BluntMod1_", "BluntMod2_", "BluntMod3_", "ChimeraMeleeMod", "ChimeraPowerMod", "ChimeraSmartMod", "ChimeraTechMod", "GenericMod1_", "HGMod1_", "HGMod2_", "HGMod3_", "MeleeMod1_", "MeleeMod2_", "MeleeMod3_", "PowerMod1_", "PowerMod2_", "PowerMod3_", "PRSRMod1_", "PRSRMod2_", "PRSRMod3_", "RangedMod1_", "RangedMod2_", "RangedMod3_", "ShotgunMod1_", "ShotgunMod2_", "ShotgunMod3_", "SmartMod1_", "SmartMod2_", "SmartMod3_", "TechMod1_", "TechMod2_", "TechMod3_", "ThrowMod1_", "ThrowMod2_", "ThrowMod3_", "w_att_scope_", "w_handgun_silencer", "w_muzzle_brake_", "w_silencer_0"}; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); MS = SSC:Get('ItemModificationSystem'); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; attachmentsFound = false; wasSlotEmpty = false; itID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', WeaponSlot - 1) if itID.id.hash ~= 0 then itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itID.id..'.displayName'))); itData = TS:GetItemData(P, itID) print(' \n\t- WEAPON FOUND IN SLOT [ '..WeaponSlot..' ] -> '..itemName) if itData ~= nil then for _, part in ipairs(itData:GetItemParts()) do itPartID = part:GetItemID(part); itPartTDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(TweakDBID.new(itPartID.id)); itPartName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itPartTDBID..'.displayName')); if itPartName == '' then itPartName = ''; end for k, str in next, strPartIDs do if string.find(itPartTDBID, str) then attachmentsFound = true; MS:RemoveItemPart(P, itID, part:GetSlotID(part), true) TS:RemoveItem(P, itPartID, 1) print('\t\t. . . REMOVING PART\t->\t'..itPartName..' ( "'..itPartTDBID..'" )') Game.AddToInventory(itPartTDBID, 1) end end end end else print(' \n\t- WEAPON IN SLOT [ '..WeaponSlot..' ] NOT FOUND. \n ') wasSlotEmpty = true; end if attachmentsFound == true and wasSlotEmpty == false then print(' \n\t- [ END ] ALL PARTS UNEQUIPPED. \n ') elseif wasSlotEmpty == false then print(' \n\t- [ END ] NO PARTS FOUND. \n ') end

3号位武器 WeaponSlot = 3; strPartIDs = {"ARSMGLMGMod1_", "ARSMGLMGMod2_", "ARSMGLMGMod3_", "BladeMod1_", "BladeMod2_", "BladeMod3_", "BluntMod1_", "BluntMod2_", "BluntMod3_", "ChimeraMeleeMod", "ChimeraPowerMod", "ChimeraSmartMod", "ChimeraTechMod", "GenericMod1_", "HGMod1_", "HGMod2_", "HGMod3_", "MeleeMod1_", "MeleeMod2_", "MeleeMod3_", "PowerMod1_", "PowerMod2_", "PowerMod3_", "PRSRMod1_", "PRSRMod2_", "PRSRMod3_", "RangedMod1_", "RangedMod2_", "RangedMod3_", "ShotgunMod1_", "ShotgunMod2_", "ShotgunMod3_", "SmartMod1_", "SmartMod2_", "SmartMod3_", "TechMod1_", "TechMod2_", "TechMod3_", "ThrowMod1_", "ThrowMod2_", "ThrowMod3_", "w_att_scope_", "w_handgun_silencer", "w_muzzle_brake_", "w_silencer_0"}; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); MS = SSC:Get('ItemModificationSystem'); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; attachmentsFound = false; wasSlotEmpty = false; itID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', WeaponSlot - 1) if itID.id.hash ~= 0 then itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itID.id..'.displayName'))); itData = TS:GetItemData(P, itID) print(' \n\t- WEAPON FOUND IN SLOT [ '..WeaponSlot..' ] -> '..itemName) if itData ~= nil then for _, part in ipairs(itData:GetItemParts()) do itPartID = part:GetItemID(part); itPartTDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(TweakDBID.new(itPartID.id)); itPartName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itPartTDBID..'.displayName')); if itPartName == '' then itPartName = ''; end for k, str in next, strPartIDs do if string.find(itPartTDBID, str) then attachmentsFound = true; MS:RemoveItemPart(P, itID, part:GetSlotID(part), true) TS:RemoveItem(P, itPartID, 1) print('\t\t. . . REMOVING PART\t->\t'..itPartName..' ( "'..itPartTDBID..'" )') Game.AddToInventory(itPartTDBID, 1) end end end end else print(' \n\t- WEAPON IN SLOT [ '..WeaponSlot..' ] NOT FOUND. \n ') wasSlotEmpty = true; end if attachmentsFound == true and wasSlotEmpty == false then print(' \n\t- [ END ] ALL PARTS UNEQUIPPED. \n ') elseif wasSlotEmpty == false then print(' \n\t- [ END ] NO PARTS FOUND. \n ') end


function setEquippedItemsToIconic() local Clothes, Weapons, Cyberware = true, false, false; print('\n ') local function setIconic(area, slot) local NewStatValue = 1; local curSlot = slot; local StatsModifiers = {'IsItemIconic'}; local cumulativeMode = false; local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); local TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); local SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); local ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; local ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(area, curSlot); for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print('\t[ '..area..' - Slot '..(curSlot+1)..' ]\t->\tSLOT EMPTY.') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then local itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); local SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) print('\t[ '..area..' - Slot '..(curSlot+1)..' ]\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') end end end if Clothes then print('\t - - - - SETTING CLOTHES TO ICONIC :') for i, Area in next, {'Head', 'Face', 'InnerChest', 'OuterChest', 'Legs', 'Feet', 'Outfit'} do setIconic(Area, 0) end end if Weapons then print('\n ') print('\t - - - - SETTING WEAPONS TO ICONIC :') for i, Slot in next, {0, 1, 2} do setIconic('Weapon', Slot) end end if Cyberware then print('\n ') print('\t - - - - SETTING CYBERWARE TO ICONIC :') for i, cwArea in next, {'FrontalCortexCW', 'CardiovascularSystemCW', 'NervousSystemCW', 'IntegumentarySystemCW', 'MusculoskeletalSystemCW'} do for i, Slot in next, {0, 1, 2} do setIconic(cwArea, Slot) end end for i, Slot in next, {0, 1} do setIconic('HandsCW', Slot) end for i, cwArea in next, {'SystemReplacementCW', 'ArmsCW', 'EyesCW', 'LegsCW'} do setIconic(cwArea, 0) end end print(' \n\t - - - - [ END ] YOU MAY NEED TO SAVE AND RELOAD TO REFRESH THE INVENTORY.\n ') end setEquippedItemsToIconic()


function setEquippedItemsToIconic() local Clothes, Weapons, Cyberware = false, true, false; print('\n ') local function setIconic(area, slot) local NewStatValue = 1; local curSlot = slot; local StatsModifiers = {'IsItemIconic'}; local cumulativeMode = false; local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); local TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); local SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); local ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; local ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(area, curSlot); for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print('\t[ '..area..' - Slot '..(curSlot+1)..' ]\t->\tSLOT EMPTY.') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then local itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); local SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) print('\t[ '..area..' - Slot '..(curSlot+1)..' ]\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') end end end if Clothes then print('\t - - - - SETTING CLOTHES TO ICONIC :') for i, Area in next, {'Head', 'Face', 'InnerChest', 'OuterChest', 'Legs', 'Feet', 'Outfit'} do setIconic(Area, 0) end end if Weapons then print('\n ') print('\t - - - - SETTING WEAPONS TO ICONIC :') for i, Slot in next, {0, 1, 2} do setIconic('Weapon', Slot) end end if Cyberware then print('\n ') print('\t - - - - SETTING CYBERWARE TO ICONIC :') for i, cwArea in next, {'FrontalCortexCW', 'CardiovascularSystemCW', 'NervousSystemCW', 'IntegumentarySystemCW', 'MusculoskeletalSystemCW'} do for i, Slot in next, {0, 1, 2} do setIconic(cwArea, Slot) end end for i, Slot in next, {0, 1} do setIconic('HandsCW', Slot) end for i, cwArea in next, {'SystemReplacementCW', 'ArmsCW', 'EyesCW', 'LegsCW'} do setIconic(cwArea, 0) end end print(' \n\t - - - - [ END ] YOU MAY NEED TO SAVE AND RELOAD TO REFRESH THE INVENTORY.\n ') end setEquippedItemsToIconic()


function setEquippedItemsToIconic() local Clothes, Weapons, Cyberware = false, false, true; print('\n ') local function setIconic(area, slot) local NewStatValue = 1; local curSlot = slot; local StatsModifiers = {'IsItemIconic'}; local cumulativeMode = false; local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); local TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); local SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); local ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; local ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(area, curSlot); for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print('\t[ '..area..' - Slot '..(curSlot+1)..' ]\t->\tSLOT EMPTY.') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then local itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); local SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) print('\t[ '..area..' - Slot '..(curSlot+1)..' ]\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') end end end if Clothes then print('\t - - - - SETTING CLOTHES TO ICONIC :') for i, Area in next, {'Head', 'Face', 'InnerChest', 'OuterChest', 'Legs', 'Feet', 'Outfit'} do setIconic(Area, 0) end end if Weapons then print('\n ') print('\t - - - - SETTING WEAPONS TO ICONIC :') for i, Slot in next, {0, 1, 2} do setIconic('Weapon', Slot) end end if Cyberware then print('\n ') print('\t - - - - SETTING CYBERWARE TO ICONIC :') for i, cwArea in next, {'FrontalCortexCW', 'CardiovascularSystemCW', 'NervousSystemCW', 'IntegumentarySystemCW', 'MusculoskeletalSystemCW'} do for i, Slot in next, {0, 1, 2} do setIconic(cwArea, Slot) end end for i, Slot in next, {0, 1} do setIconic('HandsCW', Slot) end for i, cwArea in next, {'SystemReplacementCW', 'ArmsCW', 'EyesCW', 'LegsCW'} do setIconic(cwArea, 0) end end print(' \n\t - - - - [ END ] YOU MAY NEED TO SAVE AND RELOAD TO REFRESH THE INVENTORY.\n ') end setEquippedItemsToIconic()




设置为1阶 NewTier = 0; targetType = "Mods"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = 2; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为2阶 NewTier = 1; targetType = "Mods"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = 2; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为3阶 NewTier = 2; targetType = "Mods"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = 2; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为4阶 NewTier = 3; targetType = "Mods"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = 2; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为5阶 NewTier = 4; targetType = "Mods"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = 2; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为5++ NewTier = 4; targetType = "Mods"; PlusPlusAdder = true; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = 2; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")


设置为1阶 NewTier = 0; targetType = "Weapons"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为2阶 NewTier = 1; targetType = "Weapons"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为3阶 NewTier = 2; targetType = "Weapons"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为4阶 NewTier = 3; targetType = "Weapons"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为5阶 NewTier = 4; targetType = "Weapons"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为5++ NewTier = 4; targetType = "Weapons"; PlusPlusAdder = true; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 2 then newDPSValue = nil; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 2 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")


设置为1阶 NewTier = 0; targetType = "Cyberware"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为2阶 NewTier = 1; targetType = "Cyberware"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为3阶 NewTier = 2; targetType = "Cyberware"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为4阶 NewTier = 3; targetType = "Cyberware"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为5阶 NewTier = 4; targetType = "Cyberware"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为5++ NewTier = 4; targetType = "Cyberware"; PlusPlusAdder = true; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")


设置为1阶 NewTier = 0; targetType = "Clothes"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为2阶 NewTier = 1; targetType = "Clothes"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为3阶 NewTier = 2; targetType = "Clothes"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为4阶 NewTier = 3; targetType = "Clothes"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")

设置为5阶 NewTier = 4; targetType = "Clothes"; PlusPlusAdder = false; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; itemType.Mods = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true }; itemType.Weapons = { Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true }; itemType.Clothes = { Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true }; itemType.Cyberware = { Prt_Program = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); CS = SSC:Get(CName.new('CraftingSystem')); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PlaLev = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); ItemLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); ItemPowLev = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); ItemPlusVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); ItemDPSVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; if ItemLev < PlaLev * 10 then levMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev * 10); powMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('PowerLevel', 'Additive', PlaLev); if newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemLevel', true) SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'PowerLevel', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, levMOD) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, powMOD) end end if newTargetType[IDT] then quaMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('Quality', 'Additive', NewTier); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'Quality', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, quaMOD) end if PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") and not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if ItemPlusVal < 2 then newPlusValue = 2; elseif ItemPlusVal >= 2 then newPlusValue = nil; end if newPlusValue then pMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('IsItemPlus', 'Additive', newPlusValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, pMOD) end if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") then if ItemDPSVal < 0.3 then newDPSValue = 0.3; elseif ItemDPSVal >= 0.3 then newDPSValue = nil; end if newDPSValue then dpsMOD = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat']('ItemPlusDPS', 'Additive', newDPSValue); SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS', true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, dpsMOD) end end end elseif not PlusPlusAdder and newTargetType[IDT] then SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, 'IsItemPlus', true) end end print(" - NOTE: SAVE [ F5 ] AND RELOAD [ F9 ] TO FULLY REFRESH THE BACKPACK \n ")









 楼主| 发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层



1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.05; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ItemPlusDPS'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.05; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ItemPlusDPS'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.05; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ItemPlusDPS'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'PhysicalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'PhysicalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'PhysicalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ChemicalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ChemicalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ChemicalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ElectricDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ElectricDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ElectricDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ThermalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ThermalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ThermalDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'BleedingApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'BleedingApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'BleedingApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'PoisonedApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'PoisonedApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'PoisonedApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ElectrocutedApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ElectrocutedApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ElectrocutedApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'BurningApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'BurningApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'BurningApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'StunApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'StunApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'StunApplicationRate'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'HeadshotDamageMultiplier'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'HeadshotDamageMultiplier'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'HeadshotDamageMultiplier'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 5; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'CritChance'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 5; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'CritChance'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 5; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'CritChance'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 25; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'CritDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 25; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'CritDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 25; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'CritDamage'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'CanWeaponIgnoreArmor'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'CanWeaponIgnoreArmor'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'CanWeaponIgnoreArmor'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'EffectiveRange'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'EffectiveRange'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'EffectiveRange'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.005; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'CycleTimeBase',} ; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.005; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'CycleTimeBase',} ; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.005; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'CycleTimeBase',} ; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = { 'MagazineCapacityBase' }; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = { 'MagazineCapacityBase' }; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = { 'MagazineCapacityBase' }; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'RecoilKickMax', 'RecoilKickMin'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'RecoilKickMax', 'RecoilKickMin'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'RecoilKickMax', 'RecoilKickMin'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ReloadTimeBase'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ReloadTimeBase'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ReloadTimeBase'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'EmptyReloadTime'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'EmptyReloadTime'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'EmptyReloadTime'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ReloadEndTimeBase','EmptyReloadEndTime'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ReloadEndTimeBase','EmptyReloadEndTime'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ReloadEndTimeBase','EmptyReloadEndTime'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.5; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ThrowRecovery'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.5; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ThrowRecovery'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.5; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ThrowRecovery'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.25; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ChargeTime'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.25; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ChargeTime'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.25; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ChargeTime'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ChargeMultiplier'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ChargeMultiplier'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ChargeMultiplier'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SpreadMaxX', 'SpreadMaxY'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SpreadMaxX', 'SpreadMaxY'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SpreadMaxX', 'SpreadMaxY'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SpreadAdsMaxX', 'SpreadAdsMaxY'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SpreadAdsMaxX', 'SpreadAdsMaxY'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SpreadAdsMaxX', 'SpreadAdsMaxY'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); if currVal <= 0 then print(' \n\t[ WARNING ] This is NOT cumulative, the recoil of the weapon in slot '..weapSlot..' has already been removed.\n ') return end print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'Range'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'Range'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'Range'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'AttackSpeed'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'AttackSpeed'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.25; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'AttackSpeed'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'AttacksNumber'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'AttacksNumber'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'AttacksNumber'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'CanMeleeLeap'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'CanMeleeLeap'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'CanMeleeLeap'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'CanSilentKill'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'CanSilentKill'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'CanSilentKill'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.05; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsTimeToLock', 'SmartGunHipTimeToLock',} ; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.05; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsTimeToLock', 'SmartGunHipTimeToLock',} ; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = -0.05; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsTimeToLock', 'SmartGunHipTimeToLock',} ; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsMaxLockedTargets', 'SmartGunHipMaxLockedTargets'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsMaxLockedTargets', 'SmartGunHipMaxLockedTargets'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsMaxLockedTargets', 'SmartGunHipMaxLockedTargets'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 4; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunMaxLockedPointsPerTarget'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 4; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunMaxLockedPointsPerTarget'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 4; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunMaxLockedPointsPerTarget'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunPlayerProjectileVelocity'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunPlayerProjectileVelocity'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunPlayerProjectileVelocity'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 20; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHipLockingAnglePitch', 'SmartGunHipTargetableAnglePitch', 'SmartGunAdsLockingAnglePitch', 'SmartGunAdsTargetableAnglePitch'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 20; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHipLockingAnglePitch', 'SmartGunHipTargetableAnglePitch', 'SmartGunAdsLockingAnglePitch', 'SmartGunAdsTargetableAnglePitch'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 20; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHipLockingAnglePitch', 'SmartGunHipTargetableAnglePitch', 'SmartGunAdsLockingAnglePitch', 'SmartGunAdsTargetableAnglePitch'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 20; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHipLockingAngleYaw', 'SmartGunHipTargetableAngleYaw', 'SmartGunAdsLockingAngleYaw', 'SmartGunAdsTargetableAngleYaw'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 20; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHipLockingAngleYaw', 'SmartGunHipTargetableAngleYaw', 'SmartGunAdsLockingAngleYaw', 'SmartGunAdsTargetableAngleYaw'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 20; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHipLockingAngleYaw', 'SmartGunHipTargetableAngleYaw', 'SmartGunAdsLockingAngleYaw', 'SmartGunAdsTargetableAngleYaw'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHitProbability'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHitProbability'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunHitProbability'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 5; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsTimeToUnlock', 'SmartGunHipTimeToUnlock'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 5; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsTimeToUnlock', 'SmartGunHipTimeToUnlock'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 5; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SmartGunAdsTimeToUnlock', 'SmartGunHipTimeToUnlock'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ProjectilesPerShot'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ProjectilesPerShot'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ProjectilesPerShot'}; cumulativeMode = true; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'CanIgnoreStamina'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'CanIgnoreStamina'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'CanIgnoreStamina'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'IsItemIconic'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'IsItemIconic'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'IsItemIconic'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'TechPierceEnabled'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'TechPierceEnabled'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'TechPierceEnabled'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'ZoomLevel'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'ZoomLevel'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 10; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'ZoomLevel'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'SwayTraversalTime'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'SwayTraversalTime'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'SwayTraversalTime'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'MagazineAutoRefill'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'MagazineAutoRefill'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'MagazineAutoRefill'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 200; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'StealthHitDamageBonus'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 200; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'StealthHitDamageBonus'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 200; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'StealthHitDamageBonus'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 100; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'BonusRicochetDamage'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 100; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'BonusRicochetDamage'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 100; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'BonusRicochetDamage'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetChance'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetChance'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetChance'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 9; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetCount'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 9; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetCount'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 9; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetCount'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'BonusRicochetCritChance'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'BonusRicochetCritChance'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 1; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'BonusRicochetCritChance'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 360; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetTargetSearchAngle'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 360; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetTargetSearchAngle'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 360; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetTargetSearchAngle'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 90; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetMaxAngle'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 90; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetMaxAngle'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 90; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'RicochetMaxAngle'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 50; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstElites'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 50; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstElites'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 50; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstElites'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstMechanicals'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstMechanicals'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstMechanicals'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end


1号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 1; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstBosses'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

2号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 2; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstBosses'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end

3号位的武器 NewStatValue = 0.5; weapSlot = 3; StatsModifiers = {'BonusDamageAgainstBosses'}; cumulativeMode = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2('Weapon', weapSlot - 1); print('\n ') for i, StatName in next, StatsModifiers do if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t[ SLOT '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\tNO WEAPON FOUND IN THIS SLOT\n ') elseif ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemData:GetStatsObjectID(); local currVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.id..'.displayName'))); local MinVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.min'); local MaxVal = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..StatName..'.max'); print('\t[ Slot '..weapSlot..' ]\t->\t'..itemName..'\t( "'..itemID..'" )') print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMIN Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MinVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tMAX Settable value : '..string.format('%f', MaxVal)) print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tCURRENT STAT VALUE : '..string.format('%f', currVal)) if cumulativeMode then newValue = currVal + NewStatValue; statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', newValue) print('\t . . . Adding : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) else statMod = Game['gameRPGManager::CreateStatModifier;gamedataStatTypegameStatModifierTypeFloat'](StatName, 'Additive', NewStatValue) print('\t . . . setting : '..string.format('%f', NewStatValue)) end SS:RemoveAllModifiers(SOID, StatName, true) SS:AddSavedModifier(SOID, statMod) local newCurrVal = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, StatName); print('\t'..StatName..'\t->\tNEW STAT VALUE: '..string.format('%f', newCurrVal)..'\n ') end end









 楼主| 发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层


创建蓝图 NewID = "把物品ID替换到引号内"; CS = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('CraftingSystem'); CB = CS:GetPlayerCraftBook(); if TweakDB:GetRecord(NewID) then recName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(NewID..".displayName")); if TDB.GetItemRecipeRecord(NewID) then print(" \n\tAttempt to add a recipe : "..recName.." \n\tYou need to set an ITEM ID, not a RECIPE ID.\n ") else if CB:KnowsRecipe(NewID) then print(' \n\t Recipe already present, no need to add : "'..NewID..'" - '..recName..' \n ') else CB:AddRecipe(NewID) print(' \n\t Recipe ADDED : "'..NewID..'" - '..recName..' \n ') end end else print(' \n\t "'..NewID..'" -> NOT VALID, you need a valid ID. \n ') end

删除特定蓝图 Recipe = "把物品ID替换到引号内"; function removeRecipe() local CS = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('CraftingSystem'); local CB = CS:GetPlayerCraftBook(); local DATA = {'gamedataConsumableItem_Record', 'gamedataItem_Record', 'gamedataItemRecipe_Record', 'gamedataWeaponItem_Record', 'gamedataClothing_Record'}; if string.find(Recipe, '\t'..tempQua..' - '..recordName) print(' \n\tJUST TO BE CLEAR, these "unknown" recipes are not actually removed, just hidden in the crafting menu.\n\tIf the command is repeated the recipe will still be found, even though it is already hidden in the menu.\n ') else print(' \n\tTHE SET ID WAS FOUND AS VALID, BUT IT IS NOT PRESENT IN THE KNOWN RECIPES ( nothing to remove ).\n ') end end break end end end if not unknownID_Valid then print(' \n\tSET UNKNOWN ID "'..Recipe..'" NOT FOUND.\n\tYOU NEED TO SET THE ID PROPERLY ( Ex. "" ) AND YOU MUST BE ABLE TO FIND IT IN CET TweakDB EDITOR.\n ') end unknownID_Valid = nil; else if TweakDB:GetRecord(Recipe) then if CB:KnowsRecipe(Recipe) then local recName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(Recipe..'.displayName')); CB:HideRecipe(Recipe, true) print(' \n\t. . . REMOVING\t->\t"'..Recipe..'" - '..recName..'\n ') else print(' \n\t'..Recipe..'\t->\tNOT FOUND IN THE KNOWN RECIPES.\n ') end else print(' \n\t"'..Recipe..'"\t->\tID NOT VALID.\n\tYOU NEED TO SET A VALID ITEM ID.\n ') end end end removeRecipe()

删除所有蓝图 CS = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('CraftingSystem'); CB = CS:GetPlayerCraftBook(); CSCI = CS:GetPlayerCraftableItems(); Recipes = CB:GetCraftableItems(); for i, recipe in ipairs(Recipes) do local TweakID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(recipe:GetID()); local recName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(recipe:GetID()..".displayName")); if CB:KnowsRecipe(TweakID) then if string.find(TweakID, "Material") or string.find(TweakID, "Ammo") or string.find(TweakID, "Items.w_") then print('\t- Default recipe found, skipping... "'..TweakID..'" ( '..recName..' )') else CB:HideRecipe(TweakID, true) print('\t- Recipe REMOVED : "'..TweakID..'" ( '..recName..' )') end end end for i, id in next, CSCI do local TweakID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(id:GetID()); local recName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(id:GetID()..".displayName")); if string.find(TweakID, "

所有已知蓝图 function getRecipesIDs() local CS = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('CraftingSystem'); local CB = CS:GetPlayerCraftBook(); local PCI = CS:GetPlayerCraftableItems(); print(' \n') for i, recipe in next, PCI do local TweakID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(recipe:GetID()); local recName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(recipe:GetID()..'.displayName')); local recQua = recipeuality():Type().value; if string.find(TweakID, "

所有衣服蓝图 for i, v in next, { "UncommonVestRecipe", "RareFormalShoesRecipe", "LegendaryTechRecipe", "EpicLooseShirtRecipe", "UncommonVisorRecipe", "RareFormalPantsRecipe", "EpicShortsRecipe", "EpicHatRecipe", "LegendaryFormalSkirtRecipe", "RareShortsRecipe", "UncommonFormalShoesRecipe", "LegendaryShortsRecipe", "LegendaryShirtRecipe", "UncommonCapRecipe", "LegendaryFormalShoesRecipe", "EpicFormalJacketRecipe", "LegendaryTShirtRecipe", "UncommonBalaclavaRecipe", "LegendaryJacketRecipe", "RareJacketRecipe", "LegendaryCapRecipe", "UncommonHelmetRecipe", "UncommonPantsRecipe", "RareFormalJacketRecipe", "LegendaryCasualShoesRecipe", "Recipe_GOG_Galaxy_TShirt_Epic", "Recipe_GOG_Galaxy_TShirt_Legendary", "EpicPantsRecipe", "RareBootsRecipe", "LegendaryPantsRecipe", "EpicGlassesRecipe", "UncommonFormalSkirtRecipe", "EpicScarfRecipe", "EpicCasualShoesRecipe", "UncommonDressRecipe", "UncommonShirtLooseRecipe", "EpicFormalSkirtRecipe", "UncommonJacketRecipe", "Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Glasses_Epic", "Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Glasses_Legendary", "Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Pants_Epic", "Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Pants_Legendary", "Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Shoes_Epic", "Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Shoes_Legendary", "Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Shirt_Epic", "Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Shirt_Legendary", "EpicHelmetRecipe", "LegendaryJumpsuitRecipe", "UncommonTechRecipe", "EpicMaskRecipe", "EpicFormalShoesRecipe", "LegendaryBootsRecipe", "RareCoatRecipe", "LegendaryHatRecipe", "UncommonMaskRecipe", "EpicUndershirtRecipe", "EpicFormalShirtRecipe", "EpicBootsRecipe", "RareVestRecipe", "RareShirtRecipe", "RareTShirtRecipe", "LegendaryTightJumpsuitRecipe", "UncommonFormalShirtRecipe", "UncommonBootsRecipe", "Recipe_SQ031_Samurai_Jacket_Epic", "Recipe_SQ031_Samurai_Jacket_Legendary", "RareCasualShoesRecipe", "LegendaryScarfRecipe", "LegendaryVestRecipe", "UncommonShirtRecipe", "UncommonUndershirtRecipe", "RareHelmetRecipe", "UncommonFormalPantsRecipe", "RareUndershirtRecipe", "EpicCapRecipe", "EpicCoatRecipe", "RareGlassesRecipe", "LegendaryVisorRecipe", "UncommonCasualShoesRecipe", "LegendaryGlassesRecipe", "RareScarfRecipe", "RareMaskRecipe", "RareTechRecipe", "EpicTShirtRecipe", "LegendaryFormalPantsRecipe", "RareHatRecipe", "RarePantsRecipe", "Recipe_GOG_DLC_Jacket_Epic", "Recipe_GOG_DLC_Jacket_Legendary", "Recipe_GOG_DLC_TShirt_Epic", "Recipe_GOG_DLC_TShirt_Legendary", "EpicVisorRecipe", "Recipe_GOG_Galaxy_TShirt", "Recipe_GOG_DLC_TShirt", "Recipe_Jacket_19_basic_04_DLC_Epic", "Recipe_Jacket_19_basic_04_DLC_Legendary", "Recipe_Jacket_20_basic_01_DLC_Epic", "Recipe_Jacket_20_basic_01_DLC_Legendary", "Recipe_Jacket_19_basic_04_DLC", "Recipe_Jacket_20_basic_01_DLC", "Recipe_GOG_DLC_Jacket" } do Game.AddToInventory("Items." .. v , 1) end print(" - Added: ALL CLOTHES RECIPES")

所有手雷蓝图 for i, v in next, { "RecipeGrenadeIncendiaryRegular", "RecipeGrenadeIncendiarySticky", "RecipeGrenadeIncendiaryHoming", "RecipeGrenadeEMPRegular", "RecipeGrenadeEMPSticky", "RecipeGrenadeEMPHoming", "RecipeGrenadeFragRegular", "RecipeGrenadeFragSticky", "RecipeGrenadeFragHoming", "RecipeGrenadeCuttingRegular", "RecipeGrenadeBiohazardRegular", "RecipeGrenadeBiohazardHoming", "RecipeGrenadeOzobsNose", "RecipeGrenadeReconRegular", "RecipeGrenadeReconSticky", "RecipeGrenadeFlashRegular", "RecipeGrenadeFlashHoming", "RecipeGrenadeIncendiaryRare", "RecipeGrenadeEMPRare", "RecipeGrenadeReconRare", "RecipeGrenadeSmokeRare", "RecipeGrenadeEMPUncommon", "RecipeGrenadeFragUncommon", "RecipeGrenadeSmokeRegular", "RecipeGrenadeFlashUncommon", "RecipeGrenadeFragEpic", "RecipeGrenadeSmokeEpic", "RecipeGrenadeFlashEpic", "RecipeGrenadeIncendiaryLegendary", "RecipeGrenadeEMPLegendary", "RecipeGrenadeBiohazardLegendary", "RecipeGrenadeReconLegendary", "RecipeGrenadeSmokeLegendary", "RecipeGrenadeFlashLegendary" } do Game.AddToInventory("Items." .. v , 1) end print(" - Added: ALL GRENADES RECIPES")

所有插件蓝图 for i, v in next, { "Recipe_BerserkFragment1", "Recipe_BerserkFragment2", "Recipe_BerserkFragment3", "Recipe_BerserkFragment4", "Recipe_BerserkFragment5", "Recipe_BerserkFragment6", "Recipe_BerserkFragment7", "Recipe_BerserkFragment8", "Recipe_AnimalsBerserkFragment1", "Recipe_ArasakaSandevistanFragment1", "Recipe_ArmsCyberwareSharedFragment1", "Recipe_ArmsCyberwareSharedFragment2", "Recipe_ArmsCyberwareSharedFragment3", "Recipe_ArmsCyberwareSharedFragment4", "Recipe_ChemicalDamageCable", "Recipe_ChemicalDamageEdge", "Recipe_ChemicalDamageKnuckles", "Recipe_ChemicalDamageRound", "Recipe_ElectricDamageCable", "Recipe_ElectricDamageEdge", "Recipe_ElectricDamageKnuckles", "Recipe_ElectricDamageRound", "Recipe_ExplosiveDamageRound", "Recipe_FastRotor", "Recipe_HighChargedBattery", "Recipe_HighChargedWiresBattery", "Recipe_KiroshiOpticsFragment1", "Recipe_KiroshiOpticsFragment2", "Recipe_KiroshiOpticsFragment3", "Recipe_KiroshiOpticsFragment4", "Recipe_KiroshiOpticsFragment5", "Recipe_LowChargedBattery", "Recipe_LowChargedWiresBattery", "Recipe_MediumChargedBattery", "Recipe_MediumChargedWiresBattery", "Recipe_MetalPlating", "Recipe_NeoplasticPlating", "Recipe_PhysicalDamageCable", "Recipe_PhysicalDamageEdge", "Recipe_PhysicalDamageKnuckles", "Recipe_SandevistanFragment1", "Recipe_SandevistanFragment2", "Recipe_SandevistanFragment3", "Recipe_SandevistanFragment4", "Recipe_SlowRotor", "Recipe_ThermalDamageCable", "Recipe_ThermalDamageEdge", "Recipe_ThermalDamageKnuckles", "Recipe_ThermalDamageRound", "Recipe_TitaniumPlating", "Recipe_TygerClawsSandevistanFragment1", "Recipe_ValentinosSandevistanFragment1", "ARSMGLMGMod1_Rare_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod3_Rare_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod2_Rare_Recipe", "BladeMod1_Rare_Recipe", "BladeMod3_Rare_Recipe", "BluntMod2_Rare_Recipe", "BluntMod1_Rare_Recipe", "MeleeMod1_Rare_Recipe", "MeleeMod2_Rare_Recipe", "MeleeMod3_Rare_Recipe", "HGMod3_Rare_Recipe", "HGMod1_Rare_Recipe", "HGMod2_Rare_Recipe", "owerMod3_Rare_Recipe", "owerMod1_Rare_Recipe", "owerMod2_Rare_Recipe", "RangedMod3_Rare_Recipe", "RangedMod2_Rare_Recipe", "ShotgunMod3_Rare_Recipe", "ShotgunMod1_Rare_Recipe", "SmartMod2_Rare_Recipe", "SmartMod3_Rare_Recipe", "RSRMod3_Rare_Recipe", "RSRMod2_Rare_Recipe", "RSRMod1_Rare_Recipe", "TechMod2_Rare_Recipe", "TechMod1_Rare_Recipe", "TechMod3_Rare_Recipe", "ThrowMod1_Rare_Recipe", "ThrowMod3_Rare_Recipe", "GenericMod1_Rare_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod2_Uncommon_Recipe", "BladeMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "BladeMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "BluntMod2_Uncommon_Recipe", "BluntMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "MeleeMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "MeleeMod2_Uncommon_Recipe", "MeleeMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "HGMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "HGMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "HGMod2_Uncommon_Recipe", "owerMod3_Uncommon_Recipe_1", "owerMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "RangedMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "RangedMod2_Uncommon_Recipe", "ShotgunMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "ShotgunMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "SmartMod2_Uncommon_Recipe", "SmartMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "RSRMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "RSRMod2_Uncommon_Recipe", "PRSRMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "TechMod2_Uncommon_Recipe", "TechMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "TechMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "ThrowMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "ThrowMod3_Uncommon_Recipe", "GenericMod1_Uncommon_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod1_Epic_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod3_Epic_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod2_Epic_Recipe", "BladeMod1_Epic_Recipe", "BladeMod3_Epic_Recipe", "BluntMod2_Epic_Recipe", "BluntMod1_Epic_Recipe", "MeleeMod1_Epic_Recipe", "MeleeMod2_Epic_Recipe", "MeleeMod3_Epic_Recipe", "HGMod3_Epic_Recipe", "HGMod1_Epic_Recipe", "HGMod2_Epic_Recipe", "PowerMod3_Epic_Recipe", "PowerMod1_Epic_Recipe", "PowerMod2_Epic_Recipe", "RangedMod3_Epic_Recipe", "RangedMod2_Epic_Recipe", "ShotgunMod3_Epic_Recipe", "ShotgunMod1_Epic_Recipe", "SmartMod2_Epic_Recipe", "SmartMod3_Epic_Recipe", "PRSRMod3_Epic_Recipe", "PRSRMod2_Epic_Recipe", "PRSRMod1_Epic_Recipe", "TechMod2_Epic_Recipe", "TechMod1_Epic_Recipe", "TechMod3_Epic_Recipe", "ThrowMod1_Epic_Recipe", "ThrowMod3_Epic_Recipe", "ThrowMod2_Epic_Recipe", "GenericMod1_Epic_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "ARSMGLMGMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "BladeMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "BladeMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "BluntMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "BluntMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "BluntMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "MeleeMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "MeleeMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "ChimeraMeleeMod_Recipe", "MeleeMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "HGMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "HGMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "HGMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "PowerMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "ChimeraPowerMod_Recipe", "PowerMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "PowerMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "RangedMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "RangedMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "RangedMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "ShotgunMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "ShotgunMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "SmartMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "SmartMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "ChimeraSmartMod_Recipe", "SmartMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "PRSRMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "PRSRMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "PRSRMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "TechMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "TechMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "TechMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "ChimeraTechMod_Recipe", "ThrowMod1_Legendary_Recipe", "ThrowMod3_Legendary_Recipe", "ThrowMod2_Legendary_Recipe", "GenericMod1_Legendary_Recipe" } do Game.AddToInventory("Items."..v, 1) end print(" - Added: ALL MODS RECIPES")

所有快速破解蓝图 for i, v in next, { "Recipe_ContagionProgram", "Recipe_ContagionLvl2Program", "Recipe_ContagionLvl3Program", "Recipe_ContagionLvl4Program", "Recipe_LocomotionMalfunctionProgram", "Recipe_LocomotionMalfunctionLvl2Program", "Recipe_LocomotionMalfunctionLvl3Program", "Recipe_LocomotionMalfunctionLvl4Program", "Recipe_MadnessLvl3Program", "Recipe_MadnessLvl4Program", "Recipe_DisableCyberwareProgram", "Recipe_DisableCyberwareLvl2Program", "Recipe_DisableCyberwareLvl3Program", "Recipe_GrenadeExplodeLvl3Program", "Recipe_GrenadeExplodeLvl4Program", "Recipe_MemoryWipeLvl2Program", "Recipe_MemoryWipeLvl3Program", "Recipe_OverheatProgram", "Recipe_OverheatLvl2Program", "Recipe_OverheatLvl3Program", "Recipe_OverheatLvl4Program", "Recipe_PingProgram", "Recipe_PingLvl2Program", "Recipe_PingLvl3Program", "Recipe_PingLvl4Program", "Recipe_BlindLvl2Program", "Recipe_BlindLvl3Program", "Recipe_BlindLvl4Program", "Recipe_BlindProgram", "Recipe_CommsCallInProgram", "Recipe_CommsCallInLvl3Program", "Recipe_EMPOverloadProgram", "Recipe_EMPOverloadLvl2Program", "Recipe_EMPOverloadLvl3Program", "Recipe_EMPOverloadLvl4Program", "Recipe_CommsNoiseProgram", "Recipe_CommsNoiseLvl2Program", "Recipe_CommsNoiseLvl3Program", "Recipe_CommsNoiseLvl4Program", "Recipe_SuicideLvl3Program", "Recipe_SuicideLvl4Program", "Recipe_BrainMeltLvl2Program", "Recipe_BrainMeltLvl3Program", "Recipe_BrainMeltLvl4Program", "Recipe_SystemCollapseLvl3Program", "Recipe_SystemCollapseLvl4Program", "Recipe_WeaponMalfunctionProgram", "Recipe_WeaponMalfunctionLvl2Program", "Recipe_WeaponMalfunctionLvl3Program", "Recipe_WeaponMalfunctionLvl4Program", "Recipe_WhistleProgram", "Recipe_WhistleLvl2Program", "Recipe_WhistleLvl3Program", "Recipe_WhistleLvl0Program", "Recipe_CommsCallInLvl2Program", "Recipe_WhistleLvl1Program", "Recipe_OverheatLvl1Program", "Recipe_BlindLvl1Program", "Recipe_CommsCallInLvl1Program", "Recipe_EMPOverloadLvl1Program", "Recipe_WhistleLvl4Program", "Recipe_WhistleLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_ContagionLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_LocomotionMalfunctionLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_MadnessLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_DisableCyberwareLvl4Program", "Recipe_DisableCyberwareLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_GrenadeExplodeLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_MemoryWipeLvl4Program", "Recipe_MemoryWipeLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_OverheatLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_PingLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_BlindLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_CommsCallInLvl4Program", "Recipe_CommsCallInLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_EMPOverloadLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_CommsNoiseLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_SuicideLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_BrainMeltLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_SystemCollapseLvl4PlusPlusProgram", "Recipe_WeaponMalfunctionLvl4PlusPlusProgram" } do Game.AddToInventory("Items." .. v , 1) end print(" - Added: ALL QUICKHACKS RECIPES")

所有武器蓝图 for i, v in next, { "CommonKatanaMilitaryRecipe", "UncommonKatanaMilitaryRecipe", "RareKatanaMilitaryRecipe", "EpicKatanaMilitaryRecipe", "LegendaryKatanaMilitaryRecipe", "CommonAchillesRecipe", "CommonAjaxRecipe", "CommonAshuraRecipe", "CommonBatonAlphaRecipe", "CommonBatonBetaRecipe", "CommonBatonGammaRecipe", "CommonBatRecipe", "CommonBuryaRecipe", "CommonButchersKnifeRecipe", "CommonCarnageRecipe", "CommonChaoRecipe", "CommonChefsKnifeRecipe", "CommonCopperheadRecipe", "CommonCrowbarRecipe", "CommonCrusherRecipe", "CommonDefenderRecipe", "CommonDianRecipe", "CommonGradRecipe", "CommonGuillotineRecipe", "CommonHammerRecipe", "CommonIglaRecipe", "CommonIronPipeRecipe", "CommonKanaboRecipe", "CommonKatanaRecipe", "CommonKenshinRecipe", "CommonKnifeRecipe", "CommonKukriRecipe", "CommonLexingtonRecipe", "CommonLibertyRecipe", "CommonMacheteRecipe", "CommonMasamuneRecipe", "CommonNekomataRecipe", "CommonNovaRecipe", "CommonNueRecipe", "CommonOmahaRecipe", "CommonOvertureRecipe", "CommonPalicaRecipe", "CommonPipeWrenchRecipe", "CommonPulsarRecipe", "CommonQuasarRecipe", "CommonSaratogaRecipe", "CommonSataraRecipe", "CommonShingenRecipe", "CommonSidewinderRecipe", "CommonSor22Recipe", "CommonTacticianRecipe", "CommonTantoRecipe", "CommonTesteraRecipe", "CommonTireIronRecipe", "CommonTomahawkRecipe", "CommonUmbraRecipe", "CommonUnityRecipe", "CommonYukimuraRecipe", "CommonZhuoRecipe", "EpicAchillesRecipe", "EpicAjaxRecipe", "EpicAshuraRecipe", "EpicBatonAlphaRecipe", "EpicBatonBetaRecipe", "EpicBatonGammaRecipe", "EpicBatRecipe", "EpicBuryaRecipe", "EpicButchersKnifeRecipe", "EpicCarnageRecipe", "EpicChaoRecipe", "EpicChefsKnifeRecipe", "EpicCopperheadRecipe", "EpicCrowbarRecipe", "EpicCrusherRecipe", "EpicDefenderRecipe", "EpicDianRecipe", "EpicGradRecipe", "EpicGuillotineRecipe", "EpicHammerRecipe", "EpicIglaRecipe", "EpicIronPipeRecipe", "EpicKanaboRecipe", "EpicKatanaRecipe", "EpicKenshinRecipe", "EpicKnifeRecipe", "EpicKukriRecipe", "EpicLexingtonRecipe", "EpicLibertyRecipe", "EpicMacheteRecipe", "EpicMasamuneRecipe", "EpicNekomataRecipe", "EpicNovaRecipe", "EpicNueRecipe", "EpicOmahaRecipe", "EpicOvertureRecipe", "EpicPalicaRecipe", "EpicPipeWrenchRecipe", "EpicPipeWrenchRecipe", "EpicPulsarRecipe", "EpicQuasarRecipe", "EpicSaratogaRecipe", "EpicSataraRecipe", "EpicShingenRecipe", "EpicSidewinderRecipe", "EpicSor22Recipe", "EpicTacticianRecipe", "EpicTantoRecipe", "EpicTesteraRecipe", "EpicTireIronRecipe", "EpicTomahawkRecipe", "EpicUmbraRecipe", "EpicUnityRecipe", "EpicYukimuraRecipe", "EpicZhuoRecipe", "LegendaryAchillesRecipe", "LegendaryAjaxRecipe", "LegendaryAshuraRecipe", "LegendaryBatonAlphaRecipe", "LegendaryBatonBetaRecipe", "LegendaryBatonGammaRecipe", "LegendaryBatRecipe", "LegendaryBuryaRecipe", "LegendaryButchersKnifeRecipe", "LegendaryCarnageRecipe", "LegendaryChaoRecipe", "LegendaryChefsKnifeRecipe", "LegendaryCopperheadRecipe", "LegendaryCrowbarRecipe", "LegendaryCrusherRecipe", "LegendaryDefenderRecipe", "LegendaryDianRecipe", "LegendaryGradRecipe", "LegendaryGuillotineRecipe", "LegendaryHammerRecipe", "LegendaryIglaRecipe", "LegendaryIronPipeRecipe", "LegendaryKanaboRecipe", "LegendaryKatanaRecipe", "LegendaryKenshinRecipe", "LegendaryKnifeRecipe", "LegendaryKukriRecipe", "LegendaryLexingtonRecipe", "LegendaryLibertyRecipe", "LegendaryMacheteRecipe", "LegendaryMasamuneRecipe", "LegendaryNekomataRecipe", "LegendaryNovaRecipe", "LegendaryNueRecipe", "LegendaryOmahaRecipe", "LegendaryOvertureRecipe", "LegendaryPalicaRecipe", "LegendaryPipeWrenchRecipe", "LegendaryPulsarRecipe", "LegendaryQuasarRecipe", "LegendarySaratogaRecipe", "LegendarySataraRecipe", "LegendaryShingenRecipe", "LegendarySidewinderRecipe", "LegendarySor22Recipe", "LegendaryTacticianRecipe", "LegendaryTantoRecipe", "LegendaryTesteraRecipe", "LegendaryTireIronRecipe", "LegendaryTomahawkRecipe", "LegendaryUmbraRecipe", "LegendaryUnityRecipe", "LegendaryYukimuraRecipe", "LegendaryZhuoRecipe", "RareAchillesRecipe", "RareAjaxRecipe", "RareAshuraRecipe", "RareBatonAlphaRecipe", "RareBatonBetaRecipe", "RareBatonGammaRecipe", "RareBatRecipe", "RareBuryaRecipe", "RareButchersKnifeRecipe", "RareCarnageRecipe", "RareChaoRecipe", "RareChefsKnifeRecipe", "RareCopperheadRecipe", "RareCrowbarRecipe", "RareCrusherRecipe", "RareDefenderRecipe", "RareDianRecipe", "RareGradRecipe", "RareGuillotineRecipe", "RareHammerRecipe", "RareIglaRecipe", "RareIronPipeRecipe", "RareKanaboRecipe", "RareKatanaRecipe", "RareKenshinRecipe", "RareKnifeRecipe", "RareKukriRecipe", "RareLexingtonRecipe", "RareLibertyRecipe", "RareMacheteRecipe", "RareMasamuneRecipe", "RareNekomataRecipe", "RareNovaRecipe", "RareNueRecipe", "RareOmahaRecipe", "RareOvertureRecipe", "RarePalicaRecipe", "RarePipeWrenchRecipe", "RarePulsarRecipe", "RareQuasarRecipe", "RareSaratogaRecipe", "RareSataraRecipe", "RareShingenRecipe", "RareSidewinderRecipe", "RareSor22Recipe", "RareTacticianRecipe", "RareTantoRecipe", "RareTesteraRecipe", "RareTireIronRecipe", "RareTomahawkRecipe", "RareUmbraRecipe", "RareUnityRecipe", "RareYukimuraRecipe", "RareZhuoRecipe", "Recipe_Preset_Achilles_Nash_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Achilles_Nash_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Ajax_Moron", "Recipe_Preset_Ajax_Moron_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Baseball_Bat_Denny_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Baseball_Bat_Denny_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Baton_Tinker_Bell_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Baton_Tinker_Bell_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Burya_Comrade", "Recipe_Preset_Burya_Comrade_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Cane_Fingers_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Cane_Fingers_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Carnage_Mox_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Carnage_Mox_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Copperhead_Genesis", "Recipe_Preset_Copperhead_Genesis_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Copperhead_Genesis_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Dian_Yinglong", "Recipe_Preset_Dildo_Stout_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Dildo_Stout_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Grad_Buck_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Grad_Panam", "Recipe_Preset_Grad_Panam_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Grad_Panam_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Igla_Sovereign", "Recipe_Preset_Igla_Sovereign_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Cocktail_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Cocktail_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_GoG_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_GoG_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Hiromi_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Hiromi_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Saburo_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Saburo_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Surgeon_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Surgeon_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Takemura_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Kenshin_Frank_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Kenshin_Royce_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Kenshin_Royce_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Knife_Stinger_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Knife_Stinger_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Lexington_Wilson_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Lexington_Wilson_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Lexington_Wilson_Rare", "Recipe_Preset_Liberty_Dex_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Liberty_Dex_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Liberty_Yorinobu_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Liberty_Yorinobu_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Nekomata_Breakthrough", "Recipe_Preset_Nekomata_Breakthrough_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Nova_Doom_Doom_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Nova_Doom_Doom_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Nue_Jackie_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Nue_Jackie_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Nue_Maiko_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Nue_Maiko_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Omaha_Suzie_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Omaha_Suzie_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Overture_Cassidy_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Overture_Kerry_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Overture_Kerry_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Overture_River_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Pulsar_Buzzsaw", "Recipe_Preset_Pulsar_Buzzsaw_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Pulsar_Buzzsaw_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Saratoga_Maelstrom_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Saratoga_Maelstrom_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Saratoga_Raffen_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Saratoga_Raffen_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Sidewinder_Divided_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Sidewinder_Divided_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Tactician_Headsman", "Recipe_Preset_Tactician_Headsman_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Yukimura_Kiji_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Zhuo_Eight_Star", "UncommonAchillesRecipe", "UncommonAjaxRecipe", "UncommonAshuraRecipe", "UncommonBatonBetaRecipe", "UncommonBatonGammaRecipe", "UncommonBatonRecipe", "UncommonBatRecipe", "UncommonBuryaRecipe", "UncommonButchersKnifeRecipe", "UncommonCarnageRecipe", "UncommonChaoRecipe", "UncommonChefsKnifeRecipe", "UncommonCopperheadRecipe", "UncommonCrowbarRecipe", "UncommonCrusherRecipe", "UncommonDefenderRecipe", "UncommonDianRecipe", "UncommonGradRecipe", "UncommonGuillotineRecipe", "UncommonHammerRecipe", "UncommonIglaRecipe", "UncommonIronPipeRecipe", "UncommonKanaboRecipe", "UncommonKatanaRecipe", "UncommonKenshinRecipe", "UncommonKnifeRecipe", "UncommonKukriRecipe", "UncommonLexingtonRecipe", "UncommonLibertyRecipe", "UncommonMacheteRecipe", "UncommonMasamuneRecipe", "UncommonNekomataRecipe", "UncommonNovaRecipe", "UncommonNueRecipe", "UncommonOmahaRecipe", "UncommonOvertureRecipe", "UncommonPalicaRecipe", "UncommonPipeWrenchRecipe", "UncommonPulsarRecipe", "UncommonQuasarRecipe", "UncommonSaratogaRecipe", "UncommonSataraRecipe", "UncommonShingenRecipe", "UncommonSidewinderRecipe", "UncommonSor22Recipe", "UncommonTacticianRecipe", "UncommonTantoRecipe", "UncommonTesteraRecipe", "UncommonTireIronRecipe", "UncommonTomahawkRecipe", "UncommonUmbraRecipe", "UncommonUnityRecipe", "UncommonYukimuraRecipe", "UncommonZhuoRecipe", "CommonSenkohRecipe", "UncommonSenkohRecipe", "RareSenkohRecipe", "EpicSenkohRecipe", "LegendarySenkohRecipe", "CommonNeurotoxinKnifeRecipe", "UncommonNeurotoxinKnifeRecipe", "RareNeurotoxinKnifeRecipe", "EpicNeurotoxinKnifeRecipe", "LegendaryNeurotoxinKnifeRecipe", "CommonFangedAxeRecipe", "UncommonFangedAxeRecipe", "RareFangedAxeRecipe", "EpicFangedAxeRecipe", "LegendaryFangedAxeRecipe", "CommonChainswordRecipe", "UncommonChainswordRecipe", "RareChainswordRecipe", "EpicChainswordRecipe", "LegendaryChainswordRecipe", "CommonPunkKnifeRecipe", "UncommonPunkKnifeRecipe", "RarePunkKnifeRecipe", "EpicPunkKnifeRecipe", "LegendaryPunkKnifeRecipe", "CommonMA70Recipe", "UncommonMA70Recipe", "RareMA70Recipe", "EpicMA70Recipe", "LegendaryMA70Recipe", "CommonMacheteBorgRecipe", "UncommonMacheteBorgRecipe", "RareMacheteBorgRecipe", "EpicMacheteBorgRecipe", "LegendaryMacheteBorgRecipe", "CommonPozharRecipe", "UncommonPozharRecipe", "RarePozharRecipe", "EpicPozharRecipe", "LegendaryPozharRecipe", "CommonKappaRecipe", "UncommonKappaRecipe", "RareKappaRecipe", "EpicKappaRecipe", "LegendaryKappaRecipe", "CommonKyubiRecipe", "UncommonKyubiRecipe", "RareKyubiRecipe", "EpicKyubiRecipe", "LegendaryKyubiRecipe", "Recipe_Preset_Neurotoxin_Knife_Iconic_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Neurotoxin_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Butchers_Knife_Iconic_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Butchers_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Carnage_Edgerunners_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Punk_Knife_Iconic_Epic", "Recipe_Preset_Punk_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Kolac_Tiny_Mike_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Tactician_Dino_Legendary", "Recipe_Common_Nekomata_Breakthrough", "Recipe_Preset_Liberty_Padre_Legendary", "Recipe_Common_Dian_Yinglong", "CommonWardenRecipe", "Recipe_Common_Pulsar_Buzzsaw", "Recipe_Common_Tactician_Headsman", "Recipe_Common_Zhuo_Eight_Star", "Recipe_Common_Burya_Comrade", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_GoG", "Recipe_Common_Copperhead_Genesis", "CommonTiconRecipe", "Recipe_Common_Igla_Sovereign", "Recipe_Common_Borg4a_HauntedGun", "Recipe_Common_Ajax_Moron", "CommonMetelRecipe", "Recipe_Preset_Katana_Wakako_Legendary", "Recipe_Preset_Borg4a_HauntedGun", "CommonGritRecipe", "Recipe_Rare_Ajax_Moron", "Recipe_Rare_Copperhead_Genesis", "Recipe_Rare_Igla_Sovereign", "RareGritRecipe", "RareTiconRecipe", "Recipe_Rare_Burya_Comrade", "RareMetelRecipe", "Recipe_Rare_Zhuo_Eight_Star", "Recipe_Rare_Tactician_Headsman", "Recipe_Rare_Pulsar_Buzzsaw", "Recipe_Rare_Borg4a_HauntedGun", "RareWardenRecipe", "Recipe_Rare_Dian_Yinglong", "Recipe_Rare_Nekomata_Breakthrough", "Recipe_Uncommon_Ajax_Moron", "Recipe_Uncommon_Copperhead_Genesis", "Recipe_Uncommon_Igla_Sovereign", "UncommonGritRecipe", "UncommonTiconRecipe", "Recipe_Uncommon_Burya_Comrade", "UncommonMetelRecipe", "Recipe_Uncommon_Zhuo_Eight_Star", "Recipe_Uncommon_Tactician_Headsman", "Recipe_Uncommon_Pulsar_Buzzsaw", "Recipe_Uncommon_Borg4a_HauntedGun", "UncommonWardenRecipe", "Recipe_Uncommon_Dian_Yinglong", "Recipe_Uncommon_Nekomata_Breakthrough", "Recipe_Epic_Ajax_Moron", "Recipe_Epic_Copperhead_Genesis", "Recipe_Epic_Igla_Sovereign", "EpicGritRecipe", "EpicTiconRecipe", "Recipe_Epic_Burya_Comrade", "EpicMetelRecipe", "Recipe_Epic_Zhuo_Eight_Star", "Recipe_Epic_Tactician_Headsman", "Recipe_Epic_Pulsar_Buzzsaw", "Recipe_Epic_Borg4a_HauntedGun", "EpicWardenRecipe", "Recipe_Epic_Dian_Yinglong", "Recipe_Epic_Nekomata_Breakthrough", "Recipe_Legendary_Ajax_Moron", "Recipe_Legendary_Copperhead_Genesis", "Recipe_Legendary_Igla_Sovereign", "LegendaryGritRecipe", "LegendaryTiconRecipe", "Recipe_Legendary_Burya_Comrade", "LegendaryMetelRecipe", "Recipe_Legendary_Zhuo_Eight_Star", "Recipe_Legendary_Tactician_Headsman", "Recipe_Legendary_Pulsar_Buzzsaw", "Recipe_Legendary_Borg4a_HauntedGun", "LegendaryWardenRecipe", "Recipe_Legendary_Dian_Yinglong", "Recipe_Legendary_Nekomata_Breakthrough" } do Game.AddToInventory("Items." .. v , 1) end print(" - Added: ALL WEAPONS RECIPES")

制作规范:厄瑞玻斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Borg4a_HauntedGun",1)

制作规范:军用科技篇章6型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_HauntedCyberdeck",1)

制作规范:电锯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Pulsar_Buzzsaw",1)

制作规范:电锯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Pulsar_Buzzsaw_Legendary",1)

制作规范:你要战便来战 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Ajax_Moron",1)

制作规范:应龙 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Dian_Yinglong",1)

制作规范:寡妇制造者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Achilles_Nash_Legendary",1)

制作规范: 主权 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Igla_Sovereign",1)

制作规范: 主权 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Igla_Sovereign_Legendary",1)

制作规范:侩子手 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Tactician_Headsman",1)

制作规范:侩子手 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Tactician_Headsman_Legendary",1)

制作规范:小叮当 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Baton_Tinker_Bell_Legendary",1)

制作规范:同志的铁锤 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Burya_Comrade_Legendary",1)

制作规范:屠夫的切肉刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Butchers_Knife_Iconic_Legendary",1)

制作规范:水蝮蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Cane_Fingers_Legendary",1)

制作规范:铁胆 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Carnage_Edgerunners_Legendary",1)

制作规范:莫克斯帮 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Carnage_Mox_Legendary",1)

制作规范:诗篇11:6 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Copperhead_Genesis_Legendary",1)

制作规范:藤井伪器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Dildo_Stout_Legendary",1)

制作规范:零五 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Grad_Buck_Legendary",1)

制作规范:守望 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Grad_Panam_Legendary",1)

制作规范:鸡尾酒棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Katana_Cocktail_Legendary",1)

制作规范:黑独角兽 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Katana_GoG_Legendary",1)

制作规范:爪磨 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Katana_Hiromi_Legendary",1)

制作规范:觉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Katana_Saburo_Legendary",1)

制作规范:手术刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Katana_Surgeon_Legendary",1)

制作规范:尽忠丸 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Katana_Takemura_Legendary",1)

制作规范:白虎 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Katana_Wakako_Legendary",1)

制作规范:幽影 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Kenshin_Frank_Legendary",1)

制作规范:混乱 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Kenshin_Royce_Legendary",1)

制作规范:毒刺 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Knife_Stinger_Legendary",1)

制作规范:吹毛求疵 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Kolac_Tiny_Mike_Legendary",1)

制作规范:终夜 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Lexington_Wilson_Legendary",1)

制作规范:退路 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Liberty_Dex_Legendary",1)

制作规范:炽天使 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Liberty_Padre_Legendary",1)

制作规范:金刚 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Liberty_Yorinobu_Legendary",1)

制作规范:突破 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Nekomata_Breakthrough_Legendary",1)

制作规范:青牙 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Neurotoxin_Knife_Iconic_Legendary",1)

制作规范:大木大木 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Nova_Doom_Doom_Legendary",1)

制作规范:金色狠婆娘 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Nue_Jackie_Legendary",1)

制作规范:死亡和税收 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Nue_Maiko_Legendary",1)

制作规范:丽兹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Omaha_Suzie_Legendary",1)

制作规范:大赦 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Overture_Cassidy_Legendary",1)

制作规范:大天使 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Overture_Kerry_Legendary",1)

制作规范:真探 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Overture_River_Legendary",1)

制作规范:猎头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Punk_Knife_Iconic_Legendary",1)

制作规范:芬里尔 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Saratoga_Maelstrom_Legendary",1)

制作规范:力大砖飞 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Saratoga_Raffen_Legendary",1)

制作规范:分则能成 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Sidewinder_Divided_Legendary",1)

制作规范:血腥玛利亚 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Tactician_Dino_Legendary",1)

制作规范:源二郎 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Yukimura_Kiji_Legendary",1)

制作规范:八星铳 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Preset_Zhuo_Eight_Star",1)

制作规范:杀戮 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryCarnageRecipe",1)

制作规范:A-22B 超式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryChaoRecipe",1)

制作规范:SPT32 冰爆 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryGradRecipe",1)

制作规范:JKE-X2 谦信 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryKenshinRecipe",1)

制作规范:HJSH-18 正宗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryMasamuneRecipe",1)

制作规范:前奏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryOvertureRecipe",1)

制作规范:DB-4 铁棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryPalicaRecipe",1)

制作规范:DS1 脉冲 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryPulsarRecipe",1)

制作规范:D5 响尾蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendarySidewinderRecipe",1)

制作规范:SOR-22 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendarySor22Recipe",1)

制作规范:M2038 战术家 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTacticianRecipe",1)

制作规范:HJKE-11 幸村 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryYukimuraRecipe",1)

制作规范:魔爪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryFangedAxeRecipe", 1)

制作规范:要人命 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryChainswordRecipe", 1)

制作规范:剃刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryMacheteBorgRecipe", 1)

制作规范:朋克刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryPunkKnifeRecipe", 1)

制作规范:神经毒素小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryNeurotoxinKnifeRecipe", 1)

制作规范:河童 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryKappaRecipe", 1)

制作规范:线香 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendarySenkohRecipe", 1)

制作规范:MA70 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryMA70Recipe", 1)

制作规范:vst-37炙土 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryPozharRecipe", 1)

制作规范:九尾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryKyubiRecipe", 1)

制作规范:SOR-22 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendarySor22Recipe",1)

制作规范:SPT32 冰爆 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryGradRecipe",1)

制作规范:M-179E 阿喀琉斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryAchillesRecipe",1)

制作规范:M-251S 阿贾克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryAjaxRecipe",1)

制作规范:阿修罗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryAshuraRecipe",1)

制作规范:棒球棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryBatRecipe",1)

制作规范:电警棍ALPHA Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryBatonAlphaRecipe",1)

制作规范:电警棍BETA Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryBatonBetaRecipe",1)

制作规范:电警棍GAMMA Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryBatonGammaRecipe",1)

制作规范:厨刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryButchersKnifeRecipe",1)

制作规范:D5-铜斑蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryCopperheadRecipe",1)

制作规范:D5-铜斑蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Copperhead_Genesis",1)

制作规范:撬棍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryCrowbarRecipe",1)

制作规范:碾碎者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryCrusherRecipe",1)

制作规范:防御者 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryDefenderRecipe",1)

制作规范:HA-4硬骨头 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryGritRecipe",1)

制作规范:断头台 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryGuillotineRecipe",1)

制作规范:锤子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryHammerRecipe",1)

制作规范:金棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryKanaboRecipe",1)

制作规范:武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryKatanaMilitaryRecipe",1)

制作规范:武士刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryKatanaRecipe",1)

制作规范:小刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryKnifeRecipe",1)

制作规范:反曲刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryKukriRecipe",1)

制作规范:M-10AF莱克星顿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryLexingtonRecipe",1)

制作规范:自由 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryLibertyRecipe",1)

制作规范:快刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryMacheteBorgRecipe",1)

制作规范:弯刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryMacheteRecipe",1)

制作规范:暴风雪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryMetelRecipe",1)

制作规范:鵺 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryNueRecipe",1)

制作规范:M-76e奥马哈 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryOmahaRecipe",1)

制作规范:撬胎棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryPipeWrenchRecipe",1)

制作规范:M221萨拉托加 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendarySaratogaRecipe",1)

制作规范:怀剑 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTantoRecipe",1)

制作规范:DB-2手锯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTesteraRecipe",1)

制作规范:军用科技帝康 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTiconRecipe",1)

制作规范:撬胎棒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTireIronRecipe",1)

制作规范:战斧 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTomahawkRecipe",1)

制作规范:DA8本影 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryUmbraRecipe",1)

制作规范:统一 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryUnityRecipe",1)

制作规范:守护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryWardenRecipe",1)

制作规范:RT-46风暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Burya_Comrade",1)

制作规范:RT-46风暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryBuryaRecipe",1)

制作规范:钢管 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryIronPipeRecipe",1)

制作规范:G-58 典式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryDianRecipe",1)

制作规范:DB-4 针式导弹Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryIglaRecipe",1)

制作规范:猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryNekomataRecipe",1)

制作规范:猫又 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Nekomata_Breakthrough",1)

制作规范:DR5 新星 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryNovaRecipe",1)

制作规范:DR12 类星体 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryQuasarRecipe",1)

制作规范:M2038 战术家 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryTacticianRecipe",1)

制作规范:HJKE-11 幸村 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryYukimuraRecipe",1)

制作规范:L-69 卓式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Legendary_Zhuo_Eight_Star",1)

制作规范:L-69 卓式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryZhuoRecipe",1)

制作规范:DB-2 萨达拉 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendarySataraRecipe",1)

制作规范:DB-4芒刃 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryPalicaRecipe",1)

制作规范:TKI-20 信玄 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryShingenRecipe",1)

制作规范:倾力治疗5型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeFirstAidWhiffV2",1)

制作规范:复尔康5型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeBonesMcCoy70V2",1)

制作规范:好样的生物危害手雷 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeGrenadeBiohazardLegendary",1)

制作规范:电磁脉冲手雷 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeGrenadeEMPLegendary",1)

制作规范:X-22闪光弹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeGrenadeFlashLegendary",1)

制作规范:F-7GX破片手雷 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeGrenadeFragHoming",1)

制作规范:焦土燃烧手雷 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeGrenadeIncendiaryLegendary",1)

制作规范:侦察手雷 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeGrenadeReconLegendary",1)

制作规范:烟雾弹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeGrenadeSmokeLegendary",1)

制作规范:奥佐布的鼻子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RecipeGrenadeOzobsNose",1)

制作规范:强尼的飞行眼镜 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Glasses_Legendary",1)

制作规范:强尼的长裤 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Pants_Legendary",1)

制作规范:强尼的背心 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Shirt_Legendary",1)

制作规范:强尼的鞋子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_Q005_Johnny_Shoes_Legendary",1)

制作规范:强尼的武士乐队夹克 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Recipe_SQ031_Samurai_Jacket_Legendary",1)









 楼主| 发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层


义眼重启 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.BlindLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.BlindLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

突触熔融 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.BrainMeltLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.BrainMeltLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

音波震冲 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.CommsNoiseLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.CommsNoiseLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

连带传染 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.ContagionLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.ContagionLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

电磁短路 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.EMPOverloadLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.EMPOverloadLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

阻碍移动 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.LocomotionMalfunctionLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.LocomotionMalfunctionLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

赛博精神病 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.MadnessLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.MadnessLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

义体过热 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.OverheatLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.OverheatLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

武器故障 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.WeaponMalfunctionLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.WeaponMalfunctionLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

自我了断 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.SuicideLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.SuicideLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

目标定位 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.PingLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.PingLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

引爆手雷 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeExplodeLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeExplodeLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

请求支援 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.CommsCallInLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.CommsCallInLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

系统崩溃 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.SystemCollapseLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.SystemCollapseLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

义体故障 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.DisableCyberwareLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.DisableCyberwareLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

诱敌信号 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.WhistleLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.WhistleLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)

记忆擦除 [传说] Game.AddToInventory("Items.MemoryWipeLvl4Program",1) [不朽] Game.AddToInventory("Items.MemoryWipeLvl4PlusPlusProgram",1)









 楼主| 发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层



设置所有组件为10000 finalAmount = 10000; TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); for i, mat in next, { 'Items.CommonMaterial1', 'Items.UncommonMaterial1', 'Items.RareMaterial1', 'Items.EpicMaterial1', 'Items.LegendaryMaterial1', 'Items.QuickHackUncommonMaterial1', 'Items.QuickHackRareMaterial1', 'Items.QuickHackEpicMaterial1', 'Items.QuickHackLegendaryMaterial1', 'Items.RareMaterial2', 'Items.EpicMaterial2', 'Items.LegendaryMaterial2' } do local matID = ItemID.FromTDBID(mat); local currentQuantity = TS:GetItemQuantity(GetPlayer(), matID); if currentQuantity > finalAmount then newAmount = currentQuantity - finalAmount; Game.AddToInventory(mat, -newAmount) else newAmount = finalAmount - currentQuantity; Game.AddToInventory(mat, newAmount) end end print(" - ALL CRAFTING COMPONENTS SET TO: "..finalAmount)

切换无限弹药 ApplStatEff = function(effect) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), effect) end RemoStatEff = function(effect) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():RemoveStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), effect) end if Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():HasStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "GameplayRestriction.InfiniteAmmo") == false then ApplStatEff("GameplayRestriction.InfiniteAmmo") print(" - INFINITE AMMO: ON") else RemoStatEff("GameplayRestriction.InfiniteAmmo") print(" - INFINITE AMMO: OFF") end


补充全部弹药 Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.HandgunAmmo", 1000) Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.ShotgunAmmo", 1000) Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.RifleAmmo", 1000) Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.SniperRifleAmmo", 1000)

补充手枪弹药 Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.HandgunAmmo",1000)

补充霰弹枪弹药 Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.ShotgunAmmo",1000)

补充重型弹药 Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.RifleAmmo",1000)

补充狙击枪弹药 Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.SniperRifleAmmo",1000)

补充特种弹药 Game.AddToInventory("Ammo.Special",1000)


蝎子动作人偶 Game.AddToInventory("Items.mq001_action_figure",1)

无题18布兰西 Game.AddToInventory("Items.mq003_painting",1)

祭坛 Game.AddToInventory("Items.mq014_monks_altar",1)

米斯蒂的捕梦网 Game.AddToInventory("Items.mq033_dreamcatcher",1)

蜥蜴蛋 Game.AddToInventory("Items.q005_iguana_egg",1)

猫粮 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LowQualityFood11",1)

巨魔毛绒绒抱枕 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("gog_dlc_gwent_plushie",1) --Game.SetDebugFact("gog_dlc_gwent_plushie",1)

奇美拉核心 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q302_Chimera_Core",1)

地狱犬行为系统组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q305_Cerberus_core_uncracked",1)

已解码的地狱犬行为系统组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q305_Cerberus_core_cracked",1)

百灵鸟留下加密的芯片 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q306_message_shard_encrypted",1)

百灵鸟留下的芯片 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q306_message_shard_unencrypted",1)

百灵鸟留下的芯片 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q306_message_shard_decrypted",1)

金属别针(百灵鸟给的) Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q306_moon_pin",1)

明信片(百灵鸟给的) Game.AddToInventory("Items.Q306_moon_card",1)


制动推机器(罗格给的鞋子)(免疫坠落伤害) Game.AddToInventory("Items.q115_thrusters",1)

倾力治疗5型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.FirstAidWhiffV2",1)

倾力治疗5型(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.FirstAidWhiffVLegendaryPlus",1)

复尔康5型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.BonesMcCoy70V2", 1)

复尔康5型(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.BonesMcCoy70VLegendaryPlus",1)


奥佐布的鼻子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeOzobsNose",1)

好样的生物危害手雷(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeBiohazardLegendaryPlus",1)

深切割人员杀伤手雷(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.CuttingGrenadeLegendaryPlus",1)

电磁脉冲手雷(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeEMPLegendaryPlus",1)

X-22 闪光弹(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeFlashLegendaryPlus",1)

F-GX 破片手雷(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeFragLegendaryPlus",1)

焦土燃烧手雷(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeIncendiaryLegendaryPlus",1)

侦察手雷(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeReconLegendaryPlus",1)

烟雾弹(5+) Game.AddToInventory("Items.GrenadeSmokeLegendaryPlus",1)


负重增强件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.CarryCapacityBooster",1)

耐力增强件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.StaminaBooster",1)

生命值增强件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.HealthBooster",1)

RAM级联 Game.AddToInventory("Items.MemoryBooster",1)

RAM糕 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Blackmarket_MemoryBooster",1)

一踢脚 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Blackmarket_HealthBooster",1)

老毛驴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Blackmarket_CarryCapacityBooster",1)

果冻精力神 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Blackmarket_StaminaBooster",1)

一激灵!功能饮料(召回) Game.AddToInventory("Items.NetrunnerFood1",1)

烫手咖啡自热杯(召回) Game.AddToInventory("Items.CarFood1",1)

奇菌异草福袋 Game.AddToInventory("Items.StealthFood1",1)

科利亚同志牌金尊黑鱼子酱 Game.AddToInventory("Items.HealthFood1",1)

军用科技MRE单兵口粮(过期) Game.AddToInventory("Items.HealthFood2",1)

猛大厨白酱宽面XXL(打折) Game.AddToInventory("Items.HealthFood3",1)

假鱼薯条 Game.AddToInventory("Items.NetrunnerFood2",1)

鬼椒薯片 Game.AddToInventory("Items.CombatFood1",1)

肌氨酸蛋白卷 Game.AddToInventory("Items.CombatFood2",1)

海豚干 Game.AddToInventory("Items.CombatFood3",1)


1阶物品组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.CommonMaterial1",10000)

2阶物品组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.UncommonMaterial1",10000)

3阶物品组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RareMaterial1",10000)

4阶物品组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.EpicMaterial1",10000)

5阶物品组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.LegendaryMaterial1",10000)


2阶快速破解组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.QuickHackUncommonMaterial1",10000)

3阶快速破解组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.QuickHackRareMaterial1",10000)

4阶快速破解组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.QuickHackEpicMaterial1",10000)

5阶快速破解组件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.QuickHackLegendaryMaterial1",10000)


一览2X Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_long_01",1)

E255洞察 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_long_02",1)

明眼8型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_long_03",1)

21视佳 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_long_04_legendary",1)

酒爵 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_long_05_legendary",1)

回路 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_long_06",1)

os-1全知 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_short_01",1)

百目 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_short_02",1)

优势 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_short_03",1)

72型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_short_04",1)

2067式 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_short_05",1)

巧匠 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_short_06_legendary",1)

兼续 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_short_07_legendary",1)

hpo极限加农77型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_sniper_01_legendary",1)

E305眺望 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_sniper_02",1)

饿鬼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_att_scope_sniper_03_legendary",1)


cs-1大班 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_silencer_01",1)

xc-10施特里克斯 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_silencer_02",1)

xc-10刻托 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_silencer_03_legendary",1)

TSX咬鹃 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_silencer_04",1)

rc-7斯特里戈伊 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_01_legendary",1)

rc-7扎尔 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_02",1)

rc-7嗜血蝠狼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_03_legendary",1)

rc-7阿斯旺 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_05",1)

rc-7伊夫里特 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_06",1)

rc-7妖怪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_07",1)

rc-7狗头妖 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_08",1)

rc-7附身鬼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_09_legendary",1)

rc-7吃人婆婆 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_10_legendary",1)

rc-7狮虎兽 Game.AddToInventory("Items.w_muzzle_brake_11",1)


斩头去脚 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ChimeraMeleeMod",1)

烟花爆竹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ChimeraPowerMod",1)

部位解刨 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ChimeraSmartMod",1)

开膛破肚 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ChimeraTechMod",1)

以和为贵 Game.AddToInventory("Items.GenericMod1_Legendary",1)


扩容弹夹 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ARSMGLMGMod1_Legendary",1)

稳中求胜 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ARSMGLMGMod2_Legendary",1)

集中火力 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ARSMGLMGMod3_Legendary",1)


精准聚焦 Game.AddToInventory("Items.HGMod1_Legendary",1)

造极巅峰 Game.AddToInventory("Items.HGMod2_Legendary",1)

视差修正 Game.AddToInventory("Items.HGMod3_Legendary",1)


血上加伤 Game.AddToInventory("Items.BladeMod1_Legendary",1)

大卸八块 Game.AddToInventory("Items.BladeMod2_Legendary",1)

兵必血刃 Game.AddToInventory("Items.BladeMod3_Legendary",1)


一击K.O. Game.AddToInventory("Items.BluntMod1_Legendary",1)

伤人见血 Game.AddToInventory("Items.BluntMod2_Legendary",1)

寡廉鲜耻 Game.AddToInventory("Items.BluntMod3_Legendary",1)


空中打击 Game.AddToInventory("Items.MeleeMod1_Legendary",1)

暴风骤雨 Game.AddToInventory("Items.MeleeMod2_Legendary",1)

脚无声息 Game.AddToInventory("Items.MeleeMod3_Legendary",1)


硬桥硬马 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PRSRMod1_Legendary",1)

人头滚滚 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PRSRMod2_Legendary",1)

全力发射 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PRSRMod3_Legendary",1)


高温控火 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PowerMod1_Legendary",1)

破洞百出 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PowerMod2_Legendary",1)

跳弹重击 Game.AddToInventory("Items.PowerMod3_Legendary",1)


事半功倍 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RangedMod1_Legendary",1)

心明手快 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RangedMod2_Legendary",1)

众生平等 Game.AddToInventory("Items.RangedMod3_Legendary",1)


活体解剖 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ShotgunMod1_Legendary",1)

给我跪下 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ShotgunMod2_Legendary",1)

收束缓缩 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ShotgunMod3_Legendary",1)


百目易见 Game.AddToInventory("Items.SmartMod1_Legendary",1)

胸有成算 Game.AddToInventory("Items.SmartMod2_Legendary",1)

一网打尽 Game.AddToInventory("Items.SmartMod3_Legendary",1)


带电作业 Game.AddToInventory("Items.TechMod1_Legendary",1)

凿壁穿心 Game.AddToInventory("Items.TechMod2_Legendary",1)

超速蓄能 Game.AddToInventory("Items.TechMod3_Legendary",1)


飞去来器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ThrowMod1_Legendary",1)

重力消解 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ThrowMod2_Legendary",1)

贯通标枪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.ThrowMod3_Legendary",1)









 楼主| 发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层



钱+500000 Game.AddToInventory("Items.money",500000)

5++的军用科技篇章6型+3快速破解插槽(须已装备篇章6型) TweakDB:SetFlat(TweakDBID.new("Items.HauntedCyberdeck_LegendaryPlusPlus.blueprint"), "Items.CyberdeckBlueprint8Slots")

无限刷新义体词条(在义体升级选择词条时退出再进入即可) ObserveBefore("RipperDocGameController", "StartCWUpgrade", function() Game.GetInventoryManager():IncrementCyberwareUpgradeSeed(3) end)

切换上帝模式(无伤无限弹药无限耐力) ModStatPl = function(ID, value) Game.GetStatsSystem():AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ApplStatEff = function(effect) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), effect) end RemoStatEff = function(effect) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():RemoveStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), effect) end if Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():HasStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.Invulnerable") == false then ApplStatEff("BaseStatusEffect.Invulnerable") ApplStatEff("GameplayRestriction.InfiniteAmmo") ModStatPl("Stamina", 90000) print(" [ GOD MODE TOGGLE ]") print(" - NO DAMAGE TAKEN: ON") print(" - INFINITE AMMO: ON") print(" - INFINITE STAMINA: ON") else RemoStatEff("BaseStatusEffect.Invulnerable") RemoStatEff("GameplayRestriction.InfiniteAmmo") ModStatPl("Stamina", -90000) print(" [ GOD MODE TOGGLE ]") print(" - NO DAMAGE TAKEN: OFF") print(" - INFINITE AMMO: OFF") print(" - INFINITE STAMINA: OFF") end

切换无限耐力 stat = "Stamina"; ModStatPlayer = function(ID, value) Game.GetStatsSystem():AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end if Game.GetStatsSystem():GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), stat) <= 5000 then ModStatPlayer(stat, 90000) print(" - INFINITE STAMINA: ON") else ModStatPlayer(stat, -90000) print(" - INFINITE STAMINA: OFF") end

切换无限弹药 ApplStatEff = function(effect) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), effect) end RemoStatEff = function(effect) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():RemoveStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), effect) end if Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():HasStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "GameplayRestriction.InfiniteAmmo") == false then ApplStatEff("GameplayRestriction.InfiniteAmmo") print(" - INFINITE AMMO: ON") else RemoStatEff("GameplayRestriction.InfiniteAmmo") print(" - INFINITE AMMO: OFF") end

切换快速换弹(忽略动画) v1,v2 = "ReloadTime","EmptyReloadTime" On,Off = " - INSTANT RELOAD: ON (IGNORE THE ANIMATION)", " - INSTANT RELOAD: OFF" SS = Game.GetStatsSystem() CurrentVal = SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v1) ModStPl = function(ID, value) SS:AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end if CurrentVal == 0 then ModStPl(v1, -1) ModStPl(v2, -1) print(On) elseif CurrentVal == 1 then ModStPl(v1, -2) ModStPl(v2, -2) print(On) elseif CurrentVal ~= 0 or CurrentVal ~= 1 then ModStPl(v1, (CurrentVal*-1)+1) ModStPl(v2, (CurrentVal*-1)+1) print(Off) end for i, v in pairs {"ReloadTime","EmptyReloadTime"} do print(v..": ", SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v)) end

切换超级速度 SuperSpeed = not SuperSpeed TS = Game.GetTimeSystem() TDA = TS:IsTimeDilationActive() if TDA == true then TS:SetTimeDilation(CName.new(), 1.0) end if not SuperSpeed then TS:SetTimeDilationOnLocalPlayerZero(CName.new(), 3.0, false) print(" - SUPER SPEED: ON") else TS:UnsetTimeDilationOnLocalPlayerZero(CName.new()) print(" - SUPER SPEED: OFF") end

切换时缓 TS = Game.GetTimeSystem() TDA = TS:IsTimeDilationActive() if TDA == false then TS:SetTimeDilation(CName.new(), 0.4) print(" - SLOW MOTION: ON") else TS:SetTimeDilation(CName.new(), 1.0) print(" - SLOW MOTION: OFF") end --better? TS:UnsetTimeDilation(CName.new())

切换时缓(玩家除外) TS = Game.GetTimeSystem() TDA = TS:IsTimeDilationActive() if TDA == false then TS:SetIgnoreTimeDilationOnLocalPlayerZero(true) TS:SetTimeDilation(CName.new(), 0.15) print(" - SLOW THE WORLD AROUND YOU: ON") else TS:SetIgnoreTimeDilationOnLocalPlayerZero(true) TS:UnsetTimeDilation(CName.new()) print(" - SLOW THE WORLD AROUND YOU: OFF") end

切换时停(玩家除外) toggleStopTime = not toggleStopTime; local TS = Game.GetTimeSystem(); if toggleStopTime then TS:SetIgnoreTimeDilationOnLocalPlayerZero(true) TS:SetTimeDilation('', 0.00000000000001) print('\t- STOP THE WORLD AROUND YOU : ON\n ') else TS:SetIgnoreTimeDilationOnLocalPlayerZero(false) TS:UnsetTimeDilation('') print('\t- STOP THE WORLD AROUND YOU : OFF\n ') end

切换隐身 P = Game.GetPlayer() SES = Game.GetStatusEffectSystem() if Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():HasStatusEffect(P:GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.Cloaked") == false then SES:ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.Cloaked") P:SetInvisible(true) P:UpdateVisibility() print(" - INVISIBILITY / UNDETECTABLE: ON") else SES:RemoveStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.Cloaked") P:SetInvisible(false) P:UpdateVisibility() print(" - INVISIBILITY / UNDETECTABLE: OFF") end

切换无坠落伤害(需存档再读档) function toggleNoFallDamage() noFallDamageToggle = not noFallDamageToggle; local function alert(msg) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 4.0) end local function get(record) local val = TweakDB:GetFlat(record) return val end; local function set(record, value) TweakDB:SetFlat(record, value) end; local regularNew, safeNew, hardNew, veryHardNew, deathNew = 50000, 60000, 70000, 80000, 90000;local regular = { {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotion.locomotionAir.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionLowGravity.locomotionAirLowGravity.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTakedown.grappleAir.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier3.locomotionAirTier3.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier4.locomotionAirTier4.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier5.locomotionAirTier5.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airHover.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airThrusters.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.bodySlamJump.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.chargeJump.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.coolExitJump.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.dodgeAir.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.doubleJump.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.fall.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.hoverJump.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.jump.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderCrouch.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderJump.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.slideFall.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.superheroFall.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.unsecureFootingFall.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.dodgeAirLowGravity.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.fallLowGravity.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.jumpLowGravity.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.sprintJumpLowGravity.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionTakedown.grappleFall.regularLandingHeight', def = 0.2} } local safe = { {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotion.locomotionAir.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airHover.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airThrusters.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.bodySlamJump.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.chargeJump.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.coolExitJump.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.dodgeAir.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.doubleJump.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.fall.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.hoverJump.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.jump.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderCrouch.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderJump.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.slideFall.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.superheroFall.safeLandingHeight', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.unsecureFootingFall.safeLandingHeight', def = 1} } local hard = { {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotion.locomotionAir.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionLowGravity.locomotionAirLowGravity.hardLandingHeight', def = 24}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTakedown.grappleAir.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier3.locomotionAirTier3.hardLandingHeight', def = 2.5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier4.locomotionAirTier4.hardLandingHeight', def = 2.5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier5.locomotionAirTier5.hardLandingHeight', def = 2.5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airHover.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airThrusters.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.bodySlamJump.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.chargeJump.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.coolExitJump.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.dodgeAir.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.doubleJump.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.fall.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.hoverJump.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.jump.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderCrouch.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderJump.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.slideFall.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.superheroFall.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.unsecureFootingFall.hardLandingHeight', def = 5}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.dodgeAirLowGravity.hardLandingHeight', def = 24}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.fallLowGravity.hardLandingHeight', def = 24}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.jumpLowGravity.hardLandingHeight', def = 24}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.sprintJumpLowGravity.hardLandingHeight', def = 24}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionTakedown.grappleFall.hardLandingHeight', def = 5} } local veryHard = { {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotion.locomotionAir.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionLowGravity.locomotionAirLowGravity.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 72}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTakedown.grappleAir.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier3.locomotionAirTier3.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 12}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier4.locomotionAirTier4.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 12}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier5.locomotionAirTier5.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 12}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airHover.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airThrusters.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.bodySlamJump.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.chargeJump.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.coolExitJump.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.dodgeAir.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.doubleJump.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.fall.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.hoverJump.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.jump.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderCrouch.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderJump.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.slideFall.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.superheroFall.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.unsecureFootingFall.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.dodgeAirLowGravity.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 72}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.fallLowGravity.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 72}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.jumpLowGravity.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 72}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.sprintJumpLowGravity.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 72}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionTakedown.grappleFall.veryHardLandingHeight', def = 10} } local death = {{flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotion.locomotionAir.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionLowGravity.locomotionAirLowGravity.deathLanding', def = 100}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTakedown.grappleAir.deathLanding', def = 16}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier3.locomotionAirTier3.deathLanding', def = 16}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier4.locomotionAirTier4.deathLanding', def = 16}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier5.locomotionAirTier5.deathLanding', def = 16}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airHover.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airThrusters.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.bodySlamJump.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.chargeJump.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.coolExitJump.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.dodgeAir.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.doubleJump.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.fall.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.hoverJump.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.jump.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderCrouch.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderJump.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.slideFall.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.superheroFall.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.unsecureFootingFall.deathLanding', def = 20}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.dodgeAirLowGravity.deathLanding', def = 100}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.fallLowGravity.deathLanding', def = 100}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.jumpLowGravity.deathLanding', def = 100}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionLowGravity.sprintJumpLowGravity.deathLanding', def = 100}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionTakedown.grappleFall.deathLanding', def = 16} } local activeCheck = function() if get(death[1].flat) > death[1].def then return true else return false end end if noFallDamageToggle and not activeCheck() then for k,v in next, regular do set(regular[k].flat, regularNew) end for k,v in next, safe do set(safe[k].flat, safeNew) end for k,v in next, hard do set(hard[k].flat, hardNew) end for k,v in next, veryHard do set(veryHard[k].flat, veryHardNew) end for k,v in next, death do set(death[k].flat, deathNew) end local on_1, on_2 = 'NO FALL DAMAGE : ON', 'SAVE AND RELOAD TO MAKE IT WORK. [ F5 / F9 ]'; alert(on_1..'\n'..on_2) print(' \n\t-\t'..on_1..'\t->\t'..on_2..'\n ') elseif activeCheck() then for k,v in next, regular do set(regular[k].flat, regular[k].def) end for k,v in next, safe do set(safe[k].flat, safe[k].def) end for k,v in next, hard do set(hard[k].flat, hard[k].def) end for k,v in next, veryHard do set(veryHard[k].flat, veryHard[k].def) end for k,v in next, death do set(death[k].flat, death[k].def) end local off_1, off_2 = 'NO FALL DAMAGE : OFF', 'SAVE AND RELOAD TO DISABLE IT. [ F5 / F9 ]'; alert(off_1..'\n'..off_2) print(' \n\t-\t'..off_1..'\t->\t'..off_2..'\n ') end end toggleNoFallDamage()

切换无限二段跳(需装备强化肌腱)(需存档再读档) function infiniteJumpsToggle() local function hasTendonsCW() local howTo = '\t- YOU NEED TO HAVE ANY TIER OF "Reinforced Tendons" EQUIPPED IN THE LEGS CW ( double jump CW legs ).\n\t- EQUIP THEM FIRST, THEN RE-ENTER THE COMMAND.\n '; local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); local TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); local ES = SSC:Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot(gamedataEquipmentArea['LegsCW'], 0); if ID.tdbid.hash == 0 then print(' \n\t** SCRIPT ABORTED ** YOU HAVE NO CYBERWARE IN THE LEGS CW SLOT.') print(howTo) return false else local itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); local TwID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemdata:GetID().id); if string.find(TwID, 'BoostedTendons') then return true else print(' \n\t** SCRIPT ABORTED **') print(howTo) return false end end end local function alert(msg) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 8.0) end local function get(rec) local val = TweakDB:GetFlat(rec) return val end; local function set(rec, v) TweakDB:SetFlat(rec, v) end; local newMultiJumps = 5000; local multiJumpFlats = { {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotion.locomotionAir.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTakedown.grappleAir.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier3.locomotionAirTier3.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier4.locomotionAirTier4.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineBaseLocomotionTier5.locomotionAirTier5.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airHover.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.airThrusters.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.bodySlamJump.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.chargeJump.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.coolExitJump.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.dodgeAir.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.fall.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.hoverJump.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.doubleJump.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.jump.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderCrouch.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.ladderJump.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.slideFall.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.superheroFall.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotion.unsecureFootingFall.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1}, {flat = 'playerStateMachineLocomotionTakedown.grappleFall.numberOfMultiJumps', def = 1} }; if get(multiJumpFlats[1].flat) == multiJumpFlats[1].def then if hasTendonsCW() then for k,v in next, multiJumpFlats do set(multiJumpFlats[k].flat, newMultiJumps) end local msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4 = 'TOGGLE - INFINITE JUMPS : ON', '- Unless you disable it, it will last for the entire game session.', '- If you remove "Reinforced Tendons" from legs CW, it won\'t work.', '- SAVE AND RELOAD TO MAKE IT WORK. [ F5 / F9 ]'; alert(msg1..'\t'..msg2..'\n'..msg3..'\n'..msg4) print(' \n\t'..msg1..'\n\t\t'..msg2..'\n\t\t'..msg3..'\n\t\t'..msg4..'\n ') end else for k,v in next, multiJumpFlats do set(multiJumpFlats[k].flat, multiJumpFlats[k].def) end local msg1, msg2, msg3 = 'TOGGLE - INFINITE JUMPS : OFF', '** WARNING **', '- SAVE AND RELOAD TO DISABLE IT. [ F5 / F9 ]'; alert(msg1..'\n'..msg2..'\n'..msg3) print(' \n\t'..msg1..'\n\t\t'..msg2..'\n\t\t'..msg3..'\n ') end end infiniteJumpsToggle()

切换装备空气推进器(在屏幕变灰时自动推进) nofall = "HasAirThrusters" SS = Game.GetStatsSystem() alert = function(msg) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 5.0) end ModStatPl = function(ID, value) SS:AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end GetB = SS:GetStatBoolValue(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), nofall) if GetB == false then ModStatPl(nofall, 1.0) alert("HOLD DOWN THE JUMP BUTTON IN THE AIR WHILE FALLING") print(' - NO FALL DAMAGE: ON') else ModStatPl(nofall, -1.0) alert("NO FALL DAMAGE : OFF") print(' - NO FALL DAMAGE: OFF') end

切换不会进入战斗模式(关闭战斗状态) SES = Game.GetStatusEffectSystem() if StatusEffectSystem.ObjectHasStatusEffect(GetPlayer(), TweakDBID("GameplayRestriction.NoCombat")) == false then SES:ApplyStatusEffect(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), TweakDBID.new("GameplayRestriction.NoCombat"), GetPlayer():GetRecordID(), GetPlayer():GetEntityID()) print(" - NO ONE ATTACKS YOU: ON") else SES:RemoveStatusEffect(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), TweakDBID.new("GameplayRestriction.NoCombat")) print(" - NO ONE ATTACKS YOU: OFF") end

移除该地区的摄像头与炮塔 function disposeSecurityDevices() local function alert(msg) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 4.0) end local ents = Game.GetEntityList(); local nCam, nTur = 0, 0; for i, v in ipairs(ents) do local name = v:GetClassName().value; if string.find(name, 'SurveillanceCamera') then if v:IsSurveillanceCamera() then nCam = nCam + 1; v:CutPower() v:TurnOffDevice() veactivateDevice() vispose() end elseif string.find(name, 'SecurityTurret') then if v:IsTurret() then nTur = nTur + 1; v:ShootStop() v:TurnOffDevice() vispose() end end end local noCams = 'NO Surveillance Cameras found.'; local noTurs = 'NO Security Turrets found.'; local Cams = 'REMOVED '..nCam..' Surveillance Camera/s.'; local Turs = 'REMOVED '..nTur..' Security Turret/s.'; if nCam == 0 and nTur == 0 then alert(noCams..'\n'..noTurs) print(' \n\t'..noCams..'\n\t'..noTurs..'\n ') elseif nCam > 0 and nTur == 0 then alert(noTurs..'\n'..Cams) print(' \n\t'..Cams..'\n\t'..noTurs..'\n ') elseif nCam == 0 and nTur > 0 then alert(noCams..'\n'..Turs) print(' \n\t'..noCams..'\n\t'..Turs..'\n ') elseif nCam > 0 and nTur > 0 then alert(Cams..'\n'..Turs) print(' \n\t'..Cams..'\n\t'..Turs..'\n ') end end disposeSecurityDevices()

移除该地区的机器人机甲与无人机 function RemoveRobots() nAndro, nDrone, nMech = 0, 0, 0; local function alert(msg) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 4.0) end local ents = Game.GetEntityList(); for i, robot in ipairs(ents) do local class = robot:ToString(); if class == 'NPCPuppet' then local andro = robot:IsAndroid(); local drone = robot:IsDrone(); local mech = robot:IsMech(); if andro or drone or mech then if andro then nAndro = nAndro + 1; elseif drone then nDrone = nDrone + 1; elseif mech then nMech = nMech + 1; end robot:Kill() robotispose() end end end local msg, aMsg, dMsg, mMsg = 'ANDROIDS / MECHS / DRONES IN THE AREA', '[ '..nAndro..' ] ANDROID/s FOUND AND REMOVED.', '[ '..nDrone..' ] DRONE/s FOUND AND REMOVED.', '[ '..nMech..' ] MECH/s FOUND AND REMOVED.'; alert(msg..'\n'..aMsg..'\n'..dMsg..'\n'..mMsg) print(' \n\t'..msg..'\n\t\t'..aMsg..'\n\t\t'..dMsg..'\n\t\t'..mMsg..'\n ') end RemoveRobots()

移除该地区的地雷 function disposeMines() local function alert(msg) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 4.0) end local ents = Game.GetEntityList(); local nMine, triggerMines = 0, false; for i, mine in ipairs(ents) do local name = mine:GetClassName().value; if string.find(name, 'ExplosiveTriggerDevice') then if triggerMines then nMine = nMine + 1; mine:StartExplosionPipeline(nil) mine:Explode(nil, nil) else nMine = nMine + 1; mine:TurnOffDevice() mineispose() end end end if triggerMines then if nMine == 0 then local msg = 'NO MINES FOUND.'; alert(msg) print(' \n\t'..msg..'\n ') else local msg = 'TRIGGERED '..nMine..' MINE/s'; alert(msg) print(' \n\t'..msg..'\n ') end else if nMine == 0 then local msg = 'NO MINES FOUND.'; alert(msg) print(' \n\t'..msg..'\n ') else local msg = 'REMOVED '..nMine..' MINE/s.'; alert(msg) print(' \n\t'..msg..'\n ') end end end disposeMines()


切换不会被通缉 toggleCrime = function() local alert = function(txt) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(txt, 3.5) end local PS = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get("reventionSystem"); local active, heatLvL = PS:IsSystemEnabled(), PS:GetHeatStageAsInt(); if active then if heatLvL ~= 0 then PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_0, "") end PS:TogglePreventionSystem(false) alert("CRIMINAL SYSTEM : DISABLED\nCRIMES WILL BE IGNORED BY THE POLICE.") print(" - CRIMINAL SYSTEM : DISABLED\n ") else PS:TogglePreventionSystem(true) alert("CRIMINAL SYSTEM : ENABLED\nCRIMES WILL NOT BE IGNORED BY THE POLICE.") print(" - CRIMINAL SYSTEM : ENABLED\n ") end end toggleCrime() --old Game.PrevSys_off() Game.PrevSys_on()

解除通缉 local PS = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get("reventionSystem") PSHS = PS:GetHeatStageAsInt() if PSHS ~= 0 then PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_0, "") PS:ChangeAgentsAttitude(BackUp) local msg = "HEAT LEVEL RESETTED."; PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 2.5) print(" - "..msg.."\n ") else PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NO NEED TO RESET THE HEAT LEVEL", 2.5) end

切换通缉 toggleHeatLevel = function() local function alert(txt) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(txt, 3.0) end msg = "TOGGLE HEAT LEVEL : "; local PS = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get("reventionSystem") PSHS = PS:GetHeatStageAsInt() if PSHS ~= 0 then PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_0, "") PS:ChangeAgentsAttitude(BackUp) alert(msg.."OFF") print(" - "..msg.."OFF\n ") else PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_5, "") alert(msg.."ON") print(" - "..msg.."ON\n ") end end toggleHeatLevel()

通缉等级+1 increaseHeatLevel = function() local alert = function(txt) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(txt, 2.5) end local PS = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get("reventionSystem") PSHS, msg = PS:GetHeatStageAsInt(), "OLICE HEAT : "; if PSHS == 0 then PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_1, "") alert(msg.."+1 (Level 1)") elseif PSHS == 1 then PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_2, "") alert(msg.."+1 (Level 2)") elseif PSHS == 2 then PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_3, "") alert(msg.."+1 (Level 3)") elseif PSHS == 3 then PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_4, "") alert(msg.."+1 (Level 4)") elseif PSHS == 4 then PS:ChangeHeatStage(EPreventionHeatStage.Heat_5, "") alert(msg.."+1 (Level 5)") elseif PSHS == 5 then alert(msg.."MAX (Level 5)") end end increaseHeatLevel() print(" - INCREASING HEAT LEVEL...\n ")


切换日夜 dayH = 10; nightH = 22; TiSy = Game.GetTimeSystem(); H = TiSy:GetGameTime():Hours(); if H > 19 then TiSy:SetGameTimeByHMS(dayH, 0, 0) print(" - TIME SETTED TO "..dayH.." AM [ "..dayH..":00 ]\n ") else TiSy:SetGameTimeByHMS(nightH, 0, 0) print(" - TIME SETTED TO ".. (nightH - 12) .." PM [ "..nightH..":00 ]\n ") end

切换冻结时钟 TiSy = Game.GetTimeSystem(); if TiSy:IsPausedState() then TiSy:SetPausedState(false, '') print(" - TOGGLE FREEZE CLOCK: OFF") else TiSy:SetPausedState(true, '') print(" - TOGGLE FREEZE CLOCK: ON") end

设置时间上午10点 Hour = 10; Minute = 0; Seconds = 0; Game.GetTimeSystem():SetGameTimeByHMS(Hour, Minute, Seconds)


任意地点打开贮藏处 getStash = function() stash_ID = NewObject('entEntityID') stash_ID.hash = 16570246047455160070ULL return Game.FindEntityByID(stash_ID) end local ok = getStash() if ok then local openEvent = NewObject('handle:OpenStash') openEvent:SetProperties() ok:OnOpenStash(openEvent) end

打开快速传送菜单 UIS = Game.GetUISystem() UIS:RequestFastTravelMenu()

切换门的状态(打开或关闭) function toggleDoor() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local msg = function(text) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(text, 4.0) end local TSLO = Game.GetTargetingSystem():GetLookAtObject(P, false, false); if TSLO == nil then msg('LOOK AT THE DOOR FIRST\nDOOR NOT RECOGNIZED.') return else local Door = TSLO:ToString(); if Door == 'Door' then local DoorPS = TSLO:GetDevicePS(); local DoorProps = DoorPS.doorProperties; local DoorState = TSLO.isVisuallyOpened; if tostring(DoorProps.doorType.value) == 'AUTOMATIC' then DoorPS:SetCloseItself(true) end if DoorState then msg('OPEN DOOR DETECTED, CLOSING!"') TSLO:CloseDoor() else msg('CLOSED DOOR DETECTED, OPENING! \nIF IT IS STILL CLOSED USE THE COMMAND : \n"FORCE OPEN THE DOOR / FAKE DOOR"') TSLO:OpenDoor() DoorPS:ExecuteForceOpen(P) end elseif Door == 'FakeDoor' then msg('FAKE DOOR DETECTED, USE THE COMMAND\n"FORCE OPEN THE DOOR / FAKE DOOR"') elseif Door ~= 'Door' and Door ~= 'FakeDoor' then msg('LOOK AT THE DOOR FIRST\nDOOR NOT RECOGNIZED.') end end TSLO = nil; end toggleDoor()

强制打开不能开的门 function destroyDoor() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local msg = function(text) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(text, 4.0) end local TSLO = Game.GetTargetingSystem():GetLookAtObject(P, false, false); if TSLO == nil then msg('LOOK AT THE DOOR FIRST\nDOOR NOT RECOGNIZED.') return else local Door = TSLO:ToString(); if Door == 'Door' or Door == 'FakeDoor' then TSLOispose() msg('GET LOST STUPID DOOR!"') elseif Door ~= 'Door' and D ~= 'FakeDoor' then msg('LOOK AT THE DOOR FIRST\nDOOR NOT RECOGNIZED.') end end TSLO = nil; end destroyDoor()

修复车辆 fixVehicle = function() alert = function(vehType, msg) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(vehType.." "..msg, 4.0) end if not Game.GetWorkspotSystem():IsActorInWorkspot(Game.GetPlayer()) then alert('', ' You\'re not in a vehicle !') else Fix = Game['GetMountedVehicle;GameObject'](Game.GetPlayer()); if Fix then GVPS = Fix:GetVehiclePS(); GVC = Fix:GetVehicleComponent(); currVehName = Fix:GetDisplayName(); currVehType = Fix:GetVehicleType().value; GVC.damageLevel = 0; if currVehType ~= "Bike" then GVC.bumperFrontState, GVC.bumperBackState = 0, 0; for k, partState in next, {'hood_destruction', 'wheel_f_l_destruction', 'wheel_f_r_destruction', 'bumper_b_destruction', 'bumper_f_destruction', 'door_f_l_destruction', 'door_f_r_destruction', 'trunk_destruction', 'bumper_b_destruction_side_2', 'bumper_f_destruction_side_2'} do AnimationControllerComponent.SetInputFloat(Fix, partState, 0.0) end end flatTires = Fix:GetFlatTireIndex(); if flatTires >= 0 then for i, v in next, {0,1,2,3} do Fix:ToggleBrokenTire(v, false) end end FixestructionResetGrid() FixestructionResetGlass() GVC:UpdateDamageEngineEffects() GVC:RepairVehicle() GVC:VehicleVisualDestructionSetup() GVPS:CloseAllVehDoors(true) GVPS:CloseAllVehWindows() GVPS:ForcePersistentStateChanged() alert(currVehName.." \n"..currVehType, " Fixed !") end end end fixVehicle()

随机化NPC外观 function randomizeAppearance() local function alert(msg, secs) if not secs then secs = 4.0; end PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, secs) end local TSLO = Game.GetTargetingSystem():GetLookAtObject(Game.GetPlayer(), false, false) if TSLO == nil then alert('LOOK AT THE NPC FIRST', 1.5) return else local ent = Game.FindEntityByID(TSLO:GetEntityID()); local function setEntity() firstAppName = tostring(ent:GetCurrentAppearanceName().value); entHash = tostring(ent:GetEntityID():GetHash()); return firstAppName, entHash end if TSLO:ToString() == 'NPCPuppet' then local charaName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(TSLO:GetRecordID()..'.displayName')); if charaName == '' then charaName = 'Generic NPC' end if entHash and tostring(ent:GetEntityID():GetHash()) == entHash then newEntity = false; else setEntity() newEntity = true; end if newEntity == true then ent:ScheduleAppearanceChange('') alert(charaName..'\nAppearance Randomized.') else if tostring(ent:GetCurrentAppearanceName().value) == '' then ent:ScheduleAppearanceChange(firstAppName) else ent:ScheduleAppearanceChange('') end alert(charaName..'\nAPPEARANCE RANDOMIZED.') end elseif TSLO:ToString() == 'gameObject' then ent:ScheduleAppearanceChange('') alert('ENTITY FOUND ( NOT AS NPC )\nTRYING TO RANDOMIZE APPEARANCE . . .') else alert(TSLO:ToString()..' \nTHIS IS NOT A NPC.', 1.5) end end end randomizeAppearance()

调整FOV(从65到115) cam = Game.GetPlayer():GetFPPCameraComponent(); fov = cam:GetFOV(); cam:SetZoom(0.0) if fov <= 66.0 then cam:SetFOV(70.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 70") elseif fov <= 71.0 then cam:SetFOV(75.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 75") elseif fov <= 76.0 then cam:SetFOV(80.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 80") elseif fov <= 81.0 then cam:SetFOV(85.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 85") elseif fov <= 86.0 then cam:SetFOV(90.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 90") elseif fov <= 91.0 then cam:SetFOV(95.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 95") elseif fov <= 96.0 then cam:SetFOV(100.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 100") elseif fov <= 101.0 then cam:SetFOV(105.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 105") elseif fov <= 106.0 then cam:SetFOV(110.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 110") elseif fov <= 111.0 then cam:SetFOV(115.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 115") elseif fov >= 114.0 then cam:SetFOV(65.0) print(" - FOV Setted: 65") end

结束当前任务 JM = Game.GetJournalManager() TrEn = JM:GetTrackedEntry() QueEn = JM:GetParentEntry(JM:GetParentEntry(TrEn)) QueEnHash = JM:GetEntryHash(QueEn) JM:ChangeEntryStateByHash(QueEnHash, "Succeeded", "Notify")

删除感叹号(仅装备的物品) P = Game.GetPlayer(); ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get(CName.new('EquipmentSystem')); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; local slots = { Face = 1, Feet = 1, Head = 1, InnerChest = 1, Legs = 1, OuterChest = 1, Outfit = 1, Weapon = 3 }; for k,v in pairs(slots) do for i=1,v do itemID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); print(' \nChecking... [' ..k..' - Slot: '..(i - 1)..']') if itemID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, itemID); print(' - Item found in ['..k..' - Slot: '..(i - 1)..']') if itemdata:HasTag('Quest') then itemdata:RemoveDynamicTag('Quest') print(' - QUEST TAG FOUND, REMOVING TAG FROM -> ['..k..' - Slot '..(i - 1)..']') else print(' - Quest TAG not present or not accessible.') end else print(' - The Slot is empty...') end end end

获取所有藏匿墙武器 msg = "STASH WALL WEAPONS ADDED !"; W1 = {"mq007_skippy", "w_melee_boss_hammer" }; W2 = { "Ajax_Moron_Legendary", "Burya_Comrade_Legendary", "Butchers_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Carnage_Mox_Legendary", "Copperhead_Genesis_Legendary", "Dian_Yinglong", "Grad_Panam_Legendary", "Igla_Sovereign_Legendary", "Katana_Saburo_Legendary", "Katana_Takemura_Legendary", "Katana_Wakako_Legendary", "Lexington_Shooting_Competition", "Lexington_Wilson_Legendary", "Liberty_Dex_Legendary", "Liberty_Padre_Legendary", "Nekomata_Breakthrough_Legendary", "Neurotoxin_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Nue_Jackie_Legendary", "Overture_Kerry_Legendary", "Overture_River_Legendary", "ulsar_Buzzsaw_Legendary", "unk_Knife_Iconic_Legendary", "Silverhand_3516", "Tactician_Dino_Legendary","Tactician_Headsman_Legendary", "Tanto_Saburo", "Katana_E3", "Zhuo_Eight_Star" }; for i, weap in next, W1 do Game.AddToInventory("Items."..weap, 1) end for i, weap in next, W2 do Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_"..weap, 1) end PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 8.0)

将所有衣服添加到衣柜中 local count = 0; clothes = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataClothing_Record'); for _, item in ipairs(clothes) do WA = Game.GetWardrobeSystem(); itemID = item:GetID(); itemTDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemID); locName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(item:GetID() .. '.displayName')); PlaGend = Game.GetPlayer():GetResolvedGenderName().value; errMsg1 = " - Broken / Invalid ID"; errMsg2 = " found, skipping -> "..itemTDBID..' - '..locName; local check = function(txt) if string.find(itemTDBID, txt) then return true end end if check('Test') or check('_EP1') or check('sq030_diving_suit') or check ('Q203_folded_jacket') or check('q005_militech_') or check('gle_03_johnny') or check('q203_pants') or check('Items.sp0') or check('leggins0302') or check('sq032_dogtags') or check('Q203_Spacesuit_Helmet') or check('TightJumpsuit_01_test') or check('Proficiency_TightJumpsuit') then print(errMsg1..errMsg2) elseif locName == '' or locName == 'Retrothrusters (from Rogue)' then print(errMsg1..errMsg2) elseif check('Hat_05_old_04') and PlaGend == 'Male' then print(errMsg1.." for MALE character"..errMsg2) elseif check('Hat_06_basic_05') and PlaGend == 'Male' then print(errMsg1.." for MALE character"..errMsg2) elseif WA:IsItemBlacklisted(ItemID.new(itemID)) then print(" - Blacklisted ID"..errMsg2) else count = count + 1; WA:StoreUniqueItemIDAndMarkNew(ItemID.new(TweakDBID.new(itemTDBID))) print(count.." - ADDED -> "..locName.." - "..itemTDBID) end end print(' \n - [ '..count..' ] CLOTHES ADDED! \n ')

获取并装备随机衣服 PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(Game.GetPlayer()):GetDevelopmentData(Game.GetPlayer()):RandomizeClothing()

切换强尼的机械手 arm = "Items.PlayerSilverhandArm"; armID = ItemID.FromTDBID(arm); P = Game.GetPlayer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); ESPD = SSC:Get('EquipmentSystem'):GetPlayerData(P); armInInv = TS:GetItemQuantity(P, armID); armInSlot = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ESPD:GetItemInEquipSlot(34, 0).id); if armInSlot ~= arm then if armInInv == 0 then TS:GiveItem(P, armID, 1) elseif armInInv > 1 then TS:GiveItem(P, armID, 1-armInInv) end ESPD:EquipItem(ItemID.FromTDBID(arm)) print(" - JOHNNY SILVERHAND ARM: ON") elseif armInSlot == arm then ESPD:UnequipItem(armID) TS:GiveItem(P, armID, -armInInv) print(" - JOHNNY SILVERHAND ARM: OFF") end

切换强尼的UI JohnnyColors = not JohnnyColors if JohnnyColors then Game.GetUISystem():SetGlobalThemeOverride("ossessed") print(' - JOHNNY HUD COLORS: ON') else Game.GetUISystem():ClearGlobalThemeOverride() print(' - JOHNNY HUD COLORS: OFF') end

切换设备 function ToggleDevices() local showMsg = function(txt) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(txt, 4.0) end local PER = Game.GetPersistencySystem() local TTLO = Game.GetTargetingSystem():GetLookAtObject(Game.GetPlayer(), false, false) if TTLO == nil then showMsg("YOU NEED TO LOOK AT THE DEVICE") return end local object = TTLO:ToString() if TTLO:IsDevice() then if object == 'Door' then showMsg(object.." DETECTED.\nUSE TOGGLE DOOR STATUS COMMAND") elseif object == 'FakeDoor' then showMsg(object.." DETECTED.\nUSE TOGGLE DOOR STATUS COMMAND") elseif object ~= 'gameObject' then local PS = TTLO:GetDevicePS(); local toggle = PS:ActionToggleON(); PERueuePSDeviceEvent(toggle) showMsg(object.." DETECTED.\nTOGGLED...") end else showMsg(object.." DETECTED.\nCAN'T BE TOGGLED") end end ToggleDevices()

切换轻松赢得萝卜冲刺游戏(吃个苹果加1000分) function toggleEZRoach() local function get(record) local val = TweakDB:GetFlat("RoachRace."..record) return val end; local function set(record, value) TweakDB:SetFlat("RoachRace."..record, value) end; AppleScore, DefAppScore = "Apple.score", 20.0; AppleProb, DefAppProb = "Apple.probability", 0.65; if get(AppleScore) <= 21.0 then set(AppleScore, 1000) set(AppleProb, 8.0) print(" \n\t TOGGLE - EASY WIN ROACH RACE : ON\t ( apples taken will add 1000 points, spawn probability has also been increased ) \n\t If you're already inside the minigame, exit and re-enter to see the changes. \n ") else set(AppleScore, DefAppScore) set(AppleProb, DefAppProb) print(" \n\t TOGGLE - EASY WIN ROACH RACE : OFF\t ( all values restored to default ) \n\t If you're already inside the minigame, exit and re-enter to see the changes. \n ") end end toggleEZRoach()

切换轻松赢得创伤小组游戏(20条命,击杀多加5万分) function toggleEZTraumaDrama() local function get(record) local val = TweakDB:GetFlat("Shooter."..record) return val end; local function set(record, value) TweakDB:SetFlat("Shooter."..record, value) end; local MaxHealt = "DefaultPlayerControllerData.maxHealth"; local DefMaxHealt = 4.0; local WeapScore = "DefaultRange.score"; local DefWeapScore = 0.0; if get(MaxHealt) <= DefMaxHealt then set(MaxHealt, 20.0) set(WeapScore, 50000.0) print(" \n\t TOGGLE - EASY WIN TRAUMA DRAMA : ON\t ( 50.000 points per kill + Maximum health set at 20 ) \n\t If you're already inside the minigame, exit and re-enter to see the changes. \n ") else set(MaxHealt, DefMaxHealt) set(WeapScore, DefWeapScore) print(" \n\t TOGGLE - EASY WIN TRAUMA DRAMA : OFF\t ( all values restored to default ) \n\t If you're already inside the minigame, exit and re-enter to see the changes. \n ") end end toggleEZTraumaDrama()

切换轻松赢得荒坂塔小游戏(一击必杀)(使用切换上帝模式代码可不掉血) function toggleEZArasakaTower3D() local function get(record) local val = TweakDB:GetFlat(record) return val end; local function set(record, value) TweakDB:SetFlat(record, value) end; local DPS, defDPS = 'Items.Base_Arasaka3D_Gun_inline2.value', 40.0; if get(DPS) <= defDPS then set(DPS, 1000) print(' \n\t TOGGLE - EASY WIN ARASAKA TOWER 3D : ON\t ( One Hit Kill )\n\tYou need to save and reload to see the changes.\n ') else set(DPS, defDPS) print(' \n\t TOGGLE - EASY WIN ARASAKA TOWER 3D : OFF\t ( Values restored to default )\n\tYou need to save and reload to see the changes.\n ') end end toggleEZArasakaTower3D()


残血立即回血(再次输入就可启用,重启游戏就失效) if AutoHealUserWarned then if AutoHealActive then print(" \n\t AUTO-HEAL ON HEALTH DECREASE : ALREADY ACTIVE \n ") return end Observe('PlayerPuppet', 'UpdateHealthStateVFX', function() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); P:Revive(100.0) AutoHealActive = true; end) activateMsg = "ENABLED : AUTO-HEAL ON HEALTH DECREASE"; print(" \n\t "..activateMsg.." \n ") PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(activateMsg, 5.0) end if not AutoHealUserWarned then Msg1, Msg2, Msg3 = "<<< WARNING >>>", "This mode will not be deactivated until the game is restarted ( unless you hit \"Reload all Mods\" in CET overlay ).", "TO ENABLE IT, RE-ENTER THE COMMAND ONCE MORE."; warnMsg = Msg1.." \n"..Msg2.." \n"..Msg3; print(" \n\t "..Msg1.." \n\t "..Msg2.." \n\t "..Msg3.." \n ") PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(warnMsg, 12.0) AutoHealUserWarned = true; end

切换二段跳 v1,On,Off = "HasDoubleJump", " - TOGGLE DOUBLE JUMP: ON", " - TOGGLE DOUBLE JUMP: OFF" SS = Game.GetStatsSystem() CurrentVal = SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v1) ModStPl = function(ID, value) SS:AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end result = 1.0 - CurrentVal if CurrentVal == 0 then ModStPl(v1, 1) print(On) elseif CurrentVal == 1 then ModStPl(v1, -1) print(Off) end print(v1..": ", SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v1))

切换浮空跳 v1,On,Off = "HasAirHover", " - TOGGLE AIR HOVER: ON", " - TOGGLE AIR HOVER: OFF" SS = Game.GetStatsSystem() CurrentVal = SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v1) ModStPl = function(ID, value) SS:AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end result = 1.0 - CurrentVal if CurrentVal == 0 then ModStPl(v1, 1) print(On) elseif CurrentVal == 1 then ModStPl(v1, -1) print(Off) end print(v1..": ", SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v1))

切换蓄力跳 v4,On,Off = "HasChargeJump", " - TOGGLE CHARGED JUMP: ON", " - TOGGLE CHARGED JUMP: OFF" SS = Game.GetStatsSystem() CurrentVal = SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v4) ModStPl = function(ID, value) SS:AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end result = 1.0 - CurrentVal if CurrentVal == 0 then ModStPl(v4, 1) print(On) elseif CurrentVal == 1 then ModStPl(v4, -1) print(Off) end print(v4..": ", SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v4))

切换空中躲闪 v5,On,Off = "HasDodgeAir", " - TOGGLE AIR DODGE: ON", " - TOGGLE AIR DODGE: OFF" SS = Game.GetStatsSystem() CurrentVal = SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v5) ModStPl = function(ID, value) SS:AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end result = 1.0 - CurrentVal if CurrentVal == 0 then ModStPl(v5, 1) print(On) elseif CurrentVal == 1 then ModStPl(v5, -1) print(Off) end print(v5..": ", SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v5))

切换坠落伤害最大减免 v6,On,Off = "FallDamageReduction", " - TOGGLE MAX FALL DAMAGE REDUCTION: ON", " - TOGGLE MAX FALL DAMAGE REDUCTION: OFF" SS = Game.GetStatsSystem() CurrentVal = SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v6) ModStPl = function(ID, value) SS:AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end result = 1.0 - CurrentVal if CurrentVal == 0 then ModStPl(v6, 1) print(On) elseif CurrentVal == 1 then ModStPl(v6, -1) print(Off) end print(v6..": ", SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v6))

切换英雄着陆 v7,On,Off = "HasSuperheroFall", " - TOGGLE BERSERK LANDING: ON", " - TOGGLE BERSERK LANDING: OFF" SS = Game.GetStatsSystem() CurrentVal = SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v7) ModStPl = function(ID, value) SS:AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end result = 1.0 - CurrentVal if CurrentVal == 0 then ModStPl(v7, 1) print(On) elseif CurrentVal == 1 then ModStPl(v7, -1) print(Off) end print(v7..": ", SS:GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v7))

切换无超重惩罚 v8,Msg = "BaseStatusEffect.Encumbered", " - NO RESTRICTION OF MOVEMENT FOR OVERWEIGHT: "; On,Nul = Msg.."ENABLED", Msg.."NO NEED TO ACTIVATE"; SES = Game.GetStatusEffectSystem() if SES:HasStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v8) == true then SES:RemoveStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), v8) print(On) else print(Nul) end


瞬间杀死所看的NPC alert = function(msg) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(msg, 5.0) end TTLO = Game.GetTargetingSystem():GetLookAtObject(Game.GetPlayer(), false, false) if TTLO == nil or TTLO:ToString() ~= "NPCPuppet" then alert("LOOK AT THE NPC FIRST") elseif TTLO:ToString() == "NPCPuppet" then Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(TTLO:GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.ForceKill") alert("Bye Bye...") end

开启时缓 TDA = Game.GetTimeSystem():IsTimeDilationActive() if TDA == false then TS:SetTimeDilation(CName.new(), 0.4) print(" - SLOW MOTION: ON") end --Game.Slowmo()

关闭时缓 TDA = Game.GetTimeSystem():IsTimeDilationActive() if TDA == false then TS:SetTimeDilation(CName.new(), 1.0) print(" - SLOW MOTION: OFF") end --Game.Noslowmo()

时缓30%持续10s speed = 0.3; expireSecs = 10; GetPlayer():SetSlowMo(speed, expireSecs)


切换无限负重 effect = "CarryCapacity" ModStatPlayer = function(ID, value) Game.GetStatsSystem():AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end if Game.GetStatsSystem():GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), gamedataStatType.CarryCapacity) >= 49000 then ModStatPlayer(effect, -50000) print(" - INFINITE CARRY CAPACITY: OFF") else ModStatPlayer(effect, 50000) print(" - INFINITE CARRY CAPACITY: ON") end

开无限耐力 stat = "Stamina"; ModStatPlayer = function(ID, value) Game.GetStatsSystem():AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end if Game.GetStatsSystem():GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), stat) <= 5000 then ModStatPlayer(stat, 90000) print(" - INFINITE STAMINA: ON") else print(" - INFINITE STAMINA: ALREADY ACTIVE")

关无限耐力 stat = "Stamina"; ModStatPlayer = function(ID, value) Game.GetStatsSystem():AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end if Game.GetStatsSystem():GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), stat) >= 89000 then ModStatPlayer(stat, -90000) print(" - INFINITE STAMINA: OFF") else print(" - INFINITE STAMINA: NO NEED TO DEACTIVATE")

水下无限氧气 newStat = "CanBreatheUnderwater"; newValue = 1; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end if SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, newStat) == 1 then print(" - "..newStat.." ALREADY ACTIVATED. \n ") else ModStatPla(newStat, newValue) end;

加10%暴击率 ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end for i, v in pairs { "CritChance", "CritChanceTimeCritDamage" } do ModStatPla(v, 10.0) end;

加30%生命恢复速率 ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla("HealthInCombatRegenRateMult", 30) ModStatPla("HealthOutOfCombatRegenRateMult", 30)

加30%耐力恢复速率 ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla("StaminaRegenRateMult", 30) ModStatPla("StaminaRegenStartDelay", -10)

加30%RAM恢复速率 ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla("MemoryInCombatRegenRateMult", 30) ModStatPla("MemoryOutOfCombatRegenRateMult", 30)

加100最大生命 newStat = "Health"; newValue = 100; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加100最大护甲 newStat = "Armor"; newValue = 100; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加100最大耐力 newStat = "Stamina"; newValue = 100; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加100义体容量 newStat = "Humanity"; newValue = 100; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加100最大氧气 newStat = "Oxygen"; newValue = 100; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加100%最大暴击伤害 newStat = "CritDamage"; newValue = 100; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加100最大负重 newStat = "CarryCapacity"; newValue = 100; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加5最大RAM newStat = "Memory"; newValue = 5; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加5移动速度 newStat = "MaxSpeed"; newValue = 5; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)

加5最大入侵协议缓冲区数量 newStat = "BufferSize"; newValue = 5; ModStatPla = function(stat, value) PlaEnt = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); print(" - Current "..stat.." value: "..SS:GetStatValue(PlaEnt, stat).." \n - Added: "..value.." \n ") SS:AddModifier(PlaEnt, RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(stat, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end ModStatPla(newStat, newValue)


开启所有buff for i, v in next, { "WellFed", "Sated" } do Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect."..v) print(" - APPLIED:", v) end for i, v in next, { "Energized", "Refreshed", "Rested", "AllowHealthRegenInCombat", "IncreasedStaminaRegen", "IncreasedXPGain" } do Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "HousingStatusEffect."..v) print(" - APPLIED:", v) end

开启所有debuff免疫 ModStatPlayer = function(ID, value) Game.GetStatsSystem():AddModifier(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), RPGManager.CreateStatModifier(ID, gameStatModifierType.Additive, value)) end effects = { "BleedingImmunity", "BlindImmunity", "BurningImmunity", "EMPImmunity", "ElectrocuteImmunity", "KnockdownImmunity", "MemoryWipeImmunity", "oisonImmunity", "QuickHackImmunity", "StunImmunity", "SystemCollapseImmunity", "UnconsciousImmunity", "TranquilizerImmunity" } print(" ------------------- ADDING IMMUNITIES (if it's not already present)") for i, effect in ipairs(effects) do local Val = Game.GetStatsSystem():GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), effect) if Val == 1 then print(" - "..effect..": IS ALREADY ACTIVATED...") elseif Val == 0 then ModStatPlayer(effect, 1.0) print(" - "..effect..": ACTIVATED !!!") end end

移除所有buff StatusEffectHelper.RemoveAllStatusEffects(GetPlayer()) print(" - ALL EFFECTS REMOVED")

移除特定buff effect = "buff名称" Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():RemoveStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), effect)

移除所有debuff SES = StatusEffectSystem P = GetPlayer() print(" ") for i, v in next, { "Bleeding", "layerBleeding", "MinorBleeding", "Blind", "MajorBlind", "MinorBlind", "MajorQuickHackBlind", "BaseQuickHackBlind", "Burning", "LightBurning", "MediumBurning", "PlayerBurning", "Crippled", "Drunk", "Exhausted", "PlayerExhausted", "TemporarilyBlockMovement", "EMP", "EmpJamWeaponAccuracyDebuff", "Knockdown", "SecondaryKnockdown", "Poisoned", "PlayerPoisoned", "ConsumablePoison", "Stun", "Stunned", "JohnnySicknessHeavy", "JohnnySicknessLow", "JohnnySicknessMedium", "JohnnySicknessMediumQuest" } do Val = SES.ObjectHasStatusEffect(P, TweakDBID("BaseStatusEffect."..v)) if Val == true then Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():RemoveStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect."..v) print(" - [NEGATIVE EFFECT REMOVED] ->", v) else if Val == false then print("Effect:", v, "-> [NOT PRESENT]") end end end print(" ")

移除Relic故障效果 for i, v in next, { "JohnnySicknessHeavy", "JohnnySicknessLow", "JohnnySicknessMedium", "JohnnySicknessMediumQuest" } do Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():RemoveStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect." .. v) end print(" - RELIC MALFUNCTION EFFECT REMOVED")

滋养(+5%最大生命720秒) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.WellFed")

补水(+10%最大耐力420秒) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.Sated")

充满活力(公寓buff) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "HousingStatusEffect.Energized")

焕然一新(公寓buff) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "HousingStatusEffect.Refreshed")

休息(公寓buff) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "HousingStatusEffect.Rested")

额外生命恢复(公寓buff) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "HousingStatusEffect.AllowHealthRegenInCombat")

额外耐力恢复(公寓buff) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "HousingStatusEffect.IncreasedStaminaRegen")

额外经验加成(公寓buff) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "HousingStatusEffect.IncreasedXPGain")

隐形(15秒) Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.OpticalCamoPlayerBuffLegendary")

无懈可击 Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.Invulnerable")

即时自杀 Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.ForceKill") --also: Game.GetPlayer()Revive(0) or Game.GetPlayer():Kill()

麻醉 Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.DruggedSevere")

醉酒 Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():ApplyStatusEffect(Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), "BaseStatusEffect.Drunk")


列出背包里所有物品及对应ID local function getIDs() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); local INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; local TYP = { {str = 'Clo_', cat = "Clothes"}, {str = 'Wea_', cat = "Weapons"}, {str = 'Fla_', cat = "Other Weapons"}, {str = 'Grena', cat = "Greande"}, {str = 'Cyb', cat = "Cyberware"}, {str = 'Prt_Program', cat = "QuickHack"}, {str = 'Prt_', cat = "Mods / Parts"}, {str = 'Con_', cat = "General"}, {str = 'Gen_', cat = "Other"}}; for i, Type in next, TYP do print(' \n - - - - - - - - - - - - [ Filtering By '..Type.cat..' ] - - - - - - - - - - - -') for i, item in ipairs(INV[2]) do local itemID = item:GetID(); if TweakDB:GetRecord(itemID.id):ItemType() then local itemTDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemID.id); local quantity = TS:GetItemQuantity(P, itemID); local itemType = TweakDB:GetRecord(itemID.id):ItemType():Type().value; local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itemTDBID..'.displayName')); if itemName == '' then itemName = ''; end if string.find(itemType, Type.str) then print('\t'..quantity..' x '..itemName..'\t( ItemID : "'..itemTDBID..'" )') end end end end print(' \n - - - - - - - - - - - - [ Unfiltered Items ] - - - - - - - - - - - -') for i, item in ipairs(INV[2]) do local itemID = item:GetID(); if not TweakDB:GetRecord(itemID.id):ItemType() then local itemTDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemID.id); local quantity = TS:GetItemQuantity(P, itemID); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itemTDBID..'.displayName')); if itemName == '' then itemName = ''; end print('\t'..quantity..' x '..itemName..'\t( ItemID : "'..itemTDBID..'" )') end end print('\n ') end getIDs()

强制从背包中移除特定物品 NewID = "把ID替换到引号内"; function removeItem() removed = false; local howTo = 'USE THE COMMAND "LIST ALL ITEMS IN THE INVENTORY + ITEM IDs" TO GET THE ID.'; if TweakDB:GetRecord(NewID) then local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); local INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, item in ipairs(INV[2]) do local itemID = item:GetID(); local itemQua = TS:GetItemQuantity(P, itemID); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itemID.id..'.displayName')); local toStrID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemID.id); if toStrID == NewID then if TS:HasItem(P, itemID) and itemQua >= 1 then local itemData = TS:GetItemData(P, itemID); if itemData:HasTag('Quest') then itemData:RemoveDynamicTag('Quest') end TS:RemoveItemByTDBID(P, NewID, itemQua) removed = true; print(' \n\t- FOUND and REMOVED : '..itemQua..' x '..itemName..' ( "'..toStrID..'" )\n\t- You may need to save and reload to refresh the backpack. \n ') break end end end if not removed then local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(NewID..'.displayName')); print(' \n\t- "'..NewID..'" ( '..itemName..' )\n\t- NOT FOUND IN THE INVENTORY, BE SURE THE ItemID IS CORRECT.\n\t- '..howTo..'\n ') end else print(' \n\t- "'..NewID..'" IS NOT A VALID ID.\n\t- '..howTo..'\n ') end NewID, removed = nil; end removeItem()

按标记删除项目(第1次在控制台中获取信息第2次删除) Tag = "把标签名称替换到引号内"; function removeItemsByTags() P = Game.GetPlayer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); ESPD = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'):GetPlayerData(P); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; availableTags = {'Weapon', 'Clothing', 'Cyberware', 'itemPart', 'Junk', 'Ammo', 'CraftingPart', 'Shard', 'Consumable', 'Inhaler', 'Drug', 'Edible', }; if not tagsMSGShown then print(' \n\tUSAGE : Replace "'..Tag..'" with a valid Tag name, then re-enter the command to remove all items you have with that Tag.') print('\tNOTE: Items equipped and items with "Quest" tag are not removed, if you want to remove those use "FORCE REMOVE SPECIFIC ITEM FROM INVENTORY" command. \n\tAvaliable TAG Names : ') for i, tag in next, availableTags do print('\t\t- "'..tag..'"') end print('\n ') count = 0; for i, item in ipairs(INV[2]) do itemID = item:GetID(); itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itemID.id..'.displayName')); toStrID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemID.id); if TS:HasTag(P, Tag, itemID) and TS:HasTag(P, 'Quest', itemID) == false then count = count + 1; end end if count ~= 0 then print(' \t[ OK ] Found '..count..' Item/s with "'..Tag..'" Tag.\n\t Enter the command once again to remove them.\n ') tagsMSGShown = true; itemsWithTagsFound = true; else print(' \t[ END ] No Items found with TAG -> "'..Tag..'"\n ') tagsMSGShown = false; itemsWithTagsFound = false; end elseif tagsMSGShown and itemsWithTagsFound then count = 0; for i, item in ipairs(INV[2]) do itemID = item:GetID(); itemQua = TS:GetItemQuantity(P, itemID); itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itemID.id..'.displayName')); toStrID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemID.id); skipMsg = '\t. . . Skipping equipped Item in "'..Tag..'" slot: '..itemName..'\t->\t"'..toStrID..'"'; if TS:HasTag(P, Tag, itemID) and TS:HasTag(P, 'Quest', itemID) == false then if ESPD:IsEquipped(itemID) == true then print(skipMsg) elseif string.find(toStrID, '_link') or string.find(toStrID, 'w_melee_0') then print(skipMsg) elseif TS:HasTag(P, 'Inhaler', itemID) or TS:HasTag(P, 'Drug', itemID) then local fixedQuant = itemQua - 1; TS:RemoveItem(P, itemID, fixedQuant) print('\t- REMOVED (Only Inhalers Duplicates) : '..itemName..' x '..fixedQuant..'\t->\t"'..toStrID..'"') else TS:RemoveItem(P, itemID, itemQua) print('\t- REMOVED : '..itemName..' x '..itemQua..'\t->\t"'..toStrID..'"') count = count + itemQua; end end end tagsMSGShown = false; itemsWithTagsFound = false; Tag = "TAG_NAME_HERE"; print(' \n\t[ END ] '..count..' Items Removed.\n ') end end removeItemsByTags()

移除所有垃圾 Tag = "Junk"; LeaveOne = false; P = Game.GetPlayer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, item in ipairs(INV[2]) do itemID = item:GetID(); itemQua = TS:GetItemQuantity(P, itemID); itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itemID.id..".displayName")); toStrID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemID.id); if TS:HasTag(P, Tag, itemID) and not TS:HasTag(P, "Quest ", itemID) then if LeaveOne then if itemQua > 1 then TS:RemoveItem(P, itemID, (itemQua-1)) print(" - REMOVED: "..itemName.." x "..itemQua-1) end else TS:RemoveItem(P, itemID, itemQua) print(" - REMOVED: "..itemName.." x "..itemQua) end end end

从背包中移除所有物品 P = Game.GetPlayer(); currWeight = P.curInventoryWeight; equip = function(id) RPGManager.ForceEquipItemOnPlayer(P, id, true) end Game.GetTransactionSystem():RemoveAllItems(P) P:UpdateInventoryWeight(-currWeight) P:EvaluateEncumbrance() equip("Items.AdvancedMilitechParalineMKICommon") equip("Items.CharacterCustomizationArms") equip("Items.w_melee_004__fists_a")

移除当前背包负重 P = Game.GetPlayer(); currWeight = P.curInventoryWeight; P:UpdateInventoryWeight(-currWeight) P:EvaluateEncumbrance()

移除所有钱 TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem() currentMoney = TS:GetItemQuantity(GetPlayer(), MarketSystem.Money()) TS:RemoveMoney(Game.GetPlayer(), currentMoney-1, CName.new('money')) --TS:GiveItem(Game.GetPlayer(), ItemID.new(TweakDBID.new("Items.money")), (currentMoney*-1)+1)

获取当前艺术家和曲目名称 function getRadio() local P = Game.GetPlayer() local WS = Game.GetWorkspotSystem() local function alert(txt, secs) if not secs then secs = 3.0; end PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(txt, secs) end if WS:IsActorInWorkspot(P) then local mounted = Game.GetMountedVehicle(P); if mounted then if mounted:IsRadioReceiverActive() then StationName = GetLocalizedTextByKey(mounted:GetRadioReceiverStationName()); TrackName = GetLocalizedTextByKey(mounted:GetRadioReceiverTrackName()); local ArtistTrack = TrackName:find('-') if ArtistTrack then Artist = TrackName:sub(0, ArtistTrack-2); Track = TrackName:sub(ArtistTrack + 2); else Artist = '< unknown >'; Track = TrackName; end alert(' ~ ~ ~ '..StationName..' ~ ~ ~\nARTIST : '..Artist..'\nTRACK : '..Track, 9) print('\n ') print('\tStation Name :\t'..StationName) print('\tArtist :\t'..Artist) print('\tTrack :\t'..Track) print('\n ') else alert('TURN ON THE RADIO FIRST.') end end else alert('YOU\'RE NOT IN A VEHICLE.') end end getRadio()

显示所有兴趣点(使用前请存档)(输入第一次警告,第二次激活) if showPOIWarn then local JM = Game.GetJournalManager(); JMebugShowAllPoiMappins() print(' - SHOW ALL POINT OF INTEREST: ACTIVATED\n ') showPOIWarn = nil; else local warning = ' \n\t<<< WARNING >>>\n\t\"SHOW ALL POINT OF INTEREST\" and \"DISCOVER ALL POINT OF INTEREST\" are DEBUG commands.\n\tIt has been reported that they leave POI marks PERMANENTLY on the map, even for activities already completed.\n\tIF YOU STILL WANT TO ENTER THE COMMAND, ENTER IT ONCE AGAIN.\n '; print(warning) showPOIWarn = true; end

发现所有兴趣点(使用前请存档)(输入第一次警告,第二次激活) if discoverPOIWarn then local MS = Game.GetMappinSystem(); MSebugDiscoverAllPoiMappins() print(' - DISCOVER ALL POINT OF INTEREST: ACTIVATED\n ') discoverPOIWarn = nil; else local warning = ' \n\t<<< WARNING >>>\n\t\"SHOW ALL POINT OF INTEREST\" and \"DISCOVER ALL POINT OF INTEREST\" are DEBUG commands.\n\tIt has been reported that they leave POI marks PERMANENTLY on the map, even for activities already completed.\n\tIF YOU STILL WANT TO ENTER THE COMMAND, ENTER IT ONCE AGAIN.\n '; print(warning) discoverPOIWarn = true; end

强制取消跟踪当前任务 untrackMainQuestOnly = false; untrackQuest = function() local mainMenu = Game.GetSystemRequestsHandler():IsPreGame(); local UIDef = Game.GetAllBlackboardDefs().UI_System; local BB = Game.GetBlackboardSystem():Get(UIDef); if not mainMenu and not BB:GetBool(UIDef.IsInMenu) then local JM = Game.GetJournalManager(); if untrackMainQuestOnly then local context = JournalRequestContext.new(); local filter = JournalRequestStateFilter.new(); filter.active = true; context.stateFilter = filter; local entries = JM:GetQuests(context) for i, entry in ipairs(entries) do if JM:GetQuestType(entry) == gameJournalQuestType.MainQuest then if JM:IsEntryTracked(entry) then JM:UntrackEntry() end end end else local curEntry = JM:GetTrackedEntry(); if JM:IsEntryTracked(curEntry) then JM:UntrackEntry() end end BB:SetBool(UIDef.IsInMenu, true) BB:SetBool(UIDef.IsInMenu, false) end end untrackQuest()

切换车辆不会自动消失 function toggleTraffic() local categ = 'Traffic'; local param = 'StopSpawn'; local msg = ' \n\tTOGGLE TRAFFIC PRESENCE : '; local traffic = GameOptions.GetBool(categ, param) if traffic then GameOptions.SetBool(categ, param, false) print(msg..'OFF\n ') else GameOptions.SetBool(categ, param, true) print(msg..'ON\n\t(Vehicles already spawned won\'t despawn)\n ') end end toggleTraffic()

切换呼吸声 function toggleBreath() local categ = 'Editor/Audio/Features'; local param = 'BreathingSystem'; local msg = ' \n\tTOGGLE BREATHING SOUND : '; local breath = GameOptions.GetBool(categ, param) if breath then GameOptions.SetBool(categ, param, false) print(msg..'OFF\n ') else GameOptions.SetBool(categ, param, true) print(msg..'ON\n ') end end toggleBreath()

切换车辆召唤模式 summonMode = not summonMode; if summonMode then Game.GetVehicleSystem():ToggleSummonMode() print(" - TOGGLE VEHICLE SUMMON MODE: ON \n ") else Game.GetVehicleSystem():ToggleSummonMode() print(" - TOGGLE VEHICLE SUMMON MODE: OFF \n ") end

切换自动保存 autosave = function() GameOptions.Toggle("SaveConfig", "AutoSaveEnabled") if GameOptions.GetBool("SaveConfig", "AutoSaveEnabled") == false then print(" - AUTOSAVE: OFF \n ") else print(" - AUTOSAVE: ON \n ") end end autosave()

切换UI SSystem = Game.GetSettingsSystem() hud = SSystem:GetGroup('/interface/hud') new = not hud:GetVar('healthbar'):GetValue() for _, var in ipairs(hud:GetVars(false)) do var:SetValue(new) end if hud:GetVar('healthbar'):GetValue() == false then print(" - HUD: OFF") else print(" - HUD: ON") end;

切换荒坂UI SSystem = Game.GetSettingsSystem() QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem() hud = SSystem:GetGroup('/interface/hud') On,Off = " - ARASAKA HUD: ON"," - ARASAKA HUD: OFF" new = not new; hud:GetVar('healthbar'):GetValue() for _, var in ipairs(hud:GetVars(false)) do var:SetValue(new) end if hud:GetVar('healthbar'):GetValue() == false and Game.GetQuestsSystem():GetFactStr("q000_var_arasaka_ui_on") == 0 then QS:SetFactStr("q000_var_arasaka_ui_on", 1) print(On) else QS:SetFactStr("q000_var_arasaka_ui_on", 0) print(Off) end

切换字幕 SS_SUB = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetVar("/audio/subtitles", "Cinematic") if SS_SUB:GetValue() == true then SS_SUB:SetValue(false) print("- SUBTITLES :OFF") else SS_SUB:SetValue(true) print(" - SUBTITLES :ON") end


性偶动画(双倍时间) Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("prostitutes_play_all_anims", 1) --Game.SetDebugFact("prostitutes_play_all_anims", 1)


查看当前所有角色关系状态(在控制台显示) local function checkAllRomances() local function CheckRelat(rel_ID) print('\tFact "'..rel_ID..'" : '..Game.GetQuestsSystem():GetFactStr(rel_ID)) end print(' \n- JUDY RELATIONSHIP STATUS') for i, v in next, {'judy_romanceable', 'sq030_judy_lover', 'judy_relationship'} do CheckRelat(v) end print(' \n- PANAM RELATIONSHIP STATUS') for i, v in next, {'panam_romanceable', 'sq027_panam_lover', 'panam_relationship'} do CheckRelat(v) end print(' \n- RIVER RELATIONSHIP STATUS') for i, v in next, {'river_romanceable', 'sq029_river_lover', 'river_relationship'} do CheckRelat(v) end print(' \n- KERRY RELATIONSHIP STATUS') for i, v in next, {'kerry_romanceable', 'sq028_kerry_lover', 'sq028_kerry_relationship'} do CheckRelat(v) end print('\n ') end checkAllRomances()

设置所有人状态为约会(未测试建议备份存档) local function allRomanceable() print('\n ') local Facts = {'judy_romanceable', 'river_romanceable', 'kerry_romanceable', 'panam_romanceable'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end for i, fct in next, Facts do if check(fct) == 1 then print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> Already Active.') else QS:SetFactStr(fct, 1) print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> ACTIVATED.') end end print('\n ') end allRomanceable()

删除所有角色关系状态 local function removeAllRelat() local allFacts = {'sq030_judy_lover', 'judy_relationship', 'sq027_panam_lover', 'panam_relationship', 'sq029_river_lover', 'river_relationship', 'sq028_kerry_lover', 'sq028_kerry_relationship'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end local function unset(fact) QS:SetFactStr(fact, 0) print('\tFact "'..fact..'" - DISABLED.') end for i, fct in next, allFacts do if check(fct) == 0 then print('\tFact "'..fct..'" - Already disabled.') else unset(fct) end end print('\n ') end removeAllRelat()

朱迪约会 local function setRomance() print('\n ') local Facts = {'judy_romanceable'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end for i, fct in next, Facts do if check(fct) == 1 then print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> Already Active.') else QS:SetFactStr(fct, 1) print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> ACTIVATED.') end end print('\n ') end setRomance()

朱迪约会加恋爱 local function setRelat() local romance = {'judy_romanceable', 'panam_romanceable', 'river_romanceable', 'kerry_romanceable'}; local judy = {'sq030_judy_lover', 'judy_relationship'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end local function set(fact, val) QS:SetFactStr(fact, val) end if check(judy[1]) == 1 and check(judy[2]) == 1 then print('\t[ END ] NO NEED TO ACTIVATE.\n ') return else set(romance[1], 1) for i, v in next, judy do print('\tSETTING : "'..v..'"') set(v, 1) end end print('\n ') end setRelat()

帕南约会 local function setRomance() print('\n ') local Facts = {'panam_romanceable'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end for i, fct in next, Facts do if check(fct) == 1 then print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> Already Active.') else QS:SetFactStr(fct, 1) print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> ACTIVATED.') end end print('\n ') end setRomance()

帕南约会加恋爱 local function setRelat() local romance ={'judy_romanceable', 'panam_romanceable', 'river_romanceable', 'kerry_romanceable'}; local panam = {'sq027_panam_lover', 'panam_relationship'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end local function set(fact, val) QS:SetFactStr(fact, val) end if check(panam[1]) == 1 and check(panam[2]) == 1 then print('\t[ END ] NO NEED TO ACTIVATE.\n ') return else set(romance[2], 1) for i, v in next, panam do print('\tSETTING : "'..v..'"') set(v, 1) end end print('\n ') end setRelat()

瑞弗约会 local function setRomance() print('\n ') local Facts = {'river_romanceable'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end for i, fct in next, Facts do if check(fct) == 1 then print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> Already Active.') else QS:SetFactStr(fct, 1) print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> ACTIVATED.') end end print('\n ') end setRomance()

瑞弗约会加恋爱 local function setRelat() local romance ={'judy_romanceable', 'panam_romanceable', 'river_romanceable', 'kerry_romanceable'}; local river = {'sq029_river_lover', 'river_relationship'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end local function set(fact, val) QS:SetFactStr(fact, val) end if check(river[1]) == 1 and check(river[2]) == 1 then print('\t[ END ] NO NEED TO ACTIVATE.\n ') return else set(romance[3], 1) for i, v in next, river do print('\tSETTING : "'..v..'"') set(v, 1) end end print('\n ') end setRelat()

克里约会 local function setRomance() print('\n ') local Facts = {'kerry_romanceable'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end for i, fct in next, Facts do if check(fct) == 1 then print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> Already Active.') else QS:SetFactStr(fct, 1) print('\tFact "'..fct..'" -> ACTIVATED.') end end print('\n ') end setRomance()

克里约会加恋爱 local function setRelat() local romance ={'judy_romanceable', 'panam_romanceable', 'river_romanceable', 'kerry_romanceable'}; local kerry = {'sq028_kerry_lover', 'sq028_kerry_relationship'}; local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local function check(fact) return QS:GetFactStr(fact) end local function set(fact, val) QS:SetFactStr(fact, val) end if check(kerry[1]) == 1 and check(kerry[2]) == 1 then print('\t[ END ] NO NEED TO ACTIVATE.\n ') return else set(romance[4], 1) for i, v in next, kerry do print('\tSETTING : "'..v..'"') set(v, 1) end end print('\n ') end setRelat()



检查事实(控制台中的0或1) fact = '任务ID' print(Game.GetQuestsSystem():GetFactStr(fact))

结束禅修 for i, v in pairs { "drugs", "gore", "homosexuality", "nudity", "oversexualized", "religion", "suggestive" } do Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("chensorship_" .. v, 0) end print(" - CHENSORSHIP REMOVED: Drugs / Gore / Homosexuality / Nudity / Oversexualized / Suggestive / Religion") for i, v in pairs { "drugs", "gore", "homosexuality", "nudity", "oversexualized", "religion", "suggestive" } do print("chensorship_" ..v.. ": ", Game.GetQuestsSystem():GetFactStr("chensorship_" .. v)) end

四季宝为冷血模式 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("mq007_skippy_aim_at_head", 1)

四季宝为致残模式 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("mq007_skippy_aim_at_head", 0)

四季宝对主角友好 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("mq007_skippy_goes_emo", 0)

四季宝对主角敌对 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("mq007_skippy_goes_emo", 1)


解锁隐藏结局 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("sq032_johnny_friend", 1)

杰克死后留在车里 QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); function Jack(fact, v) QS:SetFactStr(fact, v) print(fact..": "..QS:GetFactStr(fact)) end; Jack("q005_jackie_to_hospital", 0) Jack("q005_jackie_to_mama", 0) Jack("q005_jackie_stay_notell", 1)

杰克死后送去老维处 QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); function Jack(fact, v) QS:SetFactStr(fact, v) print(fact..": "..QS:GetFactStr(fact)) end; Jack("q005_jackie_to_hospital", 1) Jack("q005_jackie_to_mama", 0) Jack("q005_jackie_stay_notell", 0)

杰克死后送回家里 QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); function Jack(fact, v) QS:SetFactStr(fact, v) print(fact..": "..QS:GetFactStr(fact)) end; Jack("q005_jackie_to_hospital", 0) Jack("q005_jackie_to_mama", 1) Jack("q005_jackie_stay_notell", 0)

指头哥友好状态 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("q105_fingers_dead", 0) Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("q105_fingers_beaten", 0)

指头哥存活 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("q105_fingers_dead", 0)

指头哥死亡 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("q105_fingers_dead", 1)

竹村存活 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("q112_takemura_dead", 0)

竹村死亡 Game.GetQuestsSystem():SetFactStr("q112_takemura_dead", 1)

孵化蜥蜴蛋 local function hatchTheEgg() local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local eggPlaced = 'mws_wat_02_egg_placed'; local eggHatched = 'mws_wat_02_iguana_hatched'; local endMsg = 'If you are at home (Megabuilding H10) go away and come back to see the iguana.'; if QS:GetFactStr(eggPlaced) == 0 then QS:SetFactStr(eggPlaced, 1) print(' \n\tSetting Fact : "'..eggPlaced..'" (required)') end if QS:GetFactStr(eggHatched) == 0 then QS:SetFactStr(eggHatched, 1) print(' \n\tSetting Fact : "'..eggHatched..'" \n\t'..endMsg..'\n ') else print(' \n\tNo need to activate, the iguana egg has already hatched.\n\t'..endMsg..'\n ') end end hatchTheEgg()

设置V身份为街头小子(需存档再读档) local newPath = 'StreetKid'; local function changePath(path) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(P):GetDevelopmentData(P); local curLifePath = DS:GetLifePath().value; local lifePaths = {'StreetKid', 'Corporate', 'Nomad'}; local pathFacts = {'q000_street_kid_background', 'q000_corpo_background', 'q000_nomad_background'}; if curLifePath == path then print(' \n\tNo need to set '..path..' Life Path.\n ') return end if path == lifePaths[1] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[1], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[1]) elseif path == lifePaths[2] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[2], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[2]) elseif path == lifePaths[3] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[3], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[3]) end print(' \n\tLife path set to : '..path..'.\n ') end changePath(newPath)

设置V身份为公司员工(需存档再读档) local newPath = 'Corporate'; local function changePath(path) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(P):GetDevelopmentData(P); local curLifePath = DS:GetLifePath().value; local lifePaths = {'StreetKid', 'Corporate', 'Nomad'}; local pathFacts = {'q000_street_kid_background', 'q000_corpo_background', 'q000_nomad_background'}; if curLifePath == path then print(' \n\tNo need to set '..path..' Life Path.\n ') return end if path == lifePaths[1] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[1], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[1]) elseif path == lifePaths[2] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[2], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[2]) elseif path == lifePaths[3] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[3], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[3]) end print(' \n\tLife path set to : '..path..'.\n ') end changePath(newPath)

设置V身份为流浪者(需存档再读档) local newPath = 'Nomad'; local function changePath(path) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local DS = PlayerDevelopmentSystem.GetInstance(P):GetDevelopmentData(P); local curLifePath = DS:GetLifePath().value; local lifePaths = {'StreetKid', 'Corporate', 'Nomad'}; local pathFacts = {'q000_street_kid_background', 'q000_corpo_background', 'q000_nomad_background'}; if curLifePath == path then print(' \n\tNo need to set '..path..' Life Path.\n ') return end if path == lifePaths[1] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[1], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[1]) elseif path == lifePaths[2] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[2], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[2]) elseif path == lifePaths[3] then for i, p in next, pathFacts do QS:SetFactStr(p, 0) end QS:SetFactStr(pathFacts[3], 1) DS:SetLifePath('LifePaths.'..lifePaths[3]) end print(' \n\tLife path set to : '..path..'.\n ') end changePath(newPath)

启用亚马逊空投事件 local QS = Game.GetQuestsSystem(); local drops = {'warden', 'ajax', 'crusher', 'kyubi', 'grit', 'nekomata'}; for _, weapon in next, drops do local fact = weapon .. '_amazon_airdropped'; if QS:GetFactStr(fact) == 1 then print('\t[ '..weapon..' ] Airdrop event already completed or Enabled.') else print('\t[ '..weapon..' ] Airdrop event Enabled.') QS:SetFactStr(fact, 1) end end


取消装备内搭(旧) function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('UnderwearTop', 0)

取消装备外搭(旧) function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('UnderwearBottom', 0)

取消装备头部 function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('Head', 0)

取消装备面部 function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('Face', 0)

取消装备内搭 function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('InnerChest', 0)

取消装备外搭 function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('OuterChest', 0)

取消装备裤子 function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('Legs', 0)

取消装备鞋子 function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('Feet', 0)

取消装备套装 function forceUnequipSlot(equipArea, slot) local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local ES = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get('EquipmentSystem'); local PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); local areaIndex = PD:GetEquipAreaIndex(gamedataEquipmentArea[equipArea]); local forceRemove = true; PD:UnequipItem(areaIndex, slot, forceRemove) end forceUnequipSlot('Outfit', 0)


获取所有成就ID与解锁要求 AchievRecs = TweakDB:GetRecords("gamedataAchievement_Record"); for i, record in ipairs(AchievRecs) do local AchieveDispName = Game.GetLocalizedText(record:DisplayName().value); local AchieveID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(record:GetID()); local AchieveUnlockReq = Game.GetLocalizedText(recordocalizedDescription()); print("\t - ACHIEMEVEMENT : "..AchieveDispName.." \n\t\t\tID\t->\t"..AchieveID.." \n\t\t\tUnlock Requirements\t->\t"..AchieveUnlockReq.."\n ") end print(" \n ")

解锁单个成就(注意把ID的Achievements.这个前缀删掉) Achievement = "把成就ID替换到引号内"; AchievRecord = TweakDB:GetRecord("Achievements."..Achievement); AS = Game.GetAchievementSystem(); platf = AS:GetServiceName(); if AchievRecord then AchievName = Game.GetLocalizedText(AchievRecord:DisplayName().value); AS:SetAchievementProgress(AchievRecord, 100) AS:UnlockAchievement(AchievRecord) print(' \n\t - UNLOCKED : "'..AchievName..'" ( '..platf..' Platform ) \n ') else print(' \n\t - Achievement NOT FOUND.\n\t - You can Find Achievements with "GET ALL ACHIEVEMENTS INFO" script.\n ') end

解锁所有成就 AS = Game.GetAchievementSystem(); platf = AS:GetServiceName(); AchievRecs = TweakDB:GetRecords("gamedataAchievement_Record"); for i, record in ipairs(AchievRecs) do AchievName = Game.GetLocalizedText(record:DisplayName().value); AS:SetAchievementProgress(record, 100) AS:UnlockAchievement(record) print("\t - UNLOCKED : "..AchievName) end print(" \n\t - ALL ACHIEMEVEMENTS UNLOCKED ("..platf.." platform) \n\t This has NOT been deeply tested. \n ")


设置语言波兰语 settings = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetRootGroup():GetGroups(true) lang_settings = settings[6]:GetVars(true) ui_lang = lang_settings[3] ui_lang:SetIndex(0) Game.GetSettingsSystem():ConfirmChanges()

设置语言英语 settings = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetRootGroup():GetGroups(true) lang_settings = settings[6]:GetVars(true) ui_lang = lang_settings[3] ui_lang:SetIndex(1) Game.GetSettingsSystem():ConfirmChanges()

设置语言西班牙语 settings = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetRootGroup():GetGroups(true) lang_settings = settings[6]:GetVars(true) ui_lang = lang_settings[3] ui_lang:SetIndex(2) Game.GetSettingsSystem():ConfirmChanges()

设置语言法语 settings = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetRootGroup():GetGroups(true) lang_settings = settings[6]:GetVars(true) ui_lang = lang_settings[3] ui_lang:SetIndex(3) Game.GetSettingsSystem():ConfirmChanges()

设置语言意大利语 settings = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetRootGroup():GetGroups(true) lang_settings = settings[6]:GetVars(true) ui_lang = lang_settings[3] ui_lang:SetIndex(4) Game.GetSettingsSystem():ConfirmChanges()

设置语言德语 settings = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetRootGroup():GetGroups(true) lang_settings = settings[6]:GetVars(true) ui_lang = lang_settings[3] ui_lang:SetIndex(5) Game.GetSettingsSystem():ConfirmChanges()

设置语言日语 settings = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetRootGroup():GetGroups(true) lang_settings = settings[6]:GetVars(true) ui_lang = lang_settings[3] ui_lang:SetIndex(11) Game.GetSettingsSystem():ConfirmChanges()

设置语言简体中文 settings = Game.GetSettingsSystem():GetRootGroup():GetGroups(true) lang_settings = settings[6]:GetVars(true) ui_lang = lang_settings[3] ui_lang:SetIndex(8) Game.GetSettingsSystem():ConfirmChanges()

切换游戏暂停状态 local SRH = GetSingleton('inkMenuScenario'):GetSystemRequestsHandler(); if SRH:IsGamePaused() == false then SRHauseGame() print(" \n\t- GAME PAUSED\n ") else SRH:UnpauseGame() print(" \n\t- GAME RESUMED\n ") end

开启自动保存 GameOptions.SetBool("SaveConfig", "AutoSaveEnabled", true)

关闭自动保存 GameOptions.SetBool("SaveConfig", "AutoSaveEnabled", false)

加载最近的检查点 local RequestsHandler = Game.GetSystemRequestsHandler(); RequestsHandleroadLastCheckpoint(true)

从背包中移除所有物品(旧) clear = function() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local currWeight = P.curInventoryWeight; local equip = function(id) RPGManager.ForceEquipItemOnPlayer(P, id, true) end Game.GetTransactionSystem():RemoveAllItems(P) P:UpdateInventoryWeight(-currWeight) P:EvaluateEncumbrance() equip("Items.AdvancedMilitechParalineMKICommon") equip("Items.CharacterCustomizationArms") equip("Items.w_melee_004__fists_a") end clear()

循环游戏难度 local SDS = Game.GetStatsDataSystem() local curDiff = SDS:GetDifficulty().value; local changed = '\t- GAME DIFFICULTY SETTED TO : '; print(' \n\t- CURRENT DIFFICULTY : '..curDiff) if curDiff == 'Story' then SDS:SetDifficulty(gameDifficulty.Easy) print(changed..'Easy\n ') elseif curDiff == 'Easy' then SDS:SetDifficulty(gameDifficulty.Hard) print(changed..'Hard\n ') elseif curDiff == 'Hard' then SDS:SetDifficulty(gameDifficulty.VeryHard) print(changed..'VeryHard\n ') elseif curDiff == 'VeryHard' then SDS:SetDifficulty(gameDifficulty.Story) print(changed..'Story\n ') end

装备特定物品 id = "把ID替换到引号内"; RPGManager.ForceEquipItemOnPlayer(GetPlayer(), id, true)

游戏内消息 local MSG = SimpleScreenMessage.new() MSG.message = 'Hello World' MSG.isShown = true MSG.duration = 8.00 Game.GetBlackboardSystem():Get(GetAllBlackboardDefs().UI_Notifications):SetVariant(GetAllBlackboardDefs().UI_Notifications.OnscreenMessage, ToVariant(MSG), true)

游戏内碎片消息 head = "This is a title"; body = "This is a message.\n"; Game.GetUISystem()ueueEvent(NotifyShardRead.new({title = head, text = body}))

游戏内警报消息 PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Hello world", 10.0)

游戏内中立消息 Text = "Hello world"; Game.GetPlayer():SetWarningMessage(Text, gameSimpleMessageType.Neutral)

游戏内Relic消息 Text = "Hello world"; Game.GetPlayer():SetWarningMessage(Text, gameSimpleMessageType.Relic)

游戏内金钱信息 Text = "Hello world"; Game.GetPlayer():SetWarningMessage(Text, "Money")

获取当前坐标 function getPosRot() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local Pos = P:GetWorldPosition(); local Rot = string.format('%i', P:GetWorldYaw()); local X, Y, Z = string.format('%f', Pos.x), string.format('%f', Pos.y), string.format('%f', Pos.z); print('{x = '..X..', y = '..Y..', z = '..Z..', rot = '..Rot..'}\n ') end getPosRot()

获取当前变焦/FOV cam = Game.GetPlayer():GetFPPCameraComponent() fov = cam:GetFOV() zoom = cam:GetZoom() print("Current FOV:", fov) print("Current Zoom:", zoom)

获取游戏时间 local TSGT = Game.GetTimeSystem():GetGameTime(); local h = GameTime.Hours(TSGT); local m = GameTime.Minutes(TSGT); local s = GameTime.Seconds(TSGT); print(' \n\t'..h..' : '..m..' : '..s..'\t( Hours / Minutes / Seconds )\n ')

获取当前游戏版本 print(" \n\tCurrent version : "..gameGameVersion.Current.value.."\n ")

获取玩家当前活跃的效果 local function getAppliedEffects() local PID = Game.GetPlayer():GetEntityID(); local EF = Game.GetStatusEffectSystem(); local effects = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataStatusEffect_Record'); local restrictions = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataGameplayRestrictionStatusEffect_Record'); for i, v in next, effects do local effID = v:GetID(); if EF:HasStatusEffect(PID, effID) then print('\tFound Effect : '..TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(effID)) end end for i, v in next, restrictions do local effID = v:GetID(); if EF:HasStatusEffect(PID, effID) then print('\tFound Restriction : '..TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(effID)) end end print('\n ') end getAppliedEffects()

获取玩家当前活跃的效果标签 local EF = Game.GetStatusEffectSystem():GetAppliedEffects(GetPlayer():GetEntityID()) if EF then for i, effect in ipairs(EF) do local Tags = effect:GetRecord():GameplayTags() if Tags then for ii = 1, #Tags do print("\t"..Tags[ii].value) end end end end

通过关键字搜索获取统计记录与注释 Keyword = "Stamina"; records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataStat_Record'); print("\n ") for _, record in ipairs(records) do local stat = tostring(record:EnumName()); if string.find(stat, Keyword) then print(" - \""..stat.."\"\t-\t"..tostring(record:EnumComment())) end end print("\n ")

通过关键字获取玩家统计信息值 StatType = "Stamina"; value = Game.GetStatsSystem():GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), StatType); print(" \n"..StatType.."\t( "..TweakDB:GetFlat("BaseStats."..StatType..".enumComment").." ) \n\tValue : "..value .."\t( float: "..string.format("%f", value).." )\n ")

通过关键字搜索获取统计记录 Keyword = "Stamina"; records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataStat_Record') for _, record in ipairs(records) do local stat = tostring(record:EnumName()); local val = Game.GetStatsSystem():GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), stat) if string.find(stat, Keyword) then print(" - \""..stat.."\"\t-\t"..tostring(record:EnumComment())) print("\t\tPlayer Current Value: " ..string.format("%f", val)) end end

获取玩家所有统计信息值 records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataStat_Record') for _, record in ipairs(records) do local stat = tostring(record:EnumName()); local val = Game.GetStatsSystem():GetStatValue(GetPlayer():GetEntityID(), stat) print(" - ", stat) print("Player Current Value: " ..string.format("%f", val)) print("-------------------------------") end

获取装备武器修正值 Area = "WeaEquipmentArea"; Slots = {}; Slots.WeaEquipmentArea = { Weapon = 3 }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SSC = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); ES = SSC:Get('EquipmentSystem'); PD = ES:GetPlayerData(P); PD['GetItemInEquipSlot2'] = PD['GetItemInEquipSlot;gamedataEquipmentAreaInt32']; for k,v in pairs(Slots[Area]) do for i=1,v do ID = PD:GetItemInEquipSlot2(k, i - 1); if ID.tdbid.hash ~= 0 then itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, ID); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(ID.tdbid..'.displayName')); itemTDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(ID.tdbid); WPStats = {'PowerLevel','ItemLevel', 'Quality', 'IsItemPlus','ItemPlusDPS', 'AttacksPerSecond', 'AttacksPerSecondBase', 'BaseChargeTime', 'BaseDamage', 'BaseDamageMax', 'BaseDamageMin', 'BonusDPS', 'BonusRecoilKick', 'CycleTime', 'CycleTimeAimBlockDuration', 'CycleTimeAimBlockStart', 'CycleTimeBase', 'CycleTimeBonus', 'CycleTimeDPSComponent', 'CycleTimeShootingMult', 'CycleTimeShootingMultPeriod', 'CycleTime_Burst', 'CycleTime_BurstMaxCharge', 'CycleTime_BurstSecondary', 'CycleTriggerModeTime', 'ClipTimesCycle', 'ClipTimesCycleBase', 'ClipTimesCyclePlusReload', 'ClipTimesCyclePlusReloadBase', 'Range', 'EffectiveRange', 'EffectiveRangeBonus', 'MaximumRange', 'EmptyReloadEndTime', 'EmptyReloadTime', 'MagazineCapacity', 'MagazineCapacityBase', 'MagazineCapacityBonus', 'MagazineCapacityDPSComponent', 'RecoilAnimation', 'RecoilDir', 'RecoilDriftRandomRangeMax', 'RecoilDriftRandomRangeMin', 'RecoilHoldDuration', 'RecoilKickMax', 'RecoilKickMin', 'RecoilMaxLength', 'ReloadEndTime', 'ReloadEndTimeBase', 'ReloadSpeedPercentBonus', 'ReloadSpeedPercentBonusModifierHelper', 'ReloadTime', 'ReloadTimeBase', 'ReloadTimeBonus', 'ReloadTimeDPSComponent', 'StaminaAimingCost', 'StaminaCostReduction', 'StaminaCostToBlock', 'StaminaDamage', 'StaminaDecayDelayOnChange', 'StaminaDecayEnabled', 'StaminaDecayEndThrehold', 'StaminaDecayRate', 'StaminaDecayStartDelay', 'StaminaDecayStartThreshold', 'StaminaRatio', 'StaminaRegenDelayOnChange', 'StaminaRegenEnabled', 'StaminaRegenEndThrehold', 'StaminaRegenRate', 'StaminaRegenRateAdd', 'StaminaRegenRateBase', 'StaminaRegenRateMult', 'StaminaRegenStartDelay', 'StaminaRegenStartThreshold', 'Sway', 'SwayCenterMaximumAngleOffset', 'SwayCurvatureMaximumFactor', 'SwayCurvatureM(红色部分删除后使用)inimumFactor', 'SwayInitialOffsetRandomFactor', 'SwayResetOnAimStart', 'SwaySideBottomAngleLimit', 'SwaySideMaximumAngleDistance', 'SwaySideMinimumAngleDistance', 'SwaySideStepChangeMaximumFactor', 'SwaySideStepChangeMinimumFactor', 'SwaySideTopAngleLimit', 'SwayStartBlendTime', 'SwayStartDelay', 'SwayTraversalTime'}; if itemdata:HasTag('Weapon') then print(' \n\t[ Weapon Slot '..i..' ] '..itemName.. '\t( "'..itemTDBID..'" )') for v,Stat in next, WPStats do local MinVal = string.format('%i', TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..Stat..'.min')); local MaxVal = string.format('%i', TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..Stat..'.max')); local enumComment = TweakDB:GetFlat('BaseStats.'..Stat..'.enumComment'); itemStat = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, Stat); print('\t\t'..string.format('%f', itemStat)..'\t->\t'..Stat..' ( Min: '..MinVal..' / Max: '..MaxVal..' )'..' - EnumComment : '..enumComment) end print('END.\n ') end end end end

获取游戏内物品名称 print(Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey('ITEM_ID_HERE.displayName')))

获取游戏内物品描述 print(Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey('ITEM_ID_HERE.localizedDescription')))

获取游戏内物品的类名 local ents = Game.GetEntityList(); for i, v in ipairs(ents) do local name = v:GetClassName().value; print('\tFound class : '..name) end

获取插槽中物品的TweakDBID area = "Weapon"; slot = 1; itemInSlot = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get("EquipmentSystem").GetItemsInArea(Game.GetPlayer(), gamedataEquipmentArea[area]); print(' \n\tID found in '..area..' Slot '..slot..':\n\t"'..TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(itemInSlot[slot]:GetTDBID())..'" \n ')

获取每个插槽中物品的TweakDBID areaEnum = { "Weapon", "Head", "Face", "OuterChest", "InnerChest", "Legs", "Feet", "Outfit", "AbilityCW", "BaseFists", "Consumable", "CyberwareWheel", "Gadget", "PersonalLink", "PlayerTattoo", "QuickSlot", "RightArm", "SilverhandArm", "Splinter", "UnderwearBottom", "UnderwearTop", "VDefaultHandgun", "WeaponHeavy", "WeaponWheel", }; null = ""; print(" \n") getSlots = function() for i,name in next, areaEnum do area = gamedataEquipmentArea[name]; slots = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get("EquipmentSystem").GetItemsInArea(Game.GetPlayer(), area); slotTweakID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(slots[1]:GetTDBID()) if not slots or not slotTweakID then return else if name == "Weapon" then for i,n in next, {1,2,3} do weapSlotID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(slots[n]:GetTDBID()); if weapSlotID == null then print(name..' [slot '..n..'] : ') else print(name..' [slot '..n..'] : "'..weapSlotID..'"') end end end if slotTweakID == null then print(name..': ') else print(name..': "'..slotTweakID..'"') end end end end getSlots()


获取每个插槽中义体的TweakDBID areaEnum = {"FrontalCortexCW","ArmsCW","MusculoskeletalSystemCW","NervousSystemCW","IntegumentarySystemCW","SystemReplacementCW","EyesCW","HandsCW","CardiovascularSystemCW","LegsCW"}; null = ""; for i,name in next, areaEnum do area = gamedataEquipmentArea[name]; slots = Game.GetScriptableSystemsContainer():Get("EquipmentSystem").GetItemsInArea(Game.GetPlayer(), area); slotTweakID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(slots[1]:GetTDBID()) if not slots or not slotTweakID then return else if name == "FrontalCortexCW" or name == "MusculoskeletalSystemCW" or name == "NervousSystemCW" or name == "IntegumentarySystemCW" or name == "CardiovascularSystemCW" then for i,n in next, {1,2,3} do if slots[n] then tempSlotID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(slots[n]:GetTDBID()); if tempSlotID == null then print(name..' [slot '..n..'] : < NOTHING FOUND >') else print(name..' [slot '..n..'] : "'..tempSlotID..'"') end end end elseif name == "HandsCW" then for i,n in next, {1,2} do if slots[n] then tempSlotID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(slots[n]:GetTDBID()); if tempSlotID == null then print(name..' [slot '..n..'] : < NOTHING FOUND >') else print(name..' [slot '..n..'] : "'..tempSlotID..'"') end end end else if slotTweakID == null then print(name..': < NOTHING FOUND >') else print(name..': "'..slotTweakID..'"') end end end end print(" \n")

获取背包中组件的TweakDBID function getIDs() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); local INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do local itemID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(v:GetID().id); local itemName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(itemID..'.displayName')); local quantity = TS:GetItemQuantity(P, v:GetID()); if itemName == '' then itemName = '< no name >'; end print('\t- Found\t->\t'..quantity..' x '..itemName..'\t( ItemID : "'..itemID..'" )') end end getIDs()

获取背包中物品的TweakDBID targetType = "ALL"; itemType = {}; itemType.ALL = { Prt_AR_SMG_LMGMod = true, Prt_BladeMod = true, Prt_BluntMod = true, Prt_BootsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Capacitor = true, Prt_FabricEnhancer = true, Prt_FaceFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_Fragment = true, Prt_HandgunMod = true, Prt_HandgunMuzzle = true, Prt_HeadFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_LongScope = true, Prt_Magazine = true, Prt_MeleeMod = true, Prt_Mod = true, Prt_Muzzle = true, Prt_OuterTorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PantsFabricEnhancer = true, Prt_PowerMod = true, Prt_PowerSniperScope = true,Prt_Precision_Sniper_RifleMod = true, Prt_Program = true, Prt_RangedMod = true, Prt_Receiver = true, Prt_RifleMuzzle = true, Prt_Scope = true, Prt_ScopeRail = true, Prt_ShortScope = true, Prt_ShotgunMod = true, Prt_SmartMod = true, Prt_Stock = true, Prt_TargetingSystem = true, Prt_TechMod = true, Prt_TechSniperScope = true, Prt_ThrowableMod = true, Prt_TorsoFabricEnhancer = true, Wea_AssaultRifle = true, Wea_Axe = true, Wea_Chainsword = true, Wea_Fists = true, Wea_GrenadeLauncher = true, Wea_Hammer = true, Wea_Handgun = true, Wea_HeavyMachineGun = true, Wea_Katana = true, Wea_Knife = true, Wea_LightMachineGun = true, Wea_LongBlade = true, Wea_Machete = true, Wea_Melee = true, Wea_OneHandedClub = true, Wea_PrecisionRifle = true, Wea_Revolver = true, Wea_Rifle = true, Wea_ShortBlade = true, Wea_Shotgun = true, Wea_ShotgunDual = true, Wea_SniperRifle = true, Wea_SubmachineGun = true, Wea_Sword = true, Wea_TwoHandedClub = true, Clo_Face = true, Clo_Feet = true, Clo_Head = true, Clo_InnerChest = true, Clo_Legs = true, Clo_OuterChest = true, Clo_Outfit = true, Cyb_Launcher = true, Cyb_MantisBlades = true, Cyb_NanoWires = true, Cyb_StrongArms = true, Cyb_Ability = true, Cyberware = true }; P = Game.GetPlayer(); SS = Game.GetStatsSystem(); TS = Game.GetTransactionSystem(); INV = {TS:GetItemList(P)}; for i, v in ipairs(INV[2]) do iID = v:GetID(); itemdata = TS:GetItemData(P, v:GetID()); SOID = itemdata:GetStatsObjectID(); IDT = itemdata:GetItemType().value; vType = Game['gameRPGManager::GetItemType;ItemID'](iID); newTargetType = itemType[targetType]; itemtwdbid = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(iID:GetTDBID()) local PlayerPowerLevel = SS:GetStatValue(P:GetEntityID(), 'PowerLevel'); local ItemLevel = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemLevel'); local ItemPowerLevel = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'PowerLevel'); local ItemQuality = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'Quality'); local ItemPlusLevel = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'IsItemPlus'); local ItemPlusDPS = SS:GetStatValue(SOID, 'ItemPlusDPS'); if not string.find(IDT, "Fists") then if newTargetType[IDT] then print(' --- PLAYER POWER LEVEL: ' ..PlayerPowerLevel) print(' - ITEM: ', Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(iID.id..'.displayName'))..' - ID: "'..TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(iID:GetTDBID())..'"' ) print(' - ITEM TYPE: '..IDT) print(' - ITEM QUALITY: ' ..ItemQuality) if string.find(IDT, "Wea_") or string.find(IDT, "Prt_") or string.find(IDT, "Cyb") or string.find(IDT, "Clo_") then print(' - ITEM LEVEL: ' ..ItemLevel) print(' - ITEM POWER LEVEL: ' ..ItemPowerLevel) print(' - ITEM PLUS LEVEL: ' ..ItemPlusLevel) print(' - ITEM PLUS DPS: ' ..string.format('%f', ItemPlusDPS)) end print('-----------------------------------') end end end

使用标签关键字搜索获取记录 local TagKeyword = "Quest"; local records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataItem_Record'); for i, rec in next, records do local TDID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(rec:GetID()); Tags = TweakDB:GetFlat(TDID..'.tags'); if Tags then for k, tag in next, Tags do if tag.value == TagKeyword then print('\t\"'..TDID..'\"\t->\t'..tag.value) end end end end print('\n ')

获取游戏数据 records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataVehicle_Record') for _, record in ipairs(records) do print(TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(record:GetID())) end

获取游戏数据(加本地化名称,图标路径) num = 0; records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataItem_Record'); for _, record in ipairs(records) do if record:GetID() then num = num + 1; recTweakDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(record:GetID()); iconPath = record:IconPath(); recDisplName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(record:GetID() .. ".displayName")); print(num+1 ..'\tID: "'..recTweakDBID..'"\tdisplayName: '..recDisplName..'\tIconPath: '..iconPath) end end

获取游戏数据(加本地化名称,图标路径,装备区域) num = 0; records = TweakDB:GetRecords('gamedataItem_Record'); for _, record in ipairs(records) do if record:GetID() then num = num + 1; recTweakDBID = TDBID.ToStringDEBUG(record:GetID()); recDisplName = Game.GetLocalizedTextByKey(TDB.GetLocKey(record:GetID() .. ".displayName")); recQuality = recorduality():Type().value; recItemType = record:ItemType():Type().value; if not record:EquipArea() then print('\tID: "'..recTweakDBID..'"\tdisplayName: '..recDisplName..'\tQuality: '..recQuality..'\titemType: '..recItemType..'\tequipArea: null') else local recEquiArea = record:EquipArea():Type().value; print('\tID: "'..recTweakDBID..'"\tdisplayName: '..recDisplName..'\tQuality: '..recQuality..'\titemType: '..recItemType..'\tequipArea: '..recEquiArea) end end end print(" - FOUND "..num.." Ids.")

转储类型 T = Game.GetPlayer() D = Dump(T, false) print(D)

静态转储 T = DumpType("gameBlackboardSystem", false) print(T)

转储目标属性 object = Game.GetPlayer(); print(" \n ", "\t"..GameDump(object), " \n ")









 楼主| 发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层


装殖缩减 Game.AddToInventory("Items.CapacityBoosterLegendary",1)

军用科技篇章6型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.HauntedCyberdeck_Legendary",1)

网络监察网驱1型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNetwatchNetdriverMKLegendary",1)

军用科技斯安威斯坦”远地点“ Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSandevistanApogee",1)

军用科技斯安威斯坦”游隼“ Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSandevistanC4MK5",1)

军用科技狂暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBerserkC4MK5",1)

歧路司义眼石化鸡蛇 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Iconic_AdvancedKiroshiOpticsBareLegendary",1)

行为特征脸板 Game.AddToInventory("Items.MaskCW",1)

坚矛利盾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicGunStabilizerLegendary",1)

电磁回收 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicDischargeConnectorLegendary",1)

等距稳定 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicShockAbsorberLegendary",1)

团灭韧带 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicJenkinsTendonsLegendary",1)

几质丁壳 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicAdvancedChitonLegendary",1)

外周逆反 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicAdvancedProximityReducerLegendary",1)

长焦可视界面 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicAdvancedVisualCortexSupportLegendary",1)

肾上腺导引 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicAdvancedDetectorRushLegendary",1)

乖离排异 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicAdvancedReflexRecorderLegendary",1)

一拳开 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicAdvancedT1000Legendary",1)

量子调谐 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedTimeBankLegendary",1)

皮下变色 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicAdvancedSubdermalCoProcessorLegendary",1)

COX-2赛博生体优化 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicBioConductorsLegendary",1)

RAM配平 Game.AddToInventory("Items.IconicCamilloRamManagerLegendary",1)

暴恐机动队螳螂刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMaxTacMantisBladesLegendary",1)

剧毒螳螂刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMantisBladesChemicalLegendary",1)

放电螳螂刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMantisBladesElectricLegendary",1)

螳螂刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMantisBladesLegendary",1)

热能螳螂刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMantisBladesThermalLegendary",1)

剧毒单分子线 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNanoWiresChemicalLegendary",1)

放电单分子线 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNanoWiresElectricLegendary",1)

单分子线 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNanoWiresLegendary",1)

热能单分子线 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNanoWiresThermalLegendary",1)

剧毒弹射发射系统 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedProjectileLauncherChemicalLegendary",1)

电子弹射发射系统 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedProjectileLauncherElectricLegendary",1)

弹射发射系统 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedProjectileLauncherLegendary",1)

热能弹射发射系统 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedProjectileLauncherThermalLegendary",1)

剧毒大猩猩手臂 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedStrongArmsChemicalLegendary",1)

放电大猩猩手臂 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedStrongArmsElectricLegendary",1)

大猩猩手臂 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedStrongArmsLegendary",1)

热能大猩猩手臂 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedStrongArmsThermalLegendary",1)

军用科技平行线 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMilitechParalineMKVLegendary",1)

四相传电涟漪5型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedTetratronicRipplerMKVLegendary",1)

生物技术3型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBiotechSigmaMKIVLegendary",1)

乌鸦微控3型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedRavenMicrocyberMKIIILegendary",1)

荒板5型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedArasakaShadowMKVLegendary",1)

泽塔科技斯安威斯坦 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSandevistanC1MK4",1)

迪娜拉斯安威斯坦 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSandevistanC2MK4",1)

千替斯安威斯坦 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSandevistanC3MK5",1)

摩尔科技狂暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBerserkC1MK4",1)

生物动力狂暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBerserkC2MK4",1)

泽塔科技狂暴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBerserkC3MK5",1)

基础歧路司义眼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKiroshiOpticsBareLegendary",1)

歧路司义眼1型 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKiroshiOpticsLegendary",1)

歧路司义眼神舆 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKiroshiOpticsCombinedLegendary",1)

歧路司义眼祸兆 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKiroshiOpticsHunterLegendary",1)

歧路司义眼追猎 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKiroshiOpticsPiercingLegendary",1)

歧路司义眼警戒 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKiroshiOpticsSensorLegendary",1)

歧路司义眼千里目 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKiroshiOpticsWallhackLegendary",1)

智能连接 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSmartLinkLegendary",1)

弹道协同处理器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedPowerGripLegendary",1)

握柄固定套 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKnifeSharpenerLegendary",1)

微发电机 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMicroGeneratorLegendary",1)

省力减震 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedJointLockLegendary",1)

纹身虎爪帮 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedYakuzaTattooLegendary",1)

纹身永远在一起 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSilverhandTattoo",1)

纹身强尼特制 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedCasiusTattoo",1)

生物监测 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBiomonitorLegendary",1)

副心脏 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSecondHeartLegendary",1)

击杀治疗 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedHealOnKillLegendary",1)

黑曼巴 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedViralVenomLegendary",1)

风险归避 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedCatchMeIfYouCanLegendary",1)

活血泵 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBloodPumpLegendary",1)

持握衬垫 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedShockAbsorberLegendary",1)

反馈电路 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedDischargeConnectorLegendary",1)

肾上腺素增强件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedStaminaRegenBoosterLegendary",1)

微型转子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedCyberRotorsLegendary",1)

强化肌健 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBoostedTendonsLegendary",1)

猞猁爪 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedCatPawsLegendary",1)

火车王肌建 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedJenkinsTendonsLegendary",1)

踝部加固 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedReinforcedMusclesLegendary",1)

思想防线 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedCogitoFrameLegendary",1)

细胞适配 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedAdaptiveStemCellsLegendary",1)

皮下护甲 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBoringPlatingLegendary",1)

近接防盾 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedProximityReducerLegendary",1)

疼痛编辑器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedPainReductorLegendary",1)

疼痛置换 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBloodDepleterLegendary",1)

拒敌防护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedChargeSystemLegendary",1)

反制壳层 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSuddenAidLegendary",1)

震慑通电 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedElectroshockMechanismLegendary",1)

光学迷彩 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedOpticalCamoLegendary",1)

纳米镀层 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNanoTechPlatesLegendary",1)

全域覆盖 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedWeirdTankyPlatingLegendary",1)

克伦齐科夫回护 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedPlatingGlitchLegendary",1)

锥刺子 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedOilDispenserLegendary",1)

克伦齐科夫 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKerenzikovLegendary",1)

反应协调器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedReflexRecorderLegendary",1)

突触加速器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSynapticAcceleratorLegendary",1)

纳米纤维 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNeoFiberLegendary",1)

视觉皮质支持 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedVisualCortexSupportLegendary",1)

肾上腺素整流 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedDetectorRushLegendary",1)

瞬时感知 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedTroubleFinderLegendary",1)

酪氨酸注射器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedTyrosineInjectorLegendary",1)

死不鸟 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNeuroMatrixLegendary",1)

弹性关节 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedAgileJointsLegendary",1)

致密骨骼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedDenseMarrowLegendary",1)

再造骨骼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedEndoskeletonLegendary2",1)

RAM补偿 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedCompilingSkeletonLegendary",1)

清创凝合 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedNoPainNoGain_Legendary",1)

通用增强件 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedPainDistributorLegendary",1)

动能骨架 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBoneMarrowCellsLegendary",1)

仿生关节 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBionicJointsLegendary",1)

圣甲虫 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedRapidMuscleNurishLegendary",1)

百拳开 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedT1000Legendary",1)

钛金骨骼 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedTitaniumInfusedBonesLegendary",1)

生物导体 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedBioConductorsLegendary",1)

卡米略RAM管理器 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedCamilloRamManagerLegendary",1)

外接盘 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedExDiskLegendary",1)

克伦齐科夫增幅 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedKerenziovBoostSystemLegendary",1)

机电核心 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMechatronicCoreLegendary",1)

内存加强 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedMemoryBoostLegendary",1)

RAM升级 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedRamUpgradeLegendary",1)

自我ICE Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSelfIceLegendary",1)

蓄电缓冲 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSmartStorageLegendary",1)

牛顿模块 Game.AddToInventory("Items.AdvancedSubdermalCoProcessorLegendary",1)

螳螂刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.NPC_Mantis_Blades",1)

螳螂刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Troy_Mantis_Blades",1)

螳螂刀 Game.AddToInventory("Items.Oda_Mantis_Blades",1)

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